Department of Biological Sciences Faculty Publications | Department of Biological Sciences | Michigan Technological University
Explore a selection of works produced by faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences at Michigan Technological University.


Works from 2022


Contrasting Trophic Niche and Resource Use Dynamics Across Multiple American Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) Populations and Age Groups, Justin Bopp, Jill A. Olin, Matthew Sclafani, Bradley Peterson, Michael G. Frisk, and Robert M. Cerrato


The river flood pulse, benthic biofilm, and the nutrition of Prochilodus lineatus, Stephen H. Bowen


Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Using Drone-Enabled Multispectral Imagery Analysis, Colin Brooks, Amanda Grimm, Amy Marcarelli, Nicholas Marion, Robert Shuchman, and Michael Sayers


Pyrolysis-Aided Microbial Biodegradation of High-Density Polyethylene Plastic by Environmental Inocula Enrichment Cultures, Emma Byrne, Laura G. Schaerer, Daniel G. Kulas, Sharath Kumar Ankathi, Lindsay I. Putman, Kierstyn R. Codere, Simeon Schum, David Shonnard, and Stephen Techtmann


Geochemistry and Multiomics Data Differentiate Streams in Pennsylvania Based on Unconventional Oil and Gas Activity, Maria Fernanda Campa, Jeremy R. Chen See, Lavinia V. Unverdorben, Olivia G. Wright, Kimberly A. Roth, Jonathan M. Niles, Daniel Ressler, Ella M. Macatugal, Andrew D. Putt, Stephen Techtmann, Timothy L. Righetti, Terry C. Hazen, and Regina Lamendella


Can Second Coordination Sphere and Long-Range Interactions Modulate Hydrogen Atom Transfer in a Non-Heme Fe(II)-Dependent Histone Demethylase?, Shobhit Chaturvedi, Simahudeen Bathir Jaber Sathik Rifayee, Sodiq Waheed, Jon Wildey, Cait Warner, Christopher J. Schofield, Tatyana Karabencheva-Christova, and Christo Christov


Temporal variation of bacterial community and nutrients in Tibetan glacier snowpack, Yuying Chen, Keshao Liu, Yongqin Liu, Trista J. Vick‐Majors, Feng Wang, and Mukan Ji


Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization on Decomposing Cellulose in Riverine Ecosystems, David M. Costello, Scott D. Tiegs, Luz Boyero, Cristina Canhoto, Krista A. Capps, Michael Danger, Amy M. Marcarelli, and et. al.


Associations between large wood and streambed complexity in headwater streams in the western Upper Peninsula, Michigan, Brian M. Danhoff and Casey Huckins


Spatial Comparison of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Boardman River Following Impoundment Removal and Channel Restoration, Collin Diedrich, Brandon S. Gerig, and Gordon Paterson


Sustained stoichiometric imbalance and its ecological consequences in a large oligotrophic lake, James J. Elser, Shawn P. Devlin, Jinlei Yu, Adam Baumann, Matthew J. Church, John E. Dore, Robert O. Hall, Melody Hollar, Tyler Johnson, Trista J. Vick‐Majors, and Cassidy White


DREAM Interrupted: Severing LIN-35-MuvB association in Caenorhabditis elegans impairs DREAM function but not its chromatin localization, Paul Goetsch and Susan Strome


Particle retracking algorithm capable of quantifying large, local matrix deformation for traction force microscopy, Samuel E. Haarman, Sue Y. Kim, Tadamoto Isogai, Kevin M. Dean, and Sangyoon J. Han


Forging a new path for multi-cultural fishery management, J. Marty Holtgren and Nancy A. Auer


Simple models for cladoceran species interactions: how competition, predation, and evolutionary tradeoffs potentially influence coexistence of Bosminid species, W. Charles Kerfoot and Hinnerk Boriss


Plant cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins: an update on classification, nomenclature, evolution and resources, Ting Lan, Wei Xiong, Xuemei Chen, Beixin Mo, and Guiliang Tang


SK Channel Dysfunction in the Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Contributes to Sympathoexcitation in Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats, Robert Larson, Xinqian Chen, Mingjun Gu, Zhiying Shan, and Qinghui Chen


Transgenic overexpression of microRNA-30d in pancreatic beta-cells progressively regulates beta-cell function and identity, Yiping Mao, Jacob Schoenborn, Zhihong Wang, Xinqian Chen, Katy Matson, Ramkumar Mohan, Shungang Zhang, Xiaohu Tang, Anoop Arunagiri, Peter Arvan, and Xiaoqing Tang


Slow oscillations persist in pancreatic beta cells lacking phosphofructokinase M, Isabella Marinelli, Vishal Parekh, Patrick Fletcher, Benjamin Thompson, Jinhua Ren, Xiaoqing Tang, Thomas L. Saunders, Joon Ha, Arthur Sherman, Richard Bertram, and Leslie S. Satin


Butterfly eyespots evolved via cooption of an ancestral gene-regulatory network that also patterns antennae, legs, and wings, Suriya Narayanan Murugesan, Heidi Connahs, Yuji Matsuoka, Mainak Das Gupta, Galen J. Tiong, Manizah Huq, Thomas Werner, and et. al.


Phosphorus and Heavy Metals Removal from Stormwater Runoff Using Granulated Industrial Waste for Retrofitting Catch Basins, Viravid Na Nagara, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta


Removal of heavy metals from stormwater runoff using granulated drinking water treatment residuals, Viravid Na Nagara, Dibyendu Sarkar, Evert J. Elzinga, and Rupali Datta


Optimized Production of Second-Generation Bioethanol from a Spent C4 Grass: Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides), Sameer Neve, Dibyendu Sarkar, Zhiming Zhang, and Rupali Datta


High Daily and Year-Round Variability in Denitrification and Nitrogen Fixation in a Northern Temperate River, Kevin Nevorski and Amy M. Marcarelli


Understanding the Modus Operandi of Class II KNOX Transcription Factors in Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis, Akula Nookaraju, Shashank K. Pandey, Yogesh Ahlawat, and Chandrashekhar P. Joshi


Correlation of Phosphorus Adsorption with Chemical Properties of Aluminum-Based Drinking Water Treatment Residuals Collected from Various Parts of the United States, Roxana Rahmati, Virinder Sidhu, Rosita Nunez, Rupali Datta, and Dibyendu Sarkar


Mechanobiology in the Comorbidities of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Shaina P. Royer and Sangyoon J. Han


Assessing the arsenic-saturated biochar recycling potential of vermitechnology: Insights on nutrient recovery, metal benignity, and microbial activity, Shuvrodeb Roy, Dibyendu Sarkar, Rupali Datta, Satya Sundar Bhattacharya, and Pradip Bhattacharyya


Health Risk from Toxic Metals in Wild Rice Grown in Copper Mining-Impacted Sediments, Rohan Deep Sarkar, Zhiming Zhang, Manas Warke, and Rupali Datta


An updated nomenclature for plant ribosomal protein genes, M Regina Scarpin, Michael Busche, Ryan E. Martinez, Lisa C. Harper, Leonore Reiser, Dóra Szakonyi, Catharina Merchante, Ting Lan, Wei Xiong, Beixin Mo, Guiliang Tang, Xuemei Chen, Julia Bailey-Serres, Karen S. Browning, and Jacob O. Brunkard


An updated nomenclature for plant ribosomal protein genes, M Regina Scarpin, Michael Busche, Ryan E. Martinez, Lisa C. Harper, Leonore Reiser, Dóra Szakonyi, Guiliang Tang, and et. al.


Killing two birds with one stone: chemical and biological upcycling of polyethylene terephthalate plastics into food, Laura G. Schaerer, Ruochen Wu, Lindsay I. Putman, Joshua M. Pearce, Ting Lu, David Shonnard, Rebecca Ong, and Stephen Techtmann


Energetic consequences of resource use diversity in a marine carnivore, Oliver N. Shipley, Philip J. Manlick, Alisa L. Newton, Philip Matich, Merry Camhi, Robert M. Cerrato, Michael G. Frisk, Gregory A. Henkes, Jake S. LaBelle, Janet A. Nye, Hans Walters, Seth D. Newsome, and Jill A. Olin


Bulk and amino acid nitrogen isotopes suggest shifting nitrogen balance of pregnant sharks across gestation, Oliver N. Shipley, Jill A. Olin, John P. Whiteman, Dana M. Bethea, and Seth D. Newsome


Virucidal N95 Respirator Face Masks via Ultrathin Surface-Grafted Quaternary Ammonium Polymer Coatings, Mirco Sorci, Tanner D. Fink, Vaishali Sharma, Sneha Singh, Ruiwen Chen, Brigitte L. Arduini, Katharine Dovidenko, Caryn L. Heldt, Edmund F. Palermo, and R Helen Zha


The use of non-model Drosophila species to study natural variation in TOR pathway signaling, Tessa Steenwinkel, Kailee K. Hamre, and Thomas Werner


Draft Genome Sequencing of Three Glutaraldehyde-Tolerant Bacteria from Produced Water from Hydraulic Fracturing, Stephen Techtmann, Andrew L. Baldwin, Dotun Aluko, Justin Andersen, Cole Becker, Grace Chandler, Steve Forgrave, Madelyn Jones, Ina Klasner, Jared Martini, Noah Mason, Ryleigh Parsons, Nick Peterson, Erik Reynolds, and Lydia Schroeder


Mental Stress Pressor Response and Post-Stress Aortic Wave Reflection, Aditi Vyas, Grant Thivierge, Colleen A. Toorongian, Robert Larson, and John J. Durocher


Post-Exercise Arterial Stiffness Responses Are Similar After Acute Eccentric and Concentric Arm Cycling, Travis Wakeham, Dakota J. Anderson, Steven J. Elmer, and John J. Durocher


Do water and soil nutrient scarcities differentially impact the performance of diploid and tetraploid Solidago gigantea (Giant Goldenrod, Asteraceae)?, Angela Walczyk and Erika Hersch-Green


Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes with Amine-Incorporated Xanthene Platforms for the Detection of Hypoxia, Shulin Wan, Tara Vohs, Tessa Steenwinkel, Walter Reynolds White, Adrian Lara-Ramirez, Rudy Luck, Thomas Werner, Marina Tanasova, and Haiying Liu


In-vitro cell culture model to determine toxic effects of soil Arsenic due to direct dermal exposure, Manas Warke, Madeline English, Laura De Marchi, Rohan Deep Sarkar, Srinivas Kannan, Rupali Datta, and Smitha Rao


Human health risk mitigation from arsenic in rice by crop rotation with a hyperaccumulator plant, Manas Warke, Dibyendu Sarkar, Zhiming Zhang, Sameer Neve, and Rupali Datta


Contaminant Removal and Resource Recovery in Bioelectrochemical Wastewater Treatment, Zhiming Zhang, Dibyendu Sarkar, Liang Li, and Rupali Datta


Impact of EDDS Dosage on Lead Phytoextraction in Contaminated Urban Residential Soils, Zhiming Zhang, Dibyendu Sarkar, Virinder Sidhu, Manas Warke, and Rupali Datta

Works from 2021


Evaluation of Bioburden Requirements for Mars Missions, Joseph K. Alexander, Amanda R. Hendrix, Angel Abbud-Madrid, Anthony Colaprete, Michael J. Daly, David P. Fidler, Trista J. Vick‐Majors, and et. al.


Comparative study of the effects of biocides and metal oxide nanoparticles on microbial community structure in a stream impacted by hydraulic fracturing, Rehab Alhajjar, Ryan B. Ghannam, Jeremy R. Chen See, Olivia G. Wright, Maria Fernanda Campa, Terry C. Hazen, Regina Lamendella, and Stephen Techtmann


Abstract PO-001: HDAC6 inhibitors sensitize non-mesenchymal triple-negative breast cancer cells to cysteine deprivation, Tahiyat Alothaim, Morgan Charbonneau, and Xiaohu Tang


HDAC6 inhibitors sensitize non-mesenchymal triple-negative breast cancer cells to cysteine deprivation, Tahiyat Alothaim, Morgan Charbonneau, and Xiaohu Tang


Taxon-specific photosynthetic responses of attached algal assemblages to experimental translocation between river habitats, Keith Bouma-Gregson, Mary E. Power, Paula C. Furey, Casey Huckins, and Yvonne Vadeboncoeur


Digestion and Assimilation of Benthic Biofilm by the Sábalo, Prochilodus lineatus, Stephen H. Bowen


Temporal variation of crude and refined oil biodegradation rates and microbial community composition in freshwater systems, Emily R. Byrne, Kayley M. Roche, Laura G. Schaerer, and Stephen Techtmann


MicroRNA Techniques: Valuable Tools for Agronomic Trait Analyses and Breeding in Rice, Jiwei Chen, Sachin Teotia, Ting Lan, and Guiliang Tang


Abstract 3151: β Hydroxy β Methylbutyrate synergizes with cytotoxic chemotherapy and immunotherapy in a mouse model of pancreatic cancer, Michael F. Coleman, Kristyn A. Liu, Suhas K. Etigunta, Alex J. Pfeil, Xiaohu Tang, Salvador Fabela, and et. al.


β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate Supplementation Promotes Antitumor Immunity in an Obesity Responsive Mouse Model of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma, Michael F. Coleman, Kristyn A. Liu, Alexander J. Pfeil, Suhas K. Etigunta, Xiaohu Tang, Salvador Fabela, and et. al.


From Aedes to Zeugodacus: a review of dipteran body coloration studies regarding evolutionary developmental biology, pest control, and species discovery, William A. Dion, Tessa Steenwinkel, and Thomas Werner


Co-occurrence of in-stream nitrogen fixation and denitrification across a nitrogen gradient in a western U.S. watershed, 2015 - 2016, Erin K. Eberhard, Amy Marcarelli, and Colden V. Baxter


Exploring environmental selection on genome size in angiosperms, Lubna Faizullah, Joseph A. Morton, Erika Hersch-Green, Angela Walczyk, Andrew R. Leitch, and Ilia J. Leitch


Activation of Orexin System Stimulates CaMKII Expression, Yuanyuan Fan, Enshe Jiang, Huanjia Gao, Jeremy Bigalke, Bojun Chen, Chunxiu Yu, Qinghui Chen, and Zhiying Shan


DrosoPhyla: genomic resources for drosophilid phylogeny and systematics, Cédric Finet, Victoria A. Kassner, Antonio B. Carvalho, Henry Chung, Komal K. B. Raja, Thomas Werner, and et. al.


Rebuild the Academy: Supporting academic mothers during COVID-19 and beyond, Robinson W. Fulweiler, Sarah W. Davies, Jennifer F. Biddle, Amy J. Burgin, Emily H.G. Cooperdock, Torrance C. Hanley, Carly D. Kenkel, Amy Marcarelli, Catherine M. Matassa, Talea L. Mayo, Lory Z. Santiago-Vàzquez, Nikki Traylor-Knowles, and Maren Ziegler


Machine learning applications in microbial ecology, human microbiome studies, and environmental monitoring, Ryan B. Ghannam and Stephen Techtmann


Morning sympathetic activity after evening binge alcohol consumption, Ian M. Greenlund, Hannah Cunningham, Anne L. Tikkanen, Jeremy A. Bigalke, Carl Smoot, John J. Durocher, and Jason R. Carter


Open source vacuum oven design for low-temperature drying: Performance evaluation for recycled pet and biomass, Benjamin R. Hubbard, Lindsay I. Putman, Stephen Techtmann, and Joshua M. Pearce


Differential protein abundance of vetiver grass in response to acid mine drainage, Jeffrey Kiiskila, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta


Codon usage bias and dinucleotide preference in 29 Drosophila species, Prajakta P. Kokate, Stephen Techtmann, and Thomas Werner


Mechanism for the genomic and functional evolution of the MIR2118 family in the grass lineage, Ting Lan, Xiaoyu Yang, Jiwei Chen, Peng Tian, Lina Shi, Yu Yu, Lin Liu, Lei Gao, Beixin Mo, Xuemei Chen, and Guiliang Tang


DDR2 upregulation confers ferroptosis susceptibility of recurrent breast tumors through the Hippo pathway, Chao Chieh Lin, Wen Hsuan Yang, Yi Tzu Lin, Xiaohu Tang, Po-Han Chen, Chien-Kuang Cornelia Ding, and et al.


Fate of glacier surface snow-originating bacteria in the glacier-fed hydrologic continuums, Keshao Liu, Yongqin Liu, Anyi Hu, Feng Wang, Zhihao Zhang, Qi Yan, Mukan Ji, and Trista J. Vick‐Majors


A Cross-Ecoregion Evaluation of Nitrogen Fixation and Denitrification in Streams and Rivers of the United States of America, Amy Marcarelli, Erin K. Eberhard, Michelle Kelly, and Kevin Nevorski


Nitrogen fixation: A poorly understood process along the freshwater-marine continuum, Amy M. Marcarelli, Robinson W. Fulweiler, and J. Thad Scott


Nutrient limitation of algae and macrophytes in streams: Integrating laboratory bioassays, field experiments, and field data, Christopher A. Mebane, Andrew M. Ray, and Amy Marcarelli


High-Resolution, Highly-Integrated Traction Force Microscopy Software, Nikhil Mittal and Sangyoon J. Han


Butterfly eyespots evolved via co-option of the antennal gene-regulatory network, Suriya Narayanan Murugesan, Heidi Connahs, Yuji Matsuoka, Mainak das Gupta, Manizah Huq, Thomas Werner, and et. al.


Greening the gray infrastructure: Green adsorbent media for catch basin inserts to remove stormwater pollutants, Viravid Na Nagara, Dibyendu Sarkar, Kirk Barrett, and Rupali Datta


Health Risk Assessment of Exposure to Trace Elements from Drinking Black and Green Tea Marketed in Three Countries, Viravid Na Nagara, Dibyendu Sarkar, Qingzi Luo, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, and Rupali Datta


Removal of antibiotics and nutrients by vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) from a plug flow reactor based constructed wetland model, Saumik Panja, Dibyendu Sarkar, Zhiming Zhang, and Rupali Datta


Scientific access into Mercer Subglacial Lake: Scientific objectives, drilling operations and initial observations, John C. Priscu, Jonas Kalin, John Winans, Timothy Campbell, Matthew R. Siegfried, Mark Skidmore, Trista J. Vick‐Majors, and et. al.


Anticancer Activities of Plant Secondary Metabolites: Rice Callus Suspension Culture as a New Paradigm, Wusirika Ramakrishna, Anuradha Kumari, Nafeesa Rahman, and Pallavi Mandave


Regional variation in mercury bioaccumulation among NW Atlantic Golden (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) and Blueline (Caulolatilus microps) Tilefish, Hunter Roose, Gordon Paterson, Michael G. Frisk, Robert M. Cerrato, Paul Nitschke, and Jill A. Olin


The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation, Danielle L. Rupp, Louis J. Lamit, Stephen Techtmann, Evan Kane, Erik A. Lilleskov, and Merritt R. Turetsky


Mixed stock analysis of genetic compositions of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) mixtures in Lake Michigan: hierarchical spatial heterogeneity and evidence of improving recruitment in Wisconsin spawning populations, Kim T. Scribner, Travis O. Brenden, Robert Elliott, Michael Donofrio, Kristin Bott, Jeannette Kanefsy, Jared J. Homola, Iyob Tsehaye, James R. Bence, Edward Baker, and Nancy A. Auer


Evaluating the impact of hydraulic fracturing on streams using microbial molecular signatures, Jeremy R.Chen See, Olivia Wright, Lavinia V. Unverdorben, Nathan Heibeck, Stephen Techtmann, Terry C. Hazen, and Regina Lamendella


Rna in situ hybridization for detecting gene expression patterns in the abdomens and wings of drosophila species, Mujeeb Olushola Shittu, Tessa Steenwinkel, William Dion, Nathan Ostlund, Komal Raja, and Thomas Werner


Nitrate removal uncertainty in stormwater control measures: Is the design or climate a culprit?, Renan Valenca, Huong Le, Yeyang Zu, Timothy M. Dittrich, Daniel C.W. Tsang, Rupali Datta, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Sanjay K. Mohanty


A framework for transdisciplinary radiocarbon research: Use of natural-level and elevated-level 14c in antarctic field research, Ryan A. Venturelli, Trista J. Vick‐Majors, Billy Collins, Alan Gagnon, Kathy Kasic, Mark D. Kurz, Wei Li, John Priscu, Mark Roberts, and Brad E. Rosenheim


Effects of 8-week active mindfulness and stress management on decentering and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic, Aditi Vyas, Erich Petushek, Brigitte Morin, and John J. Durocher


microRNA-483 Protects Pancreatic β-Cells by Targeting ALDH1A3, Zhihong Wang, Ramkumar Mohan, Xinqian Chen, Katy Matson, Jackson Waugh, Yiping Mao, Shungang Zhang, Wanzhen Li, Xiaohu Tang, Leslie S. Satin, and Xiaoqing Tang


A ratiometric near-infrared fluorescent probe based on a novel reactive cyanine platform for mitochondrial pH detection, Shulin Wan, Shuai Xia, Jerry Medford, Emma Durocher, Tessa Steenwinkel, Lexi Rule, Yibin Zhang, Rudy Luck, Thomas Werner, and Haiying Liu


Free the Fruit Flies! An Open Education Journey, Thomas Werner, Tessa Steenwinkel, John Jaenike, and Annelise Doll


Novel expression of coat proteins from thermophilic bacteriophage ΦIN93 and evaluation for assembly into virus-like particles, Lukai Zhai, Dana Anderson, Elizabeth Bruckner, and Ebenezer Tumban


Ratiometric Detection of Glutathione Based on Disulfide Linkage Rupture between a FRET Coumarin Donor and a Rhodamine Acceptor, Yibin Zhang, Shuai Xia, Shulin Wan, Tessa Steenwinkel, Tara Vohs, Rudy Luck, Thomas Werner, and Haiying Liu


Adsorption of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) by aluminum-based drinking water treatment residuals, Zhiming Zhang, Dibyendu Sarkar, Rupali Datta, and Yang Deng

Works from 2020


Acetylation of Aβ42 at Lysine 16 Disrupts Amyloid Formation., Rashmi Adhikari, Mu Yang, Nabanita Saikia, Colina Dutta, Wafa Fhad A Alharbi, Zhiying Shan, Ravindra Pandey, and Ashutosh Tiwari


Planetary Protection for the Study of Lunar Volatiles, Joseph K. Alexander, Angel Abbud-Madrid, Anthony Colaprete, Michael J. Daly, David P. Fidler, Sarah A. Gavit, Trista J. Vick‐Majors, and et. al.


New insights into larval lake sturgeon daytime drift dynamics, Nancy A. Auer and Edward Baker


Bacteriophage Qβ virus-like particles displaying Chikungunya virus B-cell epitopes elicit high-titer E2 protein antibodies but fail to neutralize a Thailand strain of Chikungunya virus., Rupsa Basu, Lukai Zhai, Brenna Rosso, and Ebenezer Tumban


Is Arsenic in Rice a Major Human Health Concern?, Jayanta Kumar Biswas, Manas Warke, Rupali Datta, and Dibyendu Sarkar


Genetic data improves niche model discrimination and alters the direction and magnitude of climate change forecasts, Helen M. Bothwell, Luke M. Evans, Erika Hersch-Green, Scott A. Woolbright, Gerard J. Allan, and Thomas G. Whitham


Microbial Derived Short Chain Fatty-Acids and Autonomic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function, Jessica Bruning, Ryan B. Ghannam, Qing-Hui Chen, Zhiying Shan, Gregory Miodonski, Stephen Techtmann, and Andrew D. Chapp