Department of Biological Sciences Faculty Publications | Department of Biological Sciences | Michigan Technological University
Explore a selection of works produced by faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences at Michigan Technological University.


Works from 1993


Removal of dissolved organic carbon using granular activated carbon, John C. Crittenden, Kartik Vaitheeswaran, David W. Hand, Elaine W. Howe, E. Marco Aieta, Carol H. Tate, Michael J. McGuire, and Marshall K. Davis


Ecdysteroid Biosynthesis During the Ontogeny of Spinach Leaves, Robert J. Grebenok and John H. Adler


Film thickness measurement with an ultrasonic transducer, Qing Lu, N. V. Suryanarayana, and Christodoulous Christodoulu


Bioavailability of sorbed- and separate-phase chemicals, James R. Mihelcic, Donald R. Lueking, Robert J. Mitzell, and J. Mark Stapleton


The effects of fuel sulfur concentration on regulated and unregulated heavy-duty diesel emissions, Cornelius N. Opris, Linda D. Gratz, Susan T. Bagley, Kirby J. Baumgard, David G. Leddy, and John H. Johnson


Site-Specific Determination of Kinetic Coefficients for Modeling Algal Growth, Michell L. Storey, Martin T. Auer, Anita K. Barth, and James M. Graham


Stable isotope labelling method for studies of saccharide metabolism in Agardhiella subulata, Yalin Wu and Michael R. Gretz

Works from 1992


Comparison of quantitative light microscopy techniques used in diet studies of detritus-consuming omnivores, Molly O. Ahlgren and Stephen H. Bowen


Characterization of organic extracts from standard reference materials 1649, 'urban dust/organics,' and 1650, 'diesel particulate matter', using a microsuspension assay. A WHO/IPCS/CSCM study, Susan T. Bagley, Sherrie L. Stoltz, Donna M. Becker, and Robert Keen


Results of the IPCS collaborative study on complex mixtures, L. D. Claxton, J. Creason, B. Leroux, E. Agurell, S. Bagley, D. W. Bryant, Y. A. Courtois, G. Douglas, C. B. Clare, S. Goto, P. Quillardet, D. R. Jagannath, K. Kataoka, G. Mohn, P. A. Nielsen, T. Ong, T. C. Pederson, H. Shimizu, L. Nylund, H. Tokiwa, G. J. Vink, Y. Wang, and D. Warshawsky


Nitrate reductase transcript is expressed in the primary response of maize to environmental nitrate, G. Gowri, Juana D. Kenis, Björn Ingemarsson, Margaret G. Redinbaugh, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Reversible light/dark modulation of spinach leaf nitrate reductase activity involves protein phosphorylation, Joan L. Huber, Steven C. Huber, Wilbur H. Campbell, and Margaret G. Redinbaugh


Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Studies of the FAD Domain of Corn NADH: Nitrate reductase, Guoguang Lu, Wilbur Campbell, Ylva Lindqvist, and Gunter Schneider


The watercress glucosinolate-myrosinase system: a feeding deterrent to caddisflies, snails and amphipods, Raymond M. Newman, Zac Hanscom, and Charles Kerfoot


Nutrient Concentration Patterns in Streams Draining Alpine and Subalpine Catchments, Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, Robert Stottlemyer and C. A. Troendle

Works from 1991


Growth and survival of tadpoles (Bufo americanus) fed amorphous detritus derived from natural waters, Molly O. Ahlgren and Stephen B. Bowen


Effects of a catalyzed diesel particle filter on the chemical and biological character of emissions from a diesel engine used in underground mines, S. T. Bagley, K. J. Baumgard, L. D. Gratz, K. L. Bickel, and W. F. Watts


cDNA cloning, sequence analysis and seasonal expression of lignin-bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic acid O-methyltransferase of aspen, Robert C. Bugos, Vincent L.C. Chiang, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Occurrence and levels of ecdysteroids in spinach, Robert J. Grebenok, Perry V. Ripa, and John H. Adler


Degree of taste discrimination among suspension‐feeding cladocerans and copepods: Implications for detritivory and herbivory, W. Charles Kerfoot and Kevin L. Kirk


Diversity of sterol biosynthetic capacity in the caryophyllidae, Thomas A. Salt, Sihua Xu, Glenn W. Patterson, and John H. Adler


Allozymic variability in toxicity‐testing strains of ceriodaphnia dubia and in natural populations of Ceriodaphnia, Thomas P. Snyder, Kristen M. Switzer, and Robert Keen


Stream chemistry and hydrologic pathways during snowmelt in a small watershed adjacent Lake Superior, R. Stottlemyer and D. Toczydlowski

Works from 1990


Zooplankton impacts on chlorophyll and transparency in Onondaga Lake, New York, USA, Martin Auer, Michelle L. Storey, Steven W. Effler, Nancy A. Auer, and Philip Sze


Functional Domains of Assimilatory Nitrate Reductases and Nitrite Reductases, Wilbur H. Campbell and James R. Kinghorn


Niche characteristics of Cladonia lichens associated with geothermal vents in Japan, Janice M. Glime and Zennoske Iwatsuki


High-level expression in Escherichia coli of the catalytically active flavin domain of corn leaf NADH:nitrate reductase and its comparison to human NADH:cytochrome B < inf> 5 reductase, Gregory E. Hyde and Wilbur H. Campbell


Fluctuation of Phytoecdysteroids in Developing Shoots of Taxus cuspidata, Perry V. Ripa, Elizabeth A. Martin, Suzy M. Cocciolone, and John H. Adler

Works from 1989


Monoclonal antibody-based immunoaffinity chromatography for purifying corn and squash NADH: nitrate reductases. Evidence for an interchain disulfide bond in nitrate reductase, Gregory E. Hyde, Julie A. Wilberding, Annette L. Meyer, Ellen R. Campbell, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Effects of media components and environmental factors on shoot formation from protoplast-derived calli of Solanum tuberosum, Cathrine Lillo


An unusually rapid light-induced nitrate reductase mRNA pulse and circadian oscillations, C. Lillo and P. Ruoff


Effects of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) mycorrhizoplane-associated actinomycetes on in vitro growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi, Dana L. Richter, Timothy R. Zuellig, Susan T. Bagley, and Johann N. Bruhn


NADH substrate inhibition and enhanced thermal stability of higher plant nitrate reductase immobilized via a monoclonal antibody, Peter Ruoff, Cathrine Lillo, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Nitrification, soil acidification and streamwater chemistry following deglaciation, Glacier Bay national park and preserve, R. Stottlemyer


Effects of acid deposition on watershed ecosystems of national parks in the great lakes basin, R. Stottlemyer, D. Rutkowski, and D. Toczydlowski

Works from 1987


Teratogenic effects of retinoic acid and dirmethylsulfoxide on embryonic chick wing and somite, Heidi L. Larsen and Martha Y. Janners


Sterol conjugates of two phenotypically different calli of Beta vulgaris, Perry V. Ripa and John H. Adler


Evaluation of anthropogenic atmospheric inputs on US national park ecosystems, Robert Stottlemyer


External threats to ecosystems of US national parks, Robert Stottlemyer

Works from 1986


Mineral licks as a sodium source for Isle Royale moose, K. L. Risenhoover and R. O. Peterson


Dominance of Δ < sup> 7 -sterols in the family caryophyllaceaein the family caryophyllaceae, Thomas A. Salt and John H. Adler

Works from 1985


Toxicity to Daphnia of the end products of wet oxidation of phenol and substituted phenols, Robert Keen and C. Robert Baillod


Comparison of contagious ecthyma virus genomes by restriction endonucleases, F. Rafii and D. Burger


Diversity of sterol composition in the family chenopodiaceae, Thomas A. Salt and John H. Adler

Works from 1984


Detrital Amino Acids and the Growth of Sarotherodon mossambicus — a Reply to DABROWSKI, S. H. Bowen


TMicroorganisms and detritus in the diet of a typical neotropical riverine detritivore, Prochilodus platensis (Pisces: Prochilodontidae), Stephen H. Bowen, Argentino A. Bonetto, and Molly O. Ahlgren

Works from 1983


Detritivory in neotropical fish communities, Stephen H. Bowen


Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum and Associated Cyclotella Pulse in Lake Superior, Gary L. Fahnenstiel and Janice M. Glime


Electrophoretic and Morphological Separation of Prosimulium Fuscum and P. Mixtum Larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae), Thomas P. Snyder and Mary C. Linton

Works from 1982


Cold and Warm-Adapted Phases in Fontinalis duriaei Schimp. as Evidenced by Net Assimilatory and Respiratory Responses to Temperature, M. D. Fornwall and Janice M. Glime


Termite Pathogens: Effects of Ingested Metarhizium, beauveria, and Gliocladium conidia on worker termites (Reticulitermes sp.), Kenneth R. Kramm and David F. West


Termite pathogens: Transfer of the Entomopathogen Metarhizium anisopliae between Reticulitermes sp. termites, Kenneth R. Kramm, David F. West, and Peter G. Rockenbach


Eletrophoretic Characterizations of Black Flies in the Simulium Venustum and Verecundum Species Complexes (Diptera: Simuliidae), Thomas P. Snyder

Works from 1981


Klebsiella planticola sp. nov.: A new species of enterobacteriaceae found primarily in nonclinical environments, Susan T. Bagley, Ramon J. Seidler, and Don J. Brenner


Vertical Migration, Hatching Rates, and Distribution of egg stages in Freshwater Zooplankton, Robert Keen


Confidence intervals for birth and death rates estimated with the egg‐ratio technique for natural populations of zooplankton, Robert Keen and Raja Nassar

Works from 1980


Photoperiodic control of circadian activity rhythms in diurnal rodents, K. R. Kramm and Deborah A. Kramm

Works from 1979


Ventilatory response of the diamondback water snake, Natrix rhombifera to hypoxia, hypercapnia and increased oxygen demand, Ronald K. Gratz


Effects of Fluctuating Temperature on Duration on Egg Development of Chydorus sphaericus (Cladocera, Crustacea), Robert Keen


Determining Expected Duration of Development under Conditions of Alternating Temperatures, Robert Keen and David L. Parker


Isolation of the cytoplasmic form of malate dehydrogenase from honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae, Thomas P. Snyder, Geoffrey K. Chambers, and Francisco J. Ayala

Works from 1977


The influence of environmental temperature and photoperiod on activity in the red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, B. R. Bahnak and K. R. Kramm

Works from 1975


Circadian activity of the red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, in continuous darkness and continuous illumination, K. R. Kramm

Works from 1974


Phase control of circadian activity rhythms in ground squirrels, K. R. Kramm


Temporal changes in amino acid catabolism during arousal from hibernation in the golden-mantled ground squirrel, Bert K. Whitten, Roy F. Burlington, and Mary A. Posiviata

Works from 1973


Electrophoresis of the hemoglobin of three animals in the hibernating and non-hibernating state, John P. Addis, Gary M. Wenberg, and Jack C. Holland


The circannual variations in the total serum lipids and cholesterol with respect to body weight in the woodchuck (Marmota monax), Gary M. Wenberg and Jack C. Holland


The circannual variations of some of the hormones of the woodchuck (Marmota monax), Gary M. Wenberg and Jack C. Holland


The circannual variations of thyroid activity in the woodchuck (Marmota monax), Gary M. Wenberg and Jack C. Holland


Some aspects of the hematology and immunology of the hibernating and non-hibernating woodchuck (Marmota monax), Gary M. Wenberg, Jack C. Holland, and Joanne Sewell

Works from 1972


The circannual variations on the serum protein fractions of the woodchuck (Marmota monax), Gary M. Wenberg and Jack C. Holland

Works from 1971


Temperature regulation of the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus after acclimation at various ambient temperatures, Garth W. Holyoak and Robert C. Stones


Early and late gene function in bacteriophage SP82, Eunice Kahan

Works from 1966


A Bioassay of Treatment of Hemorrhagic Shock: I. The Roles of Blood, Ringer's Solution With Lactate, and Macromolecules Dextran and Hydroxyethyl Starch in the Treatment of Hemorrhagic Shock in the Anesthetized Dog, John Dillon, Lawrence J. Lynch, Richard Myers, Harvey R. Butcher, and Carl A. Moyer