Works from 2018
Comparative metabolic profiling of vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) and maize (Zea mays) under lead stress, Venkataramana R. Pidatala, Kefeng Li, Dibyendu Sarkar, Ramakrishna Wusirika, and Rupali Datta
Microbial community and metagenome dynamics during biodegradation of dispersed oil reveals potential key-players in cold Norwegian seawater., Deni Ribicic, Roman Netzer, Terry C Hazen, Stephen M Techtmann, Finn Drabløs, and Odd Gunnar Brakstad
Life on the fringe: microbial adaptation to growth on carbon monoxide, Frank T. Robb and Stephen Techtmann
Heavy Metal Pollution and Remediation, Abhishek RoyChowdhury, Rupali Datta, and Dibyendu Sarkar
Drosophila, destroying angels, and deathcaps! Oh my! A review of mycotoxin tolerance in the genus Drosophila, Clare H. Scott Chialvo and Thomas Werner
Community response to a sustainable restoration plan for a superfund site, Virinder Sidhu, Dibyendu Sarkar, Rupali Datta, and Barry D. Solomon
PlantES: A plant electrophysiological multi-source data online analysis and sharing platform, Chao Song, Xiao-Huang Qin, Qiao Zhou, Zi-Yang Wang, Wei-He Liu, Jun Li, Guiliang Tang, and et al.
Assessment of water treatment residuals as sorbent material in permeable reactive barriers: Application to a copper-contaminated site, Chris Walkons, Alex S. Mayer, Rupali Datta, and Dibyendu Sarkar
Works from 2017
Ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS) enhances phytoextraction of lead by vetiver grass from contaminated residential soils in a panel study in the field, Ramesh Attinti, Kirk R. Barrett, Rupali Datta, and Dibyendu Sarkar
Indole-TEMPO conjugates alleviate ischemia-reperfusion injury via attenuation of oxidative stress and preservation of mitochondrial function, Wei Bi, Yue Bi, Xiang Gao, Pengfei Li, Shanshan Hou, Yanrong Zhang, Cathy Bammert, Steffen Jockusch, Thomas D. Legalley, K. Michael Gibson, and Lanrong Bi
Macrophytes and Bryophytes, William B. Bowden, Janice M. Glime, and Tenna Riis
The relationship of high-intensity cross-training with arterial stiffness, Jamie F. Burr, Jenny L. Beck, and John J. Durocher
Proteomic profiling of vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides) under 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) stress, Padmini Das, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta
Kinetics of nitroreductase-mediated phytotransformation of TNT in vetiver grass, P. Das, D. Sarkar, and Rupali Datta
Evidence for exocellular Arsenic in Fronds of Pteris vittata, Rupali Datta, Padmini Das, Ryan Tappero, Pravin Punamiya, Evert Elzinga, Shivendra Sahi, Huan Feng, Jeffrey Kiiskila, and Dibyendu Sarkar
Proteomics provides insights into biological pathways altered by plant growth promoting bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhiza in sorghum grown in marginal soil, Faten Dhawi, Rupali Datta, and Wusirika Ramakrishna
Nitrogen Transformations, Walter K. Dodds, Amy J. Burgin, Amy Marcarelli, and Eric A. Strauss
Nitrogen transformations, W. K. Dodds, A. J. Burgin, Amy Marcarelli, and E. A. Strauss
Chronic eccentric arm cycling improves maximum upper-body strength and power, Steven J. Elmer, Dakota J. Anderson, Travis Wakeham, Matthew Kilgas, John J. Durocher, Stan L. Lindstedt, and Paul C. LaStayo
A preliminary study to design a floating treatment wetland for remediating acid mine drainage-impacted water using vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides), Jeffrey D. Kiiskila, Dibyendu Sarkar, Kailey A. Feuerstein, and Rupali Datta
Differential DNA methylation may contribute to temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression and the development of mycelia and conidia in entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii, Wanzhen Li, Yulong Wang, Jianyu Zhu, Zhangxun Wang, Guiliang Tang, and Bo Huang
Evaluating the effects of culvert designs on ecosystem processes in northern Wisconsin streams, J. C. Olson, Amy Marcarelli, A. L. Timm, S. L. Eggert, and Randall K Kolka
Assessment of Soil and Water Contamination at the Tab-Simco Coal Mine: A Case Study, Abhishek RoyChowdhury, Dibyendu Sarkar, Yang Deng, and Rupali Datta
Decrease in young-of-the-year yellow perch growth rates following Bythotrephes longimanus invasion, David F. Staples, Ryan P. Maki, Jodie K. Hirsch, W. Charles Kerfoot, Jaime F. LeDuc, Tom Burri, Brenda Moraska Lafrancois, and Jay Glase
Comparison of Thaumarchaeotal populations from four deep sea basins., Stephen Techtmann, Nagissa Mahmoudi, Kendall T Whitt, Maria Fernanda Campa, Julian L Fortney, Dominique C Joyner, and Terry C Hazen
Corexit 9500 Enhances Oil Biodegradation and Changes Active Bacterial Community Structure of Oil-Enriched Microcosms., Stephen M Techtmann, Mobing Zhuang, Pablo Campo, Edith Holder, Michael Elk, Terry C Hazen, Robyn Conmy, and Jorge W Santo Domingo
Silencing of stress-regulated miRNAs in plants by short tandem target mimic (STTM) approach, Sachin Teotia and Guiliang Tang
SINAT E3 Ligases Control the Light-Mediated Stability of the Brassinosteroid-Activated Transcription Factor BES1 in Arabidopsis, Mengran Yang, Chengxiang Li, Zhenying Cai, Yinmeng Hu, Trevor Nolan, Feifei Yu, Yanhai Yin, Qi Xie, Guiliang Tang, and Xuelu Wang
RISC-interacting clearing 3’- 5’ exoribonucleases (RICES) degrade uridylated cleavage fragments to maintain functional RISC in Arabidopsis thaliana, Zhonghui Zhang, Fuqu Hu, Min Woo Sung, Chang Shu, Claudia Castillo-GonzĂ¡lez, Hisashi Koiwa, Guiliang Tang, Martin Dickman, Pingwei Li, and Xiuren Zhang
Submissions from 2016
Stream-lake interaction: Understanding a coupled hydro-ecological system, M. A. Baker, C. D. Arp, K. J. Goodman, Amy Marcarelli, and W. A. Wurtsbaugh
Landscape Resistance Models Identify Genetic Connectivity Corridors for a Foundation Riparian Tree (Populus angustifolia), Helen M. Bothwell, Samuel A. Cushman, Scott A. Woolbright, Erika I. Hersch-Green, Luke M. Evans, Gerard J. Allan, and Thomas G. Whitham
Development of a spectral-based algorithm for mapping and monitoring of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) in the Great Lakes region from an unmanned aerial vehicle platform, C. N. Brooks, Amanda Grimm, Casey Huckins, and Amy Marcarelli
Evaluating the spread and control of Eurasian watermilfoil through remote sensing technologies, Colin Brooks, Amanda G. Grimm, Casey J. Huckins, Amy Marcarelli, Ryan R. Van Goethem, and Richard Dobson
Nutrient release from moose bioturbation in aquatic ecosystems, Joseph K. Bump, Brenda G. Bergman, Amy J. Schrank, Amy Marcarelli, Evan S. Kane, Anita S. Risch, and Martin SchĂ¼tz
Plant electrical signal classification based on waveform similarity, Yang Chen, Dong-Jie Zhao, Zi-Yang Wang, Zhong-Yi Wang, Guiliang Tang, and Lan Huang
Uptake of ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus in forested streams: influence of dissolved organic matter composition, Ashley A. Coble, Amy Marcarelli, Evan S. Kane, and Casey J. Huckins
Temporal patterns of dissolved organic matter biodegradability are similar across three rivers of varying size, Ashley A. Coble, Amy Marcarelli, Evan S. Kane, David Toczydlowski, and Robert Stottlemyer
Effects of experimentally added salmon subsidies on resident fishes via direct and indirect pathways, Scott F. Collins, Colden V. Baxter, Amy Marcarelli, and Mark S. Wipfli
Mycorrhiza and heavy metal resistant bacteria enhance growth, nutrient uptake and alter metabolic profile of sorghum grown in marginal soil, Faten Dhawi, Rupali Datta, and Wusirika Ramakrishna
Do nitrogen fixation and denitrification co-occur across a gradient of stream nitrogen concentrations in a western watershed?, Erin K. Eberhard, Amy Marcarelli, J. E. Ortiz, and Colden V. Baxter
Nitrogen deposition to lakes in national parks of the western Great Lakes region: Isotopic signatures, watershed retention, and algal shifts, William O. Hobbs, Brenda Moraska Lafrancois, Robert Stottlemyer, David Toczydlowski, Daniel R. Engstrom, Mark B. Edlund, James E. Almendinger, Kristin E. Strock, David Vandermeulen, Joan E. Elias, and Jasmine E. Saros
Collaboration and challenges with prevention, control, and management of invasive Eurasian Watermilfoil, Casey J. Huckins, Amy Marcarelli, Kevyn J. Juneau, Rodney Chimner, Colin Brooks, P. Xue, Guy Meadows, and Erika Hersch-Green
Multiple inducers in aquatic foodwebs: Counter-measures and vulnerability to exotics, Charles Kerfoot and Susan C. Savage
A plague of waterfleas (Bythotrephes): impacts on microcrustacean community structure, seasonal biomass, and secondary production in a large inland-lake complex, W. Charles Kerfoot, Martin M. Hobmeier, Foad Yousef, Brenda Moraska Lafrancois, Ryan P. Maki, and Jodi K. Hirsch
Old paradigms and new frameworks for understanding nitrogen fixation in stream ecosystems, Amy Marcarelli, Erin K. Eberhard, Colden V. Baxter, Jill R. Welter, J. Thad Scott, and Robinson W. Fulweiler
Integrated management of nonnative and hybrid Eurasian Watermilfoil in the Portage Waterway of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Amy Marcarelli, Casey Huckins, Kevyn J. Juneau, Colin N. Brooks, Rodney Chimner, Erika Hersch-Green, and Guy Meadows
Identification of Biochemical Pathways Associated with Lead Tolerance and Detoxification in Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Nash (Vetiver) by Metabolic Profiling, Venkataramana R. Pidatala, Kefeng Li, Dibyendu Sarkar, Wusirika Ramakrishna, and Rupali Datta
Immobilization of tetracyclines in manure and manure-amended soils using aluminum-based drinking water treatment residuals, Pravin Punamiya, Dibyendu Sarkar, Sudipta Rakshit, Evert J. Elzinga, and Rupali Datta
Tetracycline uptake and metabolism by vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Nash), Aparupa Sengupta, Dibyendu Sarkar, Padmini Das, Saumik Panja, Chinmayi Parikh, Dilrukshi Ramanathan, Susan Bagley, and Rupali Datta
Effects of biosolids and compost amendment on chemistry of soils contaminated with copper from mining activities, Virinder Sidhu, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta
Prohibitin as the Molecular Binding Switch in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Srinivas R. Sripathi, O’Donnell D. Sylvester, Weilue He, Trevor Moser, Ji Yeon Um, Folami Lamoke, Wusirika Ramakrishna, Paul S. Bernstein, Manuela Bartoli, and Wan Jin Jahng
Uptake of 2,4-bis(Isopropylamino)-6-methylthio-s-triazine by Vetiver Grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L.) from Hydroponic Media, S. X. Sun, Y. M. Li, Y. Zheng, Y. Hua, R. Datta, Y. M. Dan, P. Lv, and D. Sarkar
Colwellia psychrerythraea strains from distant deep sea basins show adaptation to local conditions, Stephen Techtmann, Kathleen S. Fitgerald, Savannah C. Stelling, Dominique C. Joyner, Sagar M. Uttukar, Austin P. Harris, and et al.
Metagenomic applications in environmental monitoring and bioremediation, Stephen Techtmann and Terry C. Hazen
Comparative transcriptome and proteome analysis to reveal the biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles in Arabidopsis, Manish Tiwari, Sneha Krishnamurthy, Devesh Shukla, Jeffrey Kiiskila, Ajay Jain, Rupali Datta, Nilesh Sharma, and Shivendra V. Sahi
Legacy disturbance effects in a lake littoral zone: effects of stamp sands on structure of macrophyte communities in the Keweenaw waterway of MI, R. R. Van Goethem, Amy Marcarelli, Kevyn J. Juneau, and Casey J. Huckins
Legacy disturbance effects in a lake littoral zone: Effects of stamp sands on structure macrophyte communities in the Keweenaw Waterway of MI (S), Ryan R. Van Goethem, Amy Marcarelli, Kevyn J. Juneau, and Casey J. Huckins
Ionic liquid extraction unveils previously occluded humic-bound iron in peat soil pore water, Timothy J. Veverica, Evan S. Kane, Amy Marcarelli, and Sarah A. Green
Screening miRNAs for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer by small RNA deep sequencing and evaluation in a Chinese patient population, Xiaofeng Wang, Li Chen, Heiying Jin, Shuiming Wang, Yajie Zhang, Xiaoqing Tang, and Guiliang Tang
Genetic dissection of the maize kernel development process via conditional QTL mapping for three developing kernel-related traits in an immortalized F < inf> 2 population, Zhanhui Zhang, Xiangyuan Wu, Chaonan Shi, Rongna Wang, Shengfei Li, Zhaohui Wang, Zonghua Liu, Yadong Xue, Guiliang Tang, and Jihua Tang
Works from 2015
Adsorption of arsenic(V) from aqueous solutions by goethite/silica nanocomposite, R. Attinti, D. Sarkar, K. R. Barrett, and Rupali Datta
More than bags of nutrients: Weighing ecological and social costs of losing migratory fishes versus the management paradigm of compensatory mitigation, Colden V. Baxter, Scott F. Collins, Amy Marcarelli, and J. Ryan Bellmore
Strontium source and depth of uptake shifts with substrate age in semiarid ecosystems, Ashley A. Coble, Stephen C. Hart, Michael E. Ketterer, Gregory S. Newman, and Andrew L. Kowler
Ammonium and glucose amendments stimulate dissolved organic matter mineralization in a Lake Superior tributary, Ashley A. Coble, Amy Marcarelli, and Evan S. Kane
Urea-facilitated uptake and nitroreductase-mediated transformation of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in soil using vetiver grass, Padmini Das, Dibyendu Sarkar, Konstantinos C. Makris, and Rupali Datta
Differential regulation of genes by retrotransposons in rice promoters, Surendar Reddy Dhadi, Zijun Xu, Rafi Shaik, Kyle Michael Driscoll, and Wusirika Ramakrishna
Mycorrhiza and PGPB modulate maize biomass, nutrient uptake and metabolic pathways in maize grown in mining-impacted soil, Faten Dhawi, Rupali Datta, and Wusirika Ramakrishna
Cerebral blood flow velocity during combined lower body negative pressure and cognitive stress, John J. Durocher, Jason R. Carter, William H. Cooke, Angela H. Young, and Morton H. Harwood
Innovative and Multifaceted Control of Invasive Eurasian and Hybrid Watermilfoil Using Integrated Pest Management Principles, Kevyn J. Juneau, Casey J. Huckins, and Amy Marcarelli
Ecological response to Eurasian watermilfoil management in a Lake Superior Coastal Waterway, Kevyn J. Juneau, Casey J. Huckins, Amy Marcarelli, Rodney Chimner, Colin N. Brooks, Pengfei Xue, and Guy A. Meadows
Environmental response of a Lake Superior coastal waterway to Eurasian watermilfoil management, Kevyn J. Juneau, Amy Marcarelli, Casey J. Huckins, Rodney Chimner, and Colin Brooks
Phytoremediation of Explosive-Contaminated Soils, Jeffrey Kiiskila, Padmini Das, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta
Sand aggradation alters biofilm standing crop and metabolism in a low-gradient Lake Superior tributary, Amy Marcarelli, Casey Huckins, and Susan L. Eggert
Stream ecosystem process responses to stamp sand stabilization in tributaries of Lake Superior, Amy Marcarelli, Casey J. Huckins, Ashley A. Coble, James C. Olson, G. Nicolas, and R. Aho
Drinking Water Treatment Residual Amendment Lowers Inorganic Arsenic Bioaccessibility in Contaminated soils: A Long-Term Study, Rachana Nagar, Dibyendu Sarkar, Pravin Punamiya, and Rupali Datta
Invasive myriophyllum spicatum and nutrients interact to influence phytoplankton communities in the Portage Waterway, J. E. Ortiz, Amy Marcarelli, Kevyn J. Juneau, and Casey J. Huckins
Injury risk estimation expertise, Erich J. Petuchek, Edward Cokely, Paul Ward, John J. Durocher, Sean J. Wallace, and Gregory D. Myer
Injury risk estimation expertise: Assessing the ACL injury risk estimation quiz, Erich J. Petushek, Edward T. Cokely, Paul Ward, John J. Durocher, Sean J. Wallace, and Gregory D. Myer
Effect of solution properties, competing ligands, and complexing metal on sorption of tetracyclines on Al-based drinking water treatment residuals, Pravin Punamiya, Dibyendu Sarkar, Sudipta Rakshit, and Rupali Datta
Surface complexation of antimony on kaolinite, Sudipta Rakshit, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta
Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage-Impacted Water, Abhishek RoyChowdhury, Dibyendu Sarkar, and Rupali Datta
Role of the ovarian cycle on neural cardiovascular control in sleep-deprived women, Hun Yang, John J. Durocher, Robert Larson, and Jason R. Carter
Submissions from 2014
Spatial and temporal measurements of N, P, and C uptake in small Lake Superior tributaries, Ashley A. Coble, Amy Marcarelli, Evan S. Kane, and Casey J. Huckins
Direct and indirect responses of stream and riparian organisms to experimental subsidies of Salmon, Scott F. Collins, Colden V. Baxter, Amy Marcarelli, Mark S. Wipfli, S. Florin, Laura Felicetti, and Gregg Servheen
Non-traditional uses of maize: Biofuels, remediation and pharmaceuticals, Rupali Datta, Goeff K. Kinrade, and Dibyendu Sarkar
Biofilm nutrient limitation, metabolism, and standing crop responses to experimental application of salmon carcass analog in Idaho streams, Jonathan D. Ebel, Amy Marcarelli, and Andre E. Kohler
Improved stream food web function associated with stream simulation design culverts in northern Great Lakes streams, Susan L. Eggert, Anne Timm, Nicole R. King, James Olsen, Randall K. Kolka, Dale Higgins, and Sue Reinecke
Genetic analysis of admixture and patterns of introgression in foundation cottonwood trees (Salicaceae) in southwestern Colorado, USA, Erika Hersch-Green, Gerard J. Allan, and Thomas G. Whitham
Arresting the spread of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) in the Keweenaw Waterway, Kevyn J. Juneau, Casey J. Huckins, Amy Marcarelli, Rodney Chimner, Colin Neil Brooks, Pengfei Xue, and Guy Meadows
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and multispectral scanner (MSS) studies examine coastal environments influenced by mining, W. Charles Kerfoot, Martin M. Hobmeier, Foad Yousef, Sarah A. Green, Robert Regis, Colin N. Brooks, Robert Shuchman, Jamey Anderson, and Molly Reif
Integrated metabolomic and proteomic approaches dissect the effect of metal-resistant bacteria on maize biomass and copper uptake, Kefeng Li, Venkataramana R. Pidatala, Rafi Shaik, Rupali Datta, and Wusirika Ramakrishna
Modeling long-term continuous stream metabolism across the continent: NEON opportunities and approaches, Claire K. Lunch, Keli Goodman, Gordon W. Holtgrieve, Robert O. Hall Jr., Amy Marcarelli, Madeline M. Mineau, Jerad Bales, Melody Bernot, and Brian J. Roberts
Nutrient additions to mitigate for loss of Pacific salmon: consequences for stream biofilm and nutrient dynamics, Amy Marcarelli, Colden V. Baxter, and Mark S. Wipfli
Nitrogen fixation along the freshwater to marine continuum: state of the science and research needs, Amy Marcarelli, R. W. Fulweiler, J. Thad Scott, and J. R. Welter
Monitoring stream ecosystem function responses to stamp sand stabilization in tributaries of Lake Superior, Amy Marcarelli, Casey J. Huckins, and Nicholas C. Grabemeyer
Fine sediment removal greatly increases fish selection of restored habitat during restoration of a sandy river, Tony Matthys, Casey J. Huckins, Amy Marcarelli, and Edward A. Baker
Water resources management in a homogenizing world: Averting the growth and underinvestment trajectory, Ali Mirchi, David Watkins, Casey Huckins, Kaveh Madani, and Peder Hjorth
Arsenic bioaccessibility and speciation in the soils amended with organoarsenicals and drinking-water treatment residuals based on a long-term greenhouse study, Rachana Nagar, Dibyendu Sarkar, Konstantinos C. Makris, and Rupali Datta
Assessing the impact of culvert design on three ecosystem functions in Northern Wisconsin streams, James C. Olson, Amy Marcarelli, Susan L. Eggert, Anne Timm, and Randall K. Kolka
Impact of nutrient loading and Eurasian Watermilfoil on phytoplankton communities among channels of the Les Cheneaux Islands, Lake Huron, Jade E. Ortiz, Amy Marcarelli, Gary L. Fahnenstiel, and Rob A. Smith