Explore a selection of works produced by faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences at Michigan Technological University.


Works from 2009


Analysis of phytochelatin complexes in the lead tolerant vetiver grass [Vetiveria zizanioides (L.)] using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry, Syam S. Andra, Rupali Datta, Dibyendu Sarkar, Sumathi K.M. Saminathan, Conor P. Mullens, and Stephan B.H. Bach


Difference in nutrient uptake (N, P, carbon) and organic matter processing rates in relation to land use intensity, Heather A. Bechtold, Colden Baxter, Amy Marcarelli, and R. S. Inouye


Riparian insect response to experimental in-stream salmon additions, Scott Collins, Colden Baxter, Amy Marcarelli, and Mark Wipfli


There's no fish like dead fish: how do salmon additions influence resident fish growth?, Scott Collins, Colden Baxter, Amy Marcarelli, and Mark Wipfli


Sympathetic neural responses to mental stress during acute simulated microgravity, John J. Durocher, Christopher E. Schwartz, and Jason R. Carter


Development and implementation of a novel assay for l-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase (l-2-HGDH) in cell lysates: L-2-HGDH deficiency in 15 patients with l-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria, M. Kranendijk, G. S. Salomons, K. M. Gibson, C. Aktuglu-Zeybek, S. Bekri, E. Christensen, J. Clarke, A. Hahn, S. H. Korman, V. Mejaski-Bosnjak, A. Superti-Furga, C. Vianey-Saban, M. S. Van Der Knaap, C. Jakobs, and E. A. Struys


Nitrous oxide supersaturation at the liquid/air interface of animal waste, Konstantinos C. Makris, Syam S. Andra, Michael Hardy, Dibyendu Sarkar, Rupali Datta, Stephan B.H. Bach, and Conor P. Mullens


Do lagoons near concentrated animal feeding operations promote nitrous oxide supersaturation?, Konstantinos C. Makris, Dibyendu Sarkar, Syam S. Andra, Stephan B.H. Bach, and Rupali Datta


X-ray absorption spectroscopy as a tool investigating arsenic(III) and arsenic(V) sorption by an aluminum-based drinking-water treatment residual, Konstantinos C. Makris, Dibyendu Sarkar, Jason G. Parsons, Rupali Datta, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey


Placing food webs in ecosystems: organisms, energy and nutrient flow in freshwaters, Amy Marcarelli


Short-term periphyton and nutrient responses to experimental salmon additions in headwater streams, Amy Marcarelli, Colden Baxter, Scott Collins, Rebecca A. Martin, and Mark Wipfli


Present and future effects of agricultural practices and climate change on coupled hydrologic and biologic regimes in a western U.S. river, Amy Marcarelli, Robert W. Van Kirk, and Colden Baxter


Nutrient limitation and uptake response to experimental salmon additions in Idaho headwater streams, Rebecca A. Martin, Amy Marcarelli, Colden Baxter, Scott Collins, and Mark Wipfli


Influence of nutrients and other factors on agricultural stream ecosystems: integrating bioassessment and experimental information, Christopher A. Mebane, Andrew M. Ray, Amy Marcarelli, and Flint Raben


In-stream nutrient processing is altered due to a nitrogen subsidy caused by Russian olive, a non-native riparian tree, Madeleine Mineau, Colden Baxter, Amy Marcarelli, Joshua Leffler, and Tamao Kasaharam


In-stream nutrient processing is altered due to a nitrogen subsidy caused by Russian olive, a non-native riparian tree, Madeleine Mineau, Colden Baxter, Amy Marcarelli, Joshua Leffler, and Tamao Kasaharam


Bioavailability and bioaccessibility of arsenic in a soil amended with drinking-water treatment residuals, Rachana Nagar, Dibyendu Sarkar, Konstantinos C. Makris, Rupali Datta, and Victor L. Sylvia


Highly water-soluble, fluorescent, conjugated fluorene-based glycopolymers with poly(ethylene glycol)-tethered spacers for sensitive detection of escherichia coli, Cuihua Xue, Singaravelu Velayudham, Steve Johnson, Ratul Saha, Adrian Smith, Wilbel Brewer, Pushpalatha Murthy, Susan T. Bagley, and Haiying Liu

Submissions from 2008


Neural and cardiovascular responses to emotional stress in humans, Jason R. Carter, John J. Durocher, and Rosalie Kern


A methodology to estimate the mass of particulate matter retained in a catalyzed particulate filter as applied to active regeneration and on-board diagnostics to detect filter failures, Rayomand H. Dabhoiwala, John Johnson, Jeffrey Naber, and Susan T. Bagley


Experimental and modeling results comparing two diesel oxidation catalyst-catalyzed particulate filter systems, Rayomand H. Dabhoiwala, John Johnson, Jeffrey Naber, and Susan T. Bagley


Gender differences in hockey players during on-ice graded exercise, John J. Durocher, Dennis Jensen, Aaron Arredondo, Darin Leetun, and Jason R. Carter


Sport-specific assessment of lactate threshold and aerobic capacity throughout a collegiate hockey season, John J. Durocher, Darin T. Leetun, and Jason R. Carter


Analysis of genes associated with retrotransposons in the rice genome, Nicholas Krom, Jill Recla, and Wusirika Ramakrishna


Experimental studies of an advanced ceramic diesel particulate filter, Saurabh Mathur, John Johnson, Jeffrey Naber, Susan T. Bagley, and Anand S. Shende

Works from 2007


Macrophytes and Bryophytes, William B. Bowden, Janice M. Glime, and Tenna Riis


The structure and biochemistry of charophycean cell walls: I. Pectins of Penium margaritaceum, D. S. Domozych, A. Serfis, S. N. Kiemle, and M. R. Gretz

Works from 2006


Recovery of scrap iron metal value using biogenerated ferric iron, Nicholas R. Ballor, Carl C. Nesbitt, and Donald R. Lueking


Benthic diatoms as indicators of eutrophication in tropical streams, Brent J. Bellinger, Christine Cocquyt, and Catherine M. O'Reilly


Nitrate reductase for nitrate analysis in water, Wilbur H. Campbell, Pengfei Song, and Guillaume G. Barbier


Dynamics of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) production and loss in an estuarine, diatom-dominated, microalgal biofilm over a tidal emersion-immersion period, A. R.M. Hanlon, B. Bellinger, K. Haynes, G. Xiao, T. A. Hofmann, M. R. Gretz, A. S. Ball, A. M. Osborn, and G. J.C. Underwood


Effect of reduced winter precipitation and increased temperature on watershed solute flux, 1988-2002, Northern Michigan, R. Stottlemyer and D. Toczydlowski

Works from 2005


The filtration and particulate matter oxidation characteristics of a catalyzed wall-flow diesel particulate filter: Experimental and 1-D 2-layer model results, Anand S. Shende, John H. Johnson, Song L. Yang, Susan T. Bagley, and Abishek M. Thalagavara


The effects of a catalyzed particulate filter and ultra low sulfur fuel on heavy duty diesel engine emissions, Abishek M. Thalagavara, John H. Johnson, Susan T. Bagley, and Anand S. Shende


The effects of two catalyzed particulate filters on exhaust emissions from a heavy duty diesel engine: Filtration and particulate matter oxidation characteristics studied experimentally and using a 1- D 2- layer model, Abishek M. Thalagavara, Anand S. Shende, John H. Johnson, Susan T. Bagley, and S. L. Yang

Works from 2004


Zooplankton life cycles: Direct documentation of pelagic births and deaths relative to diapausing egg production, S. Taylor Jarnagin, W. Charles Kerfoot, and Brandon K. Swan


Winter storms: Sequential sediment traps record Daphnia ephippial production, resuspension, and sediment interactions, W. Charles Kerfoot, Judy Wells Budd, Brian J. Eadie, Henry A. Vanderploeg, and Megan Agy


Planktonic biodiversity: Scaling up and down, W. Charles Kerfoot, Gary G. Mittelbach, Nelson G. Hairston, and James J. Elser


Experimental paleoecology (resurrection ecology): Chasing Van Valen's Red Queen hypothesis, W. Charles Kerfoot and Lawrence J. Weider


Resolving within- and between-population variation in feeding ecology with a biomechanical model, Craig W. Osenberg, Casey J. Huckins, Anthony Kaltenberg, and Ari Martinez


Life Assessment of PM, Gaseous Emissions, and Oil Usage in Modern Marine Outboard Engines, Jeff R. Wasil, David T. Montgomery, Sebastian Strauss, and Susan T. Bagley

Works from 2003


Effects of a catalyzed particulate filter on emissions from a diesel engine: Chemical characterization data and particulate emissions measured with thermal optical and gravimetric methods, James R. Warner, John H. Johnson, Susan T. Bagley, and Cuong T. Huynh

Works from 2002


Oxidation catalytic converter and emulsified fuel effects on heavy-duty diesel engine emissions, Girish Janakiraman, John H. Johnson, Susan T. Bagley, James R. Warner, Cuong T. Huynh, Amjad Khan, and David G. Leddy

Works from 2001


Structure and function of eukaryotic NAD(P)H:Nitrate reductase, W. H. Campbell


Computational studies of electron-transfer processes in old yellow enzyme, Ginger M. Chateauneuf, Richard E. Brown, and Bette Jo Brown

Works from 2000


Species introductions and their ecological consequences: An example with congereric sunfish, Casey J. Fisher Huckins, Craig W. Osenberg, and Gary G. Mittlebach

Works from 1999


A new approach to historical reconstruction: Combining descriptive and experimental paleolimnology, W. Charles Kerfoot, John A. Robbins, and Lawrence J. Weider


Characterization of alpha-pinene-degrading microorganisms and application to a bench-scale biofiltration system for VOC degradation, G. T. Kleinheinz, S. T. Bagley, W. P. St. John, J. R. Rughani, and G. D. McGinnis


Emissions from a diesel vehicle operated on alternative fuels in Copenhagen, J. Schramm, I. Foldager, N. Olsen, and L. Gratz


Seasonal change in precipitation, snowpack, snowmelt, soil water and streamwater chemistry, northern Michigan, Robert Stottlemyer and David Toczydlowski

Works from 1998


Groundwater flow influences the biomass and nutrient ratios of epibenthic algae in a north temperate seepage lake, Scot E. Hagerthey and W. Charles Kerfoot


A study of the vapor-and particle-phase sulfur species in the heavy-duty diesel engine EGR cooler, Admir M. Kreso, John Johnson, Linda D. Gratz, Susan T. Bagley, and David G. Leddy


Engineering of pyridine nucleotide specificity of nitrate reductase: Mutagenesis of recombinant cytochrome b reductase fragment of Neurospora crassa NADPH:Nitrate reductase, Naomasa Shiraishi, Cynthia Croy, John Kaur, and Wilbur H. Campbell

Works from 1996


Selective ingestion of detritus by a north temperate omnivorous fish, the juvenile white sucker, Catostomus commersoni, Molly O. Ahlgren


The effect of light on lake herring (Coregonus artedi) reactive volume, Jason Link and Thomas A. Edsall


Characterization and site-directed mutagenesis of aspen lignin-specific O-methyltransferase expressed in Escherichia coli, Huabin Meng and Wilbur H. Campbell


Expression of enzyme activities and transcripts required for nitrate assimilation in maize (Zea mays L. A188 x BMS) suspension cell cultures, Margaret G. Redinbaugh, Steven W. Ritchie, K. W. Hendrix, Charles T. MacKown, and W. H. Campbell


Arginine to tryptophan substitution in the active site of a human lactate dehydrogenase variant - LDHB*GUA1: Postulated effects on subunit structure and catalysis, Gisela C. Shonnard, Nicholas V. Hud, and H. W. Mohrenweiser

Works from 1995


Biosynthesis and distribution of insect-molting hormones in plants-A review, John H. Adler and Robert J. Grebenok


Biosynthesis of Ecdysteroids in Zea mays, Timothy P. Devarenne, Banalata Sen-Michael, and John H. Adler


Structural studies on corn nitrate reductase: Refined structure of the cytochrome b reductase fragment at 2.5 Å, its ADP complex and an active-site mutant and modeling of the cytochrome b domain, Guoguang Lu, Ylva Lindqvist, Gunter Schneider, Upendra Dwivedi, and Wilbur Campbell


Relationships between external nitrate availability, nitrate uptake and expression of nitrate reductase in roots of barley grown in N-limited split-root cultures, Elisabeth Öhlén, Björn Ingemarsson, Wilbur H. Campbell, and Carl Magnus Larsson


Nitrogen mineralization in boreal forest stands of isle royale, Northern Michigan, R. Stottlemyer, B. Travis, and D. Toczydlowski


Naphthalene biosorption in soil/water systems of low or high sorptive capacity, B. E. Whitman, J. R. Mihelcic, and D. R. Lueking

Works from 1994


Genes involved in nitrate assimilation, Michel Caboche, Wilbur Campbell, Nigel M. Crawford, Emilio Fernandez, Andris Kleinhofs, Shoiji Ida, Ralph Mendel, Tatsuo Omata, Steve Rothstein, and John Wray


Modification of lignin biosynthesis in transgenic Nicotiana through expression of an antisense O-methyltransferase gene from Populus, Upendra N. Dwivedi, Wilbur H. Campbell, Jun Yu, Raju S.S. Datla, Robert C. Bugos, Vincent L. Chiang, and Gopi K. Podila


Generation of multiple mutations in the same sequence via the polymerase chain reaction using a single selection primer, Upendra N. Dwivedi, Naomasa Shiraishi, and Wilbur H. Campbelll


Paleolimnological study of copper mining around Lake Superior: Artificial varves from Portage Lake provide a high resolution record, W. Charles Kerfoot, George Lauster, and John A. Robbins


Identification of a maize root transcript expressed in the primary response to nitrate: characterization of a cDNA with homology to ferredoxin-NADP < sup> + oxidoreductase, Steven W. Ritchie, Margaret G. Redinbaugh, Naomasa Shiraishi, Jacqueline M. Vrba, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and regeneration of transgenic plants, Chung-Jui Tsai, Gopi K. Podila, and Vincent L. Chiang

Works from 1993


Removal of dissolved organic carbon using granular activated carbon, John C. Crittenden, Kartik Vaitheeswaran, David W. Hand, Elaine W. Howe, E. Marco Aieta, Carol H. Tate, Michael J. McGuire, and Marshall K. Davis


Ecdysteroid Biosynthesis During the Ontogeny of Spinach Leaves, Robert J. Grebenok and John H. Adler


Film thickness measurement with an ultrasonic transducer, Qing Lu, N. V. Suryanarayana, and Christodoulous Christodoulu


Bioavailability of sorbed- and separate-phase chemicals, James R. Mihelcic, Donald R. Lueking, Robert J. Mitzell, and J. Mark Stapleton


The effects of fuel sulfur concentration on regulated and unregulated heavy-duty diesel emissions, Cornelius N. Opris, Linda D. Gratz, Susan T. Bagley, Kirby J. Baumgard, David G. Leddy, and John H. Johnson


Site-Specific Determination of Kinetic Coefficients for Modeling Algal Growth, Michell L. Storey, Martin T. Auer, Anita K. Barth, and James M. Graham


Stable isotope labelling method for studies of saccharide metabolism in Agardhiella subulata, Yalin Wu and Michael R. Gretz

Works from 1992


Comparison of quantitative light microscopy techniques used in diet studies of detritus-consuming omnivores, Molly O. Ahlgren and Stephen H. Bowen


Characterization of organic extracts from standard reference materials 1649, 'urban dust/organics,' and 1650, 'diesel particulate matter', using a microsuspension assay. A WHO/IPCS/CSCM study, Susan T. Bagley, Sherrie L. Stoltz, Donna M. Becker, and Robert Keen


Results of the IPCS collaborative study on complex mixtures, L. D. Claxton, J. Creason, B. Leroux, E. Agurell, S. Bagley, D. W. Bryant, Y. A. Courtois, G. Douglas, C. B. Clare, S. Goto, P. Quillardet, D. R. Jagannath, K. Kataoka, G. Mohn, P. A. Nielsen, T. Ong, T. C. Pederson, H. Shimizu, L. Nylund, H. Tokiwa, G. J. Vink, Y. Wang, and D. Warshawsky


Nitrate reductase transcript is expressed in the primary response of maize to environmental nitrate, G. Gowri, Juana D. Kenis, Björn Ingemarsson, Margaret G. Redinbaugh, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Reversible light/dark modulation of spinach leaf nitrate reductase activity involves protein phosphorylation, Joan L. Huber, Steven C. Huber, Wilbur H. Campbell, and Margaret G. Redinbaugh


Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Studies of the FAD Domain of Corn NADH: Nitrate reductase, Guoguang Lu, Wilbur Campbell, Ylva Lindqvist, and Gunter Schneider


The watercress glucosinolate-myrosinase system: a feeding deterrent to caddisflies, snails and amphipods, Raymond M. Newman, Zac Hanscom, and Charles Kerfoot


Nutrient Concentration Patterns in Streams Draining Alpine and Subalpine Catchments, Fraser Experimental Forest, Colorado, Robert Stottlemyer and C. A. Troendle

Works from 1991


Growth and survival of tadpoles (Bufo americanus) fed amorphous detritus derived from natural waters, Molly O. Ahlgren and Stephen B. Bowen


Effects of a catalyzed diesel particle filter on the chemical and biological character of emissions from a diesel engine used in underground mines, S. T. Bagley, K. J. Baumgard, L. D. Gratz, K. L. Bickel, and W. F. Watts


cDNA cloning, sequence analysis and seasonal expression of lignin-bispecific caffeic acid/5-hydroxyferulic acid O-methyltransferase of aspen, Robert C. Bugos, Vincent L.C. Chiang, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Occurrence and levels of ecdysteroids in spinach, Robert J. Grebenok, Perry V. Ripa, and John H. Adler


Degree of taste discrimination among suspension‐feeding cladocerans and copepods: Implications for detritivory and herbivory, W. Charles Kerfoot and Kevin L. Kirk


Diversity of sterol biosynthetic capacity in the caryophyllidae, Thomas A. Salt, Sihua Xu, Glenn W. Patterson, and John H. Adler


Allozymic variability in toxicity‐testing strains of ceriodaphnia dubia and in natural populations of Ceriodaphnia, Thomas P. Snyder, Kristen M. Switzer, and Robert Keen


Stream chemistry and hydrologic pathways during snowmelt in a small watershed adjacent Lake Superior, R. Stottlemyer and D. Toczydlowski

Works from 1990


Zooplankton impacts on chlorophyll and transparency in Onondaga Lake, New York, USA, Martin Auer, Michelle L. Storey, Steven W. Effler, Nancy A. Auer, and Philip Sze


Functional Domains of Assimilatory Nitrate Reductases and Nitrite Reductases, Wilbur H. Campbell and James R. Kinghorn


Niche characteristics of Cladonia lichens associated with geothermal vents in Japan, Janice M. Glime and Zennoske Iwatsuki


High-level expression in Escherichia coli of the catalytically active flavin domain of corn leaf NADH:nitrate reductase and its comparison to human NADH:cytochrome B < inf> 5 reductase, Gregory E. Hyde and Wilbur H. Campbell


Fluctuation of Phytoecdysteroids in Developing Shoots of Taxus cuspidata, Perry V. Ripa, Elizabeth A. Martin, Suzy M. Cocciolone, and John H. Adler

Works from 1989


Monoclonal antibody-based immunoaffinity chromatography for purifying corn and squash NADH: nitrate reductases. Evidence for an interchain disulfide bond in nitrate reductase, Gregory E. Hyde, Julie A. Wilberding, Annette L. Meyer, Ellen R. Campbell, and Wilbur H. Campbell


Effects of media components and environmental factors on shoot formation from protoplast-derived calli of Solanum tuberosum, Cathrine Lillo