Works from 2003
Quadruple systems of the projective special linear group PSL(2,q), q = 1 (mod 4), M. S. Keranen, D. L. Kreher, and P. J.S. Shiue
Hyperovals in Steiner systems, Alan C.H. Ling
A discrete mass transportation problem for infinitely many sites, and general representant systems for infinite families, Iosif Pinelis
A cascade atomization and drop breakup model for the simulation of high-pressure liquid jets, Franz X. Tanner
A formula for the number of Steiner quadruple systems on 2n points of 2‐rank 2n−n, Vladimir Tonchev
A note on MDS codes, n-Arcs and complete designs, Vladimir Tonchev
Works from 2002
Further results on the maximum size of a hole in an incomplete t-wise balanced design with specified minimum block size, I. Adamczak, D. L. Kreher, A. C.H. Ling, and R. S. Rees
Direct constructions of additive codes, Jürgen Bierbrauer
Bounds on milne caps, Jürgen Bierbrauer and Yves Edel
Coding-theoretic constructions for (t,m,s)-nets and ordered orthogonal arrays, Jürgen Bierbrauer, Yves Edel, and Wolfgang Ch Schmid
On the state of strength-three covering arrays, M. Chateauneuf and D. L. Kreher
Uniform group divisible designs with block sizes three and n, Yeow Meng Chee and Alan C.H. Ling
A variational method for recovering planar Lamé moduli, Jun Chen and Mark Gockenbach
Efficient and automatic implementation of the adjoint state method, Mark Gockenbach, Daniel Reynolds, Peng Shen, and William W. Symes
Automatic differentiation and the adjoint state method, Mark Gockenbach, Daniel Reynolds, and William W. Symes
Perfect codes and balanced generalized weighing matrices, II☆, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev
On a class of twin balanced incomplete block designs, Hadi Kharaghani and Vladimir Tonchev
A new bound on the number of designs with classical affine parameters, Clement Lam and Vladimir Tonchev
Simulation of non-evaporating diesel sprays and verification with experimental data, Martti Larmi, Pekka Rantanen, Jukka Tiainen, Jukka Kiijärvi, Franz X. Tanner, and Krista Stalsberg-Zarling
Multilinear direct and reverse Stolarsky inequalities, Iosif Pinelis
Spherically symmetric functions with a convex second derivative and applications to extremal probabilistic problems, Iosif Pinelis
A Varshamov-Gilbert bound for a class of formally self-dual codes and related quantum codes, Vladimir Tonchev
Error-correcting codes from graphs, Vladimir Tonchev
Linear codes and the existence of a reversible Hadamard difference set inZ2×Z2×Z45☆, M. van Eupen and Vladimir Tonchev
Wavelet threshold estimation of a regression function with random design, Shuanglin Zhang, Man Yu Wong, and Zhongguo Zheng
Association mapping, using a mixture model for complex traits, Xiaofeng Zhu, Shuanglin Zhang, Hongyu Zhao, and Richard S. Cooper
Works from 2001
Caps on Classical Varieties and their Projections, Jürgen Bierbrauer, Antonio Cossidente, and Yves Edel
Remote sensing of biotic effects: Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) influence on water clarity in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, Judith W. Budd, Thomas David Drummer, Thomas F. Nalepa, and Gary L. Fahnenstiel
Families of ternary (t, m, s)-nets related to BCH-codes, Yves Edel and Jürgen Bierbrauer
A primer on differentiation, Mark Gockenbach
The [52, 26, 10] binary self-dual codes with an automorphism of Order 7☆, W. Cary Huffman and Vladimir Tonchev
Bush‐type Hadamard matrices and symmetric designs, Zvonimir Janko, Hadi Kharaghani, and Vladimir Tonchev
The existence of a Bush-Type Hadamard Matrix of order 324 and two new infinite classes of symmetric designs, Zvonimir Janko, Hadi Kharaghani, and Vladimir Tonchev
On a conjecture about trees in graphs with large girth, Tao Jiang
Small odd cycles in 4-chromatic graphs, Tao Jiang
A hole-size bound for incomplete t-wise balanced designs, Donald L. Kreher and Rolf S. Rees
Bounds on the number of Hadamard designs of even order, Clement Lam, Sigmund Lam, and Vladimir Tonchev
On the Yao-Iyer inequality in bioequivalence studies, Iosif Pinelis
A Mass Formula for Steiner Triple Systems STS(2n−1) of 2-Rank 2n−n☆, Vladimir Tonchev
Works from 2000
A family of caps in projective 4-space in odd characteristic, Jürgen Bierbrauer and Yves Edel
Quantum twisted codes, Jürgen Bierbrauer and Yves Edel
Almost independent and weakly biased arrays: Efficient constructions and cryptologic applications, Jürgen Bierbrauer and Holger Schellwat
Linearity of space-time transformations without the one-to-one, line-onto-line, or constancy-of-speed-of-light assumptions, Alexander Chubarev and Iosif Pinelis
Maximal arcs and disjoint maximal arcs in projective planes of order 16, Nicholas Hamilton, Stoicho Stoichev, and Vladimir Tonchev
Bounds on the number of affine, symmetric and Hadamard designs and matrices☆, Clement Lam, Sigmund Lam, and Vladimir Tonchev
On symmetric nets and generalized Hadamard matrices from affine designs, Vassili C. Mavron and Vladimir Tonchev
Assessment of CFD methods for large diesel engines equipped with a common rail injection system, Paul Rodatz, German Weisser, and Franz X. Tanner
The development and assessment of a course for enhancing the 3-D spatial visualization skills of first year engineering students, Sheryl Sorby and Beverly J. Baartmans
Unital designs in planes of order 16, Stoicho Stoichev and Vladimir Tonchev
Non-equilibrium turbulence considerations for combustion processes in the simulation of di diesel engines, Franz X. Tanner, Guang Sheng Zhu, and Rolf D. Reitz
Works from 1999
Halving PSL(2, q), Jürgen Bierbrauer and Yves Edel
New codes via the lengthening of BCH codes with UEP codes, Jürgen Bierbrauer, Yves Edel, and Ludo Tolhuizen
Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for a Dynamic One-Dimensional Damage Model, Michel Frémond, Kenneth L. Kuttler, and Meir Shillor
C++ classes for linking optimization with complex simulations, Mark Gockenbach, Matthew J. Petro, and William W. Symes
Random Sidon Sequences, Anant P. Godbole, Svante Janson, Nicholas W. Locantore, and Rebecca Rapoport
Another logarithmic functional equation, Konrad J. Heuvers
Decompositions of difference sets☆, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev
Perfect Codes and Balanced Generalized Weighing Matrices☆, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev
Linear perfect codes and a characterization of the classical designs, Vladimir Tonchev
Works from 1998
On Mathieu's Inequality, Horst Alzer, J. L. Brenner, and O. G. Ruehr
Weak k-majorization and polyhedra, Geir Dahl and François Margot
Quasi‐symmetric 2‐(28, 12, 11) designs with an automorphism of order 7, Yuan Ding, Sheridan Houghten, Clement Lam, Suzan Smith, Larry Thiel, and Vladimir Tonchev
Modelling air temperature gradients across managed small streams in western Washington, J. Dong, J. Chen, K. D. Brosofske, and R. J. Naiman
Improved upper bounds for the reliability of d-dimensional consecutive-k-out-of-n : F systems, Anant P. Godbole, Laura K. Potter, and Jessica K. Sklar
New Designs with Block Size 7, Zvonimir Janko and Vladimir Tonchev
Characterizing the Hermitian and Ree unitals on 28 points, Gary McGuire, Vladimir Tonchev, and Harold Ward
Maximum disjoint bases and constant-weight codes, Vladimir Tonchev
Works from 1997
A family of 2-weight codes related to BCH-codes, Jürgen Bierbrauer and Yves Edel
Extending and lengthening BCH codes, Jürgen Bierbrauer and Yves Edel
Embedding partial geometries in Steiner designs, Andries Brouwer, Willem Haemers, and Vladimir Tonchev
Twisted BCH-codes, Yves Edel and Jürgen Bierbrauer
A Class of Extremal Functions and Trigonometric Polynomials, Jeffrey J. Holt
Computational results for the known biplanes of order 9, J. D. Key and Vladimir Tonchev
On steiner 3-wise balanced designs of order 17, E. S. Kramer, D. L. Kreher, and Rudolf Mathon
Binary codes derived from the Hoffman-Singleton and Higman-Sims graphs, Vladimir Tonchev
Steiner triple systems of order 15 and their codes, Vladimir Tonchev and Robert Weishaar
Works from 1996
Second order evolution equations with dynamic boundary conditions, Kevin T. Andrews, K. L. Kuttler, and M. Shillor
On the binary codes of Steiner triple systems, Alphonse Baartmans, Ivan Landjev, and Vladimir Tonchev
Automorphism Groups of Tree Actions and of Graphs of Groups, Hyman Bass and Renfang Jiang
Bounding Elastic Constants of an Orthotropic Polycrystal using Measurements of the Microstructure, M. J. Beran, T. A. Mason, B. L. Adams, and T. Olsen
Concerning difference matrices, Charles J. Colbourn and Donald L. Kreher
Random covering designs, Anant P. Godbole and Svante Janson
Spreads in strongly regular graphs, Willem Haemers and Vladimir Tonchev
On a form of the Erdos-Turán inequality, Jeffrey J. Holt
A family of resolvable regular graph designs, Donald L. Kreher, Gordon F. Royle, and W. D. Wallis
Classification of affine resolvable 2-(27, 9, 4) designs, Clement Lam and Vladimir Tonchev
On the minimal number of even submatrices of 0-1 matrices, Iosif Pinelis
Bounded automorphisms of surfaces, Jiang Renfang
A class of Steiner 4‐wise balanced designs derived from preparata codes, Vladimir Tonchev
The uniformly packed binary [27,21,3] and [35,29,3] codes☆, Vladimir Tonchev
The existence of certain extremal [54,27,10] self-dual codes, Vladimir Tonchev and V. Y. Yorgov
Works from 1995
A2-codes from universal hash classes, Jürgen Bierbrauer
Bounds on orthogonal arrays and resilient functions, Jürgen Bierbrauer
Partial steiner triple systems with equal-sized holes, Charles J. Colbourn, Charles A. Cusack, and Donald L. Kreher
Large sets of 3‐designs from psl(2, q), with block sizes 4 and 5, C. A. Cusack, S. W. Graham, and D. L. Kreher
Singly-even self-dual codes and Hadamard matrices, Masaaki Harada and Vladimir Tonchev
The existence of extremal self-dual [50,25,10] codes and quasi-symmetric 2-(49,9,6) designs, W. Cary Huffman and Vladimir Tonchev
On quasi-symmetric 2-(28,12,11) and 2-(36,16,12) designs, Clement Lam, Larry Thiel, and Vladimir Tonchev
Linear codes and doubly transitive symmetric designs, Christopher Parker and Vladimir Tonchev
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics stability analysis, J. W. Swegle, D. L. Hicks, and S. W. Attaway