Works from 2015
High Order Parametrized Maximum-principle-preserving and Positivity-preserving WENO Schemes on Unstructured Meshes, Andrew J. Christlieb, Yuan Liu, Qi Tang, and Zhengfu Xu
New symmetric (61,16,4) designs obtained from codes, Dean Crnkovic, Sanja Rukavina, and Vladimir Tonchev
Linear representations of subgeometries, Stefaan De Winter, Sara Rottey, and Geertrui Van de Voorde
Proximal methods for the elastography inverse problem of tumor identification using an equation error approach, Mark Gockenbach, Baasansuren Jadamba, Akhtar A. Khan, Christiane Tammer, and Brian Winkler
Positivity Preserving High-order Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Parabolic Equations with Blow-up Solutions, Li Guo and Yang Yang
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the Functionalized Cahn–Hilliard Equation, Ruihan Guo, Yan Xu, and Zhengfu Xu
Maximal arcs and quasi-symmetric designs, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev
A defect correction approach to turbulence modeling, Alexander E. Labovsky
A topological dichotomy with applications to complex analysis, Iosif Pinelis
Geometrically convergent sequences of upper and lower bounds on the Wallis ratio and related expressions, Iosif Pinelis
On the Hölder and Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities, Iosif Pinelis
Relations between the first four moments, Iosif Pinelis
On quasi-symmetric 2-(64, 24, 46) designs derived from codes, B. G. Rodrigues and Vladimir Tonchev
The Catalan case of Armstrong's conjecture on simultaneous core partitions Read More:, Richard Stanley and Fabrizio Zanello
Unimodality of partitions with distinct parts inside Ferrers shapes, Richard Stanley and Fabrizio Zanello
The modified Weibull geometric distribution, Min Wang and Ibrahim Elbatal
Bayesian structured variable selection in linear regression models, Min Wang, Xiaoqian Sun, and Tao Lu
A powerful approach to test an optimally weighted combination of rare variants in admixed populations, Xuexia Wang, Shuanglin Zhang, Yun Li, Mingyao Li, and Qiuying Sha
Automorphisms of strongly regular graphs and PDS in Abelian groups, Zeying Wang, Stefaan DeWinter, and Ellen Kamischke
Analysis of sharp superconvergence of local discontinuous galerkin method for one-dimensional linear parabolic equations, Yang Yang and Chi Wang Shu
On the number of odd values of the Klein j-function and the cubic partition function, Fabrizio Zanello
Zeilberger's KOH theorem and the strict unimodality of q-binomial coefficients, Fabrizio Zanello
Some results on electromagnetic transmission eigenvalues, Fang Zeng, Tiara Turner, and Jiguang Sun
Works from 2014
Vertex-transitive graphs of prime-squared order are Hamilton-decomposable, Brian Alspach, Darryn Bryant, and Donald L. Kreher
A cost based reweighted scheme of principal support vector machine, Andreas Artemiou and Min Shu
The structure of quaternary quantum caps, Jürgen Bierbrauer, Daniele Bartoli, Giorgio Faina, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco, and Yves Edel
On the weak Lefschetz property for artinian Gorenstein algebras of codimension three, Mats Boij, Juan Migliore, Rosa Miro-Roig, Uwe Nagel, and Fabrizio Zanello
The nonexistence of (18,3,18,6) relative difference sets, David C. Clark and Vladimir Tonchev
F-vectors of pure complexes and pure multicomplexes of rank three, Charles J. Colbourn, M. S. Keranen, and D. L. Kreher
Effect of Flow type, Channel Height, and Viscosity on Drop Production from Micro-pores, Kathleen Feigl, Franz X. Tanner, Sebastian Holzapfel, and Erich J. Windhab
A combined mixed finite element method and local discontinuous Galerkin method for miscible displacement problem in porous media, Hui Guo, Qing Hua Zhang, and Yang Yang
Discrete mass conservation for porous media saturated flow, Eleanor W. Jenkins, Chris Paribello, and Nicholas E. Wilson
A multigrid method for Helmholtz transmission eigenvalue problems, Xia Ji, Jiguang Sun, and Hehu Xie
Parametrized maximum principle preserving flux limiters for high order schemes solving multi-dimensional scalar hyperbolic conservation laws, Chao Liang and Zhengfu Xu
The Effect of Gravity on the Stability of an Evaporating Liquid Film, Aneet D. Narendranath, James C. Hermanson, Robert W. Kolkka, Allan Struthers, and Jeffrey S. Allen
Two unfortunate properties of pure f-vectors, Adrian Pastine and Fabrizio Zanello
A Novel Test for Testing the Optimally Weighted Combination of Rare and Common Variants Based on Data of Parents and Affected Children, Qiuying Sha and Shuanglin Zhang
A Rare Variant Association Test Based on Combinations of Single-Variant Tests, Qiuying Sha and Shuanglin Zhang
On the rank function of a differential poset, Richard Stanley and Fabrizio Zanello
The existence of optimal quaternary [28,20,6] and quantum [[28,12,6]] codes, Vladimir Tonchev
On the Well-Posedness and Conservation Laws of a Family of Multiscale Deconvolution Models for the Magnetohydrodynamics Equations, Nicholas E. Wilson
High Order Maximum Principle Preserving Semi-Lagrangian Finite Difference WENO Schemes for the Vlasov Equation, Tao Xiong, Jing Mei Qiu, Zhengfu Xu, and Andrew Christlieb
A Positivity-Preserving Semi-Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Solving Extended Magnetohydrodynamics Equations, Xuan Zhao, Yang Yang, and Charles E. Seyler
Works from 2013
Orthogonal projection and liftings of Hamilton-decomposable Cayley graphs on abelian groups, Brian Alspach, Cafer Caliskan, and Donald L. Kreher
Subplanes of order 3 in Figueroa planes, Cafer Caliskan and Bryan Petrak
On the unconditionally gradient stable scheme for the cahn-hilliard equation and its implementation with fourier method, Andrew Christlieb, Keith Promislow, and Zhengfu Xu
A new class of majority-logic decodable codes derived from polarity designs, David C. Clark and Vladimir Tonchev
Enumeration of (16,4,16,4) relative difference sets, David C. Clark and Vladimir Tonchev
An equation error approach for the elasticity imaging inverse problem for predicting tumor location, E. Crossen, Mark Gockenbach, Baasansuren Jadamba, Akhtar A. Khan, and Brian Winkler
A direct product construction for high-rate self-synchronizing codes, Yuichiro Fujiwara and Vladimir Tonchev
High-rate self-synchronizing codes, Yuichiro Fujiwara and Vladimir Tonchev
Algebraic techniques in designing quantum synchronizable codes, Yuichiro Fujiwara, Vladimir Tonchev, and Tony Wong
Local convergence of Newton’s method in the classical calculus of variations, Mark Gockenbach and Chang Liu
Pure O-Sequences and Matroid h-Vectors, Huy Tai Ha, Erik Stokes, and Fabrizio Zanello
A Multi-Level Method for Transmission Eigenvalues of Anisotropic Media, Xia Ji and Jiguang Sun
New invariants for incidence structures, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev
Polynomial analogues of Ramanujan congruences for Han's hooklength formula, William Keith
The Hamilton-Waterloo Problem with 4-Cycles and a Single Factor of n-Cycles, Melissa S. Keranen and Sibel Özkan
Warnaarʼs bijection and colored partition identities, I, Colin Sandon and Fabrizio Zanello
Warnaar’s bijection and colored partition identities, II, Colin Sandon and Fabrizio Zanello
Genetic networks involved in poplar root response to low nitrogen, Hairong Wei, Yordan Yordanov, Sapna Kumari, Tatyana Georgieva, and Victor Busov
A Parametrized Maximum Principle Preserving Flux Limiter for Finite Difference RK-WENO Schemes with Applications in Incompressible Flows, Tao Xiong, Jing Mei Qiu, and Zhengfu Xu
Submissions from 2012
Stability and error estimates for an equation error method for elliptic equations, Mohammad F. Al-Jamal and Mark Gockenbach
Cyclic Additive Codes, Jürgen Bierbrauer
Nonbinary quantum codes derived from finite geometries, David C. Clark and Vladimir Tonchev
Partial flocks of the quadratic cone yielding Mathon maximal arcs, F. De Clerck, S. De Winter, and T. Maes
The geometric dimension of some small configurations, Stefaan DeWinter and Dieter Jungnickel
Two Adaptive Weighting Methods to Test for Rare Variant Associations in Family-Based Designs, Shurong Fang, Qiuying Sha, and Shuanglin Zhang
Variational models of network formation and ion transport: Applications to perfluorosulfonate ionomer membranes, Nir Gavish, Jaylan Jones, Zhengfu Xu, Andrew Christlieb, and Keith Promislow
Uniform two-class regular partial steiner triple systems, Melissa S. Keranen, Donald L. Kreher, and Sibel Özkan
Fixed block configuration group divisible designs with block size six, Melissa S. Keranen and Melanie R. Laffin
Pure O-sequences: Known results, applications, and open problems, Juan Migliore, Uwe Nagel, and Fabrizio Zanello
Detecting Association of Rare and Common Variants by Testing an Optimally Weighted Combination of Variants, Qiuying Sha, Xuexia Wang, Xinli Wang, and Shuanglin Zhang
Cytokine combination therapy prediction for bone remodeling in tissue engineering based on the intracellular signaling pathway, Xiaoqiang Sun, Jing Su, Jiguang Bao, Tao Peng, Le Zhang, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yunzhi Yang, and Xiaobo Zhou
Works from 2011
In-plane thermal conductivity modeling of carbon-filled liquid crystal polymer-based resins, Tayloria N.G. Adams, Tamara R. Olson, Julia A. King, and Jason Keith
Regression and data mining methods for analyses of multiple rare variants in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 mini-exome data, Joan E. Bailey-Wilson, Jennifer S. Brennan, Shelley B. Bull, Robert Culverhouse, Yoonhee Kim, Yuan Jiang, Jeesun Jung, Qing Li, Claudia Lamina, Ying Liu, Reedik Mägi, Yue S. Niu, Claire L. Simpson, Libo Wang, Yildiz E. Yilmaz, Heping Zhang, and Zhaogong Zhang
Commutative semifields from projection mappings, Jürgen Bierbrauer
On the shape of a pure O -sequence, Mats Boij, Juan Migliore, Rosa Miro-Roig, Uwe Nagel, and Fabrizio Zanello
Affine geometry designs, polarities, and Hamada's conjecture, David C. Clark, Dieter Jungnickel, and Vladimir Tonchev
Information security, coding theory and related combinatorics, Dean Crnkovic and Vladimir Tonchev
Sharp-tailed grouse lek attendance and fidelity in upper Michigan, Thomas David Drummer, R. Gregory Corace, and Stephen J. Sjogren
A Hamada type characterization of the classical geometric designs, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev
Positive-Part Moments via the Fourier-Laplace Transform, Iosif Pinelis
A test of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in structured populations, Qiuying Sha and Shuanglin Zhang
An improved score test for genetic association studies, Qiuying Sha, Zhaogong Zhang, and Shuanglin Zhang
Direct current insulator-based dielectrophoretic characterization of erythrocytes: ABO-Rh human blood typing, Soumya K. Srivastava, Andreas Artemiou, and Adrienne Minerick
Finite geometry designs, codes, and Hamada's conjecture, Vladimir Tonchev
The KOH terms and classes of unimodal N-modular diagrams, Fabrizio Zanello
Submissions from 2010
Mutually disjoint designs and new 5‐designs derived from groups and codes, Makoto Araya, Masaaki Harada, Vladimir Tonchev, and Alfred Wassermann
New semifields, PN and APN functions, Jürgen Bierbrauer
Some algebraic consequences of Green’s hyperplane restriction theorems, Mats Boij and Fabrizio Zanello
Exponential bounds on the number of designs with affine parameters, David C. Clark, Dieter Jungnickel, and Vladimir Tonchev
Entanglement-assisted quantum low-density parity-check codes, Yuichiro Fujiwara, David C. Clark, Peter Vandendriessche, Maarten De Boeck, and Vladimir Tonchev
Finite-dimensional linear algebra, Mark Gockenbach
Partial differential equations: Analytical and numerical methods, Second edition, Mark Gockenbach
Classification of generalized Hadamard matrices H(6,3) and quaternary Hermitian self-dual codes of length 18, Masaaki Harada, Clement Lam, Akihiro Munemasa, and Vladimir Tonchev
The number of designs with geometric parameters grows exponentially, Dieter Jungnickel and Vladimir Tonchev
Monomial complete intersections, the weak Lefschetz property and plane partitions, Jizhou Li and Fabrizio Zanello
Monomial complete intersections, the weak Lefschetz property and plane partitions, Jizhou Li and Fabrizio Zanello