On a class of twin balanced incomplete block designs

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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A two-parameter family of 2-(4n2, n(2n -1), m(n-1)) designs are constricted starting from a certain block matrix with 2n by 2m sub-matrices and a balanced generalized weighing matrix over an appropriate cyclic group. The special case n-m corresponds to a construction of symmetric 2-designs from Hadamard matrices of Bus-type described in [10]. If 2m and 2n are the orders of Hadamard matrices, the construction yields Hadamard matrices of Bush-type. Furthermore, if either 2n-1 or 2n + 1 is a prime power, the design can be expanded to infinitely many new designs by using known balanced generalized weighing matrices.

Publisher's Statement

Copyright 2002 Walter de Gruyter. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110198119.157

Publication Title

Codes and Designs


