A Varshamov-Gilbert bound for a class of formally self-dual codes and related quantum codes
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It is proved that a class of q-ary (2n,n) formally self-dual codes obtained from symmetric matrices over GF (q), contains codes that meet the Varshamov-Gilbert bound. The codes are self-dual with respect to the symplectic inner product and yield quantum codes encoding one state with n q-ary qubits and having minimum distance proportional to n.
Publication Title
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Recommended Citation
Tonchev, V.
A Varshamov-Gilbert bound for a class of formally self-dual codes and related quantum codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
48(4), 975-977.
Retrieved from: https://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/math-fp/128
Publisher's Statement
©2002 IEEE. Publisher’s version of record: https://dx.doi.org/10.1109/18.992809