Explore a selection of works produced by the Michigan Technological University community.


Works from 2006


Modeling of indoor air treatment of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans using high-efficiency particulate air-carbon filtration, Hebi Li, Yongsheng Chen, John Crittenden, David Hand, and Roy Taylor


Body Sensor Network based context aware QRS detection, Huaming Li and Jindong Tan


Simulation of core deflection in powder injection molding, D. Ling, M. Gupta, P. R. Myers, and R. K. Upadhyay


Time Dependent Properties of Bovine Meniscal Attachments: Stress Relaxation and Creep, Jason A. Maes and Tammy L. Haut Donahue


Computational assessment of the entropy of solvation of small-sized hydrophobic entities, Reema Mahajan, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Jens Volkert, Ulrich H.E. Hansmann, and Siegfried Höfinger


Folding of proteins with diverse folds, Sandipan Mohanty and Ulrich H.E. Hansmann


Structure and nomenclature of inositol phosphates, phosphoinositides, and glycosylphosphatidylinositols, Pushpalatha P.N. Murthy


Size effects in LiF micron-scale single crystals of low dislocation density, Edward M. Nadgorny, Dennis M. Dimiduk, and Michael D. Uchic


Engineering a conformant probabilistic planner, Nilufer Onder, Garrett C. Whelan, and Li Li


Charge determination for specified shape Coulomb force virtual structures, Gordon Parker, Lyon Bradley King, and Hanspeter Schaub


Steered spacecraft deployment using interspacecraft coulomb forces, Gordon Parker, Lyon Brad King, and Hanspeter Schaub


Design for lean manufacturing: Incorporating lean considerations during product development, S. J. Pavnaskar, D. Weaver, and U. K. Gershenson


On normal domination of (super)martingales, Iosif Pinelis


Inverse reliability measures and reliability-based design optimisation, Palaniappan Ramu, Xueyong Qu, Byeng Dong Youn, Raphael T. Haftka, and Kyung K. Choi


Buried mudpit delineation from electromagnetic surveys - Case history of a student project, Joshua P. Richardson, Douglas E. Moore, Sean P. Trisch, David Forel, Roger M. Turpening, and Wayne D. Pennington


Special Paper of the Geological Society of America: Preface, William I. Rose


A variable displacement engine with independently controllable stroke length and compression ratio, Paul A. Rosso, John Beard, and Jason Blough


Foreword, Jagannathan Sankar, David Hui, Alan Kin tak Lau, Nina Orlovskaya, and Sergey Yarmolenko


Value-based improvement prioritization using process relative worth analysis, Nikhil Sanyal and John K. Gershenson


Ultra-thin multi-aperture LWIR imagers, M. Shankar, R. Willett, N. Pitsianis, D. Brady, T. Schulz, B. Gibbons, B. Te Kolste, J. Carriere, and C. Chen


Communication as articulation, Jennifer Daryl Slack


Small thermoelectric energy source using various fuels, Henry A. Sodano and Philip Kneeland


A global survey of hydrogen energy research, development and policy, Barry D. Solomon and Abhijit Banerjee


An optical diagnostic for xenon Hall thrusters including metastable contributions, Jason D. Sommerville and Lyon B. King


Unsteady film condensation and pumped films on the underside of a flat plate, Sanjoy M. Som, James C. Hermanson, and Jeffrey S. Allen


Experiences in using spatial skills testing instruments with younger audiences, Sheryl Sorby, Thomas David Drummer, and Raymond E. Molzon


The “other” women in family life: Aunt/Niece/Nephew communication, Patricia J. Sotirin and Laura L. Ellingson


Long-term effects of magnesium chloride and other concentrated salt solutions on pavement and structural portland cement concrete phase I results, Larry Sutter, Thomas Van Dam, Karl R. Peterson, and Daniel P. Johnston


A wavelet approach to wideband spectrum sensing for cognitive radios, Zhi Tian and Georgios B. Giannakis


Optimal difference systems of sets with multipliers, Vladimir Tonchev and Hao Wang


Crosswell seismic amplitude-versus-angle studies at a Niagaran reef, Sean Trisch, Wayne D. Pennington, and Roger M. Turpening


Design and simulation of logic gates using single electron transistors at room temperature, Aranggan Venkataratnam and Ashok K. Goel


Selection and navigation of mobile sensor nodes using a sensor network, Atul Verma, Hemjit Sawant, and Jindong Tan


Gas saturation prediction and effect of low frequencies on acoustic impedance images at Foinaven Field, Sean R. Wagner, Wayne D. Pennington, and Colin MacBeth


Teleconnections and disconnections in central Texas: A guide for water managers, D. W. Watkins and S. M. O’Connell


Microscale heat and mass transport of evaporating thin film of binary mixture, Sang Kwon Wee, Kenneth D. Kihm, David M. Pratt, and Jeffrey S. Allen


Wavefront correction with high-order curvature adaptive optics systems, Qiang Yang, Christ Ftaclas, and Mark Chun


Micromechanical modeling approach to predict compressive dynamic moduli of asphalt mixtures using the distinct element method, Zhanping You and William G. Buttlar


A UPC runtime system based on MPI and POSIX threads, Zhang Zhang, Jeevan Savant, and Steven Seidel


A performance model for fine-grain accesses in UPC, Zhang Zhang and Steven R. Seidel


Multiple parameter estimation using Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization for brushless DC motor actuators, Liangtoa Zhu and Ravi Patankar

Works from 2005


Evolution of the properties of Al < inf> n N < inf> n clusters with size, Aurora Costales, M. A. Blanco, E. Francisco, Ravindra Pandey, and A. Martín Pendás


Ultra Wideband Pulse Shaper Design, Zhi Tian, Timothy N. Davidson, Xiliang Luo, Xianren Wu, and Georgios B. Giannakis


Rheology and microstructures formation of immiscible model polymer blends under steady state and transient flows, N. C. Das, H. Wang, J. Mewis, and P. Moldenaers


Forest response to elevated CO < inf> 2 is conserved across a broad range of productivity, Richard J. Norby, Evan H. DeLucia, Birgit Gielen, Carlo Calfapietra, Christian P. Giardina, John S. Kings, Joanne Ledford, Heather R. McCarthy, David J.P. Moore, Reinhart Ceulemans, Paolo De Angelis, Adrien C. Finzi, David F. Karnosky, Mark E. Kubiske, Martin Lukac, Kurt S. Pregitzer, Giuseppe E. Scarascia-Mugnozza, William H. Schlesinger, and Ram Oren


Nucleation and size distribution of nucleus during induction period of polyethylene crystallization, Narayan Chandra Das, Masamichi Hikosaka, Kiyoka Okada, Akihiko Toda, and Katsuaki Inoue


MuON: epidemic based mutual anonymity, Neelesh Bansod, Ashish Malgi, Byung K. Choi, and Jean Mayo


Anisotropic grain growth with pore drag under applied loads, X. N. Jing, J. H. Zhao, G. Subhash, and X. L. Gao


Prediction of the space-varying point spread function for reconstruction of anisoplanatic adaptive optics images, Mathieu Aubailly, Michael C. Roggemann, and Timothy J. Schulz


Insertional mutagenesis in Populus: Relevance and feasibility, Victor Busov, Matthias Fladung, Andrew Groover, and Steven Strauss


A case for a working-set-based memory hierarchy, Steve Carr and Soner Önder


Structure-property relationships in polymer composites with micrometer and submicrometer graphite platelets, I. Chasiotis, Q. Chen, G. M. Odegard, and T. S. Gates


Instruction based memory distance analysis and its application to optimization, Changpeng Fang, Steve Carr, Soner Onder, and Zhenlin Wang


Structural basis of eukaryotic nitrate reduction: Crystal structures of the nitrate reductase active site, Katrin Fischer, Guillaume G. Barbier, Hans Juergen Hecht, Ralf R. Mendel, Wilbur H. Campbell, and Guenter Schwarz


Computational materials: Multi-scale modeling and simulation of nanostructured materials, T. S. Gates, G. M. Odegard, S. J.V. Frankland, and T. C. Clancy


The water cycle across scales, David Gochis, Bruce Anderson, Ana Barros, Andrew Gettelman, Junhong Wang, John Braun, Will Cantrell, Yang Quan Chen, Neil Fox, Bart Geerts, Weiqing Han, Michael Herzog, Paul Kucera, Robert Kursinski, Arlene Laing, Changhai Liu, Eric D. Maloney, Steve Margulis, David Schultz, Steven Sherwood, Adam Sobel, Holger Vömel, and Zhien Wang


Spatial variation in groundwater-related resource supply influences freshwater benthic algal assemblage composition, Scot E. Hagerthey and W. Charles Kerfoot


Drought frequency analysis and prediction in Sonora, Mexico, M. Hallack-Alegria and D. W. Watkins


Changing animal and environmental attitudes with evidence of animal minds, William S. Helton and Nicole D. Helton


Characterizing the effect of 319 aluminum microstructure on Machinability, Part 1 : Model development, Xuefei Hu, John W. Sutherland, and James M. Boileau


Characterizing the effect of 319 aluminum microstructure on machinability, part 2: Model validation, Xuefei Hu, John W. Sutherland, and James M. Boileau


Issues associated with MQL implementation: Effect on peripheral milling process performance and impact on machining economics, C. Ju, L. P. Keranen, K. R. Haapala, D. J. Michalek, and J. W. Sutherland


Emotional stimuli, divided attention, and memory, Rosalie P. Kern, Terry M. Libkuman, Hajime Otani, and Katherine Holmes


Tropospheric O < inf> 3 compromises net primary production in young stands of trembling aspen, paper birch and sugar maple in response to elevated atmospheric CO < inf> 2 , John S. King, Mark E. Kubiske, Kurt S. Pregitzer, George R. Hendrey, Evan P. McDonald, Christian P. Giardina, Vanessa S. Quinn, and David F. Karnosky


Fine root chemistry and decomposition in model communities of north-temperate tree species show little response to elevated atmospheric CO < inf> 2 and varying soil resource availability, J. S. King, K. S. Pregitzer, D. R. Zak, W. E. Holmes, and K. Schmidt


Towards sustainable "product and material flow" cycles: Identifying barriers to achieving product multi-use and zero waste, Vishesh Kumar, Danny J. Bee, Prasad S. Shirodkar, Serdar Tumkor, Bernhard P. Bettig, and John W. Sutherland


On-chip photonic crystals on magnetic garnet films, R. Li and M. Levy


Erratum: Bragg grating magnetic photonic crystal waveguides (Applied Physics Letters (2005) 86 (251102)), Rong Li and Miguel Levy


Determining localized garment insulation values from manikin studies: Computational method and results, D. A. Nelson, J. S. Curlee, A. R. Curran, J. M. Ziriax, and P. A. Mason


Performance analysis of Kalman Filter and Minimum Variance controllers for Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics, Piotr Piatrou and Michael Roggemann


Beacon creation and characterization for beam control in strong turbulence, Michael C. Roggemann, Timothy J. Schulz, Alex Sergeyev, and Grant Soehnel


Cooperative caching with keep-me and evict-me, Jennifer B. Sartor, Subramaniam Venkiteswaran, Kathryn S. McKinley, and Zhenlin Wang


Multi-Frame Image Restoration, Timothy J. Schulz


The sources of social capital within technology incubators: The roles of historical ties and organizational facilitation, Joanne L. Scillitoe and Alok K. Chakrabarti


Clay permeability changes - Flexible wall permeameter & environmental scanning electron microscope, Arunkumar Selvam and Brian Barkdoll


Novel coupling agents for PVC/wood-flour composites, Bhavesh L. Shah, Laurent M. Matuana, and Patricia Heiden


A fuzzy logic based algorithm for finding astronomical objects in wide-angle frames, Lior Shamir and Robert J. Nemiroff


Mobile sensor deployment for a dynamic cluster-based target tracking sensor network, Niaoning Shan and Jindong Tan


The bit-reversal SDRAM address mapping, Jun Shao and Brian T. Davis


A direct solution to normal depth in open channels, Ravi C. Shrestha and Brian Barkdoll


Visualization and predictive modeling of two-phase flow regime transition with application towards water management in the gas-flow channels of PEM fuel cells, Sang Young Son and Jeffrey S. Allen


Investigation of mechanical properties of diatom frustules using nanoindentation, G. Subhash, S. Yao, B. Bellinger, and M. R. Gretz


Paper technical communicators as facilitators of negotiation in controversial technology transfer cases, Dale L. Sullivan


Weighted energy detection of ultra-wideband signals, Zhi Tian and Brian M. Sadler


Electrical and electronic equipment recovery and recycling in Turkey, Serdar Tumkor, John W. Sutherland, and Vishesh Kumar


Selection and navigation of mobile sensor nodes using a sensor network, Atul Verma, Hemjit Sawant, and Jindong Tan


Quickbird satellite imagery for riparian management: Characterizing riparian filter strips and detecting concentrated flow in an agricultural watershed, S. Volkman, B. Barkdoll, and R. Bingner


Engineering and medical applications of diatoms, Kit Mun Wee, Tony N. Rogers, Burhanettin S. Altan, Stephen A. Hackney, and Christian Hamm


Benchmark measurements of current UPC platforms, Zhang Zhang and Steven Seidel


Shear-SANS study of single-walled carbon nanotube suspensions, H. Wang, G. T. Christopherson, Z. Y. Xu, L. Porcar, D. L. Ho, D. Fry, and E. K. Hobbie


Synergy of intramolecular hydrogen-bonding network in myo-inositol 2-monophosphate: Theoretical investigations into the electronic structure, proton transfer, and pK < inf> a , Ping Yang, Pushpalatha P.N. Murthy, and Richard E. Brown


Influence of titanium oxide films on copper nucleation during electrodeposition, Hyun K. Chang, Byung Hak Choe, and Jong K. Lee


Low temperature growth of boron nitride nanotubes on substrates, Jiesheng Wang, Vijaya Kayastha, Yoke Khin Yap, Zhiyong Fan, Jia G. Lu, Zhengwei Pan, and et. al.


Prediction of the off-axis point spread function for large field of view astronomical adaptive optics images, Mathieu Aubailly, Michael C. Roggemann, and Timothy J. Schulz


Improvement of mechanical properties for Zn-Al alloys using equal-channel angular pressing, Gençaǧa Pürçek


Reexamination of the structure of MoO(O < inf> 2 ) < inf> 2 (H < inf> 2 O)(hmpa), hmpa=hexamethylphosphoramide by crystallographic and theoretical means, Craig A. Bayse, Ampa Jimtaisong, Anil K. Kandalam, Rudy L. Luck, Ravindra Pandey, and Mark J. Stevens


Colloidal particles coated and stabilized by DNA-wrapped carbon nanotubes, E. K. Hobbie, B. J. Bauer, J. Stephens, M. L. Becker, P. McGuiggan, S. D. Hudson, and H. Wang


Synthesis of N-heteroaryl(trifluoromethyl)hydroxyalkanoic acid esters by highly efficient solid acid-catalyzed hydroxyalkylation of indoles and pyrroles with activated trifluoromethyl ketones, Mohammed Abid and Béla Török


A family of binary (t, m,s)-nets of strength 5, Jürgen Bierbrauer and Yves Edel


Energetics and migration of point defects in Ga2O3, Miguel A. Blanco, Munima B. Sahariah, Huitian Jiang, Aurora Costales, and Ravindra Pandey