Measurement of Diporeia respiration rate for Lake Superior

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© 2014 International Association for Great Lakes Research. The freshwater amphipod Diporeia is a dominant macroinvertebrate species in Lake Superior's benthic community and an important prey item for many fish. A capacity to predict growth and production rates of Diporeia using a bioenergetics model requires information on physiological processes of the species. The objective of this study is to quantify oxygen consumption of Lake Superior Diporeia and to determine if respiration rate changes with body length. Diporeia were collected from Lake Superior and kept over natural sediment maintained at 4°C. Dissolved oxygen levels for groups of immature (2mm), juvenile (4mm), and adult (6mm) Diporeia in 20ml microcosms were measured using a polarographic microelectrode. Mass-specific respiration rates for Lake Superior Diporeia ranged from 32.0 to 44.7 mg O2 g DW-1 day-1. A significant relationship between body length and mass-specific respiration rate (p> 0.1) was not found. The estimate of Diporeia respiration presented here is significantly higher (p < 0.05) than previous findings from populations in Lakes Michigan and Ontario. This study provides new data on respiration rates of Lake Superior Diporeia and compares findings to studies for other connecting Great Lakes.

Publication Title

Journal of Great Lakes Research
