Submissions from 2025
Terminology in ecology and evolutionary biology disproportionately harms marginalized groups, Mallory M. Rice, Shersingh Joseph Tumber-Davila, Marcella D. Baiz, Susan J. Cheng, Kathy Darragh, Cesar O. Estien, J. W. Hammond, Danielle D. Ignace, Lily Khadempour, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Kirby L. Mills, Justine A. Smith, and Alex C. Moore
Submissions from 2024
After Implementation: Assessing Student Self-Placement in College Writing Programs, Lisa Arnold, Holly Hassel, and Lei Jiang
The Grandmother’s Tale—Creative Nonfiction by Stephanie Carpenter, Stephanie Carpenter
The Half-Burned Collegiate Algebra: College Cultures and Chance Preservation Edited by Jemma Lorenat, Andrew Fiss
Messing with the Master Narrative: The Challenges of Challenging Meritocracy in Undergraduate Education “Diversity” Coursework, Simona Goldin, Chandra L. Alston, and J. W. Hammond
Reflective and dialogical approaches in engineering ethics education, Lavinia Marin, Yousef Jalali, Alexandra Morrison, and Cristina Voinea
The Origin and Horizon of Ethics: A Philosophical Hermeneutic Interpretation, Ramsey Eric Ramsey and Lisa Fellars Watrous
Ethical and Transformative Dimensions in “Kumaré” and Participatory Documentary Filmmaking, Sharvaree Sawant
Adoption of an Advocates and Allies Program for a Predominantly STEM Campus, Patricia Sotirin, Sonia Goltz, Andrew Storer, and Adrienne Minerick
Decentering humans in sustainability: a framework for Earth-centered kinship and practice, Tran Thi Mai Anh, Cassandra M. Reed-VanDam, Kendall Belopavlovich, Elizabeth Brown, Katherine E. Higdon, Shelby Nicole Lane-Clark, Katherine M. McGowen, Emily Shaw, and Valoree Gagnon
Works from 2023
Social and digital media monitoring for nonviolence: a distributed cognition perspective of the precariousness of peace work, Richard Canevez, Jenifer Sunrise Winter, and Joseph G. Bock
Championing inclusive terminology in ecology and evolution, Susan J. Cheng, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Alex C. Moore, Kathy Darragh, Cesar O. Estien, J. W. Hammond, Christopher Lawrence, Kirby L. Mills, Marcella D. Baiz, Danielle Ignace, Lily Khadempour, Matthew A. McCary, Mallory M. Rice, Shersingh Joseph Tumber-Dávila, and Justine A. Smith
Living the corporeal plague: A phenomenological explanation of metaphors used by President Akufo-Addo, Fredrica Markson Eduaful and Alfred L. Owusu-Ansah
Feminist Resistance, Resilience, and Concession: Historical Moments of Activism by NCTE and CCCC Feminist Groups (or, “Whatever You, Betty, and Nancy Think Ought to Be Done”), Holly Hassel and Kate Pantelides
Crip Letters: Storying Slowness and Re/Writing Academic Work, V. Jo Hsu and Jennifer Nish
Reclaiming public service ethics through algorithms: Implications for teaching and development, Alexandra Morrison, Adam Wellstead, and Helen Dickinson
Initiating and Sustaining a Digital Humanities Laboratory in Nigeria, Tunde Ope-Davies (Opeibi), Ayodele James Akinola, and Anthony Elisha Anowu
Isle Royale Reflections from the Upper Peninsula Poet Laureate, M. Bartley Seigel
The Good Omen, M. Bartley Seigel
Mid-career Faculty Peer Mentoring: Rationale and Program Design, Patricia J. Sotirin and Sonia Goltz
Looking Back to Look Forward: Ukraine’s Evolving Use of Digital Space for Resistance and Public Diplomacy, 2014-2022, Lara Zwarun and Richard Canevez
Works from 2022
Where is Frances Burney? Irony, Free Indirect Discourse, and the Cultural Critic in Cecilia, Oren M. Abeles
Traces: Photographic Negatives and the Quest for Truth, Stefka Hristova
Making It Strange: Disrupting Assumptions About Technology and Ethics in Engineering and Computing Education, Alexandra Morrison and Charles Wallace
'It Can't Tell You How to Do That.' Suggesting a Faculty-Focused Subgenre of Instructional Writing, Alfred L. Owusu-Ansah and Michelle E. Jarvie-Eggart
Slogans of white supremacy: Imagined minority corruption in Trump-era politics, Richard Ward and Stefka Hristova
A Technical Hair Piece: Metis, Social Justice and Technical Communication in Black Hair Care on YouTube, Modupe Yusuf and Veena Namboodri Schioppa
Works from 2021
Pregnancy, Motherhood And/as/or Dissent: The Soviet Micro-rhetorics of Gender, Eve Annuk and Marika Seigel
Constructing collective identities and solidarity in premiers’ early speeches on COVID-19: a global perspective, Martina Berrocal, Michael Kranert, Paola Attolino, Júlio Antonio Bonatti Santos, Sara Garcia Santamaria, Nancy Henaku, Aimée Danielle Lezou Koffi, Camilla Marziani, Viktorija Mažeikienė, Dasniel Olivera Pérez, Kumaran Rajandran, and Aleksandra Salamurović
Correction: Constructing collective identities and solidarity in premiers’ early speeches on COVID-19: a global perspective (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, (2021), 8, 1, (128), 10.1057/s41599-021-00805-x), Martina Berrocal, Michael Kranert, Paola Attolino, Júlio Antonio Bonatti Santos, Sara Garcia Santamaria, Nancy Henaku, Aimée Danielle Lezou Koffi, Camilla Marziani, Viktorija Mažeikienė, Dasniel Olivera Pérez, Kumaran Rajandran, and Aleksandra Salamurović
The Nature of Sacred Time, Michael Bowler
S-STEM Student Reflections and IDP Process, Laura Kasson Fiss, John L. Irwin, and Yin Yin Tan
Grieving While Dissertating, Shelly A. Galliah
Considering the corporeal to facilitate research to practice transitions, Sonia Goltz and Patty Sotirin
Portraiture, Surveillance, and the Continuity Aesthetic of Blur, Stefka Hristova
Postcollapse Art / Affective Assemblages: Facial Recognition and the Search for Love, Stefka Hristova
Training for the Algorithmic Machine, Stefka Hristova
Factors Motivating Engineering Faculty to Adopt and Teach New Engineering Technologies, Michelle E. Jarvie-Eggart, Alfred L. Owusu-Ansah, and Shari L. Stockero
Iteration and inquiry: Toward a meaningful model of ethical engagement for engineering and computing students, Alexandra Morrison and Charles Wallace
Creating translated interfaces: The representations of african langua ges and cultures in digital media, Elvis ResCue and G. Edzordzi Agbozo
Understanding socio-technological systems change through an indigenous community-based participatory framework, Marie Schaefer, Laura Schmitt Olabisi, Kristin Arola, Christie M. Poitra, Elise Matz, Marika Seigel, Chelsea Schelly, Adewale Aremu Adesanya, and Doug Bessette
Cultural imaginaries or incommensurable ontologies? Relationality and sovereignty as worldviews in socio-technological system transitions, Chelsea Schelly, Valoree Gagnon, Kristin Arola, Andrew Fiss, Marie Schaefer, and Kathleen E. Halvorsen
Chinese Women’s Reproductive Justice and Social Media, Hua Wang
Works from 2020
Constituting Vegetarian Audiences: Orchestrations of Egocentric, Anthropocentric, Ecocentric Exigencies in Jonathan Safran Foer’s Eating Animals, Oren Abeles and Emma Lozon
U.S. Has the Most Coronavirus Cases, but …, Oren M. Abeles
Teaching the intersections of technology & design through critical discourse analysis for international audiences, G. Edzordzi Agbozo
Educational Language Policy in An African Country: Making A Place for Code-Switching/Translanguaging, G. Edzordzi Agbozo and Elvis Rescue
Home front in the American heartland local experiences and legacies of WWI, Leslie Bellais, Sue Collins, Chet DeFonso, Christopher McCollough, Sarah Price, Hilary Virtanen, Steven A. Walton, Rebecca Frost, Patty Sotirin, Josh Fulton, and Doug Lantry
Teaching HyFlex: It’s a Genre Problem, Maria Bergstrom
Review: Marching on: Rereading Little Women and Louisa May Alcott, Stephanie Carpenter
Data Engagement: A Critical Materialist Framework for Making Data in Qualitative Research, Laura L. Ellingson and Patty Sotirin
Ada Lovelace: The Making of a Computer Scientist (Book Review), Andrew Fiss
Ridicule, Technical Communication, and Nineteenth-Century Women Performing College Math, Andrew Fiss
Nation without narration: History, memory and identity in postcolonial Cameroon, Ramon A. Fonkoué
Rick Mercer: A Ranting Patriot, Shelly A. Galliah
The Complex Ethics of Jimmy Kimmel as Confidence Man and Scientific Communicator, Shelly A. Galliah
Torture and Love: Wives of Chinese Gay Men and Their Cyber Communities, Wenjing Liu
Identity as institution: power, agency, and the self, Scott Marratto
Françoise dastur, questions of phenomenology: Language, alterity, temporality, finitude, L. Alexandra Morrison
Energy policy for energy sovereignty: Can policy tools enhance energy sovereignty?, Chelsea Schelly, Douglas Bessette, Kathleen Brosemer, Valoree Gagnon, Kristin L. Arola, Andrew Fiss, Joshua M. Pearce, and Kathleen E. Halvorsen
Fourteener for the restless in the middle of the night, M. Bartley Seigel
Hollywood and Beyond: Rescreening Domestic Violence, Diane Shoos
A Black Church, Black Woman, and the Lure of Black BDSM, K. Thomas
Social media in accommodating sex education exigency in China, Hua Wang
Works from 2019
Revisiting "Home" in Ghanaian Poetry: Awoonor, Anyidoho and Adzei, Gabriel Edzordzi Agbozo
The Rhetoric of Trump in Essays and Commentaries, Daryl Taiwo Haris (Ed.), G. Edzordzi Agbozo
“Onaapo” vs. “One Factory”: A critical discourse analysis of Ghanaian political campaign lyrics (2012-2016), G. Edzordzi Agbozo, Mary Edward, and Fatiatu Inusah
Making IT Work: A History of the Computer Services Industry, Sarah Bell
Braving the Elements, Stephanie Carpenter
Cultural Studies in the Writing Center, William E. De Herder
Data engagement: A critical materialist framework for making data in qualitative research, Laura L. Ellingson and Patty Sotirin
The Mathmagics of media princesses: Informal STEM learning, STEM rhetorics, and animated children’s movies, Andrew Fiss
Algorithms of oppression: Safiya Umoja Noble’s powerful exploration of search engines’ underlying hegemony and their racist, sexist practices., Shelly A. Galliah
Interrogating Fake News in the Composition Classroom: Pedagogical Plans, Shelly A. Galliah
Neuroethics of the nonhuman, L. Syd M. Johnson
Situating Moral Agency: How hostphenomenology can benefit engineering ethics, L. Alexandra Morrison
The NIH BRAIN Initiative: Integrating neuroethics and neuroscience, Khara Ramos, Christine Grady, Henry T. Greely, Winston Chiong, James Eberwine, and L. Syd M. Johnson
Critical pedagogies in cultural studies: On teaching Marxism online, Ronald Strickland
Speculative Tragedy and Spatial Play: Scaling Byron's Sardanapalus, Dana Van Kooy
Chinese women's rhetorical agency in reproduction and social media, Hua Wang
Submissions from 2018
Chimpanzee rights: The philosopher's brief, Kristin Andrews, Gary Comstock, G. K. D. Crozier, Sue Donaldson, Andrew Fenton, Tyler M. John, L. Syd M. Johnson, and et. al.
Chimpanzee rights: The philosophers’ brief, Kristin Andrews, Gary Comstock, G. K.D. Crozier, Sue Donaldson, Andrew Fenton, Tyler M. John, L. Syd M. Johnson, Robert C. Jones, Wil Kymlicka, Letitia Meynel, Nathan Nobis, David Peña-Guzmán, and Jef Sebo
Articulating race: Reading skin colour as taxonomy and as numerical data, Joel Beatty and Stefka Hristova
The end of the world as we know it: Four novels of climate change, Stephanie Carpenter
Structures of antifeminism: Drugs and women’s education in the texts of Dr. Clarke, Andrew Fiss
Perceptions of Problematic Credibility in John Oliver’s “Statistically Representative Climate Change Debate", Shelly A. Galliah
Review: Morals not knowledge, Shelly A. Galliah
Science Fiction Lessons, Shelly A. Galliah
Neuroethics guiding principles for the NIH Brain Initiative, Henry T. Greely, Christine Grady, Khara M. Ramos, Winston Chiong, James Eberwine, Nita A. Farahany, L. Syd M. Johnson, and et. al.
Birch Oil, Smoke, Pine Tar, Switch, M. Bartley Seigel
Works from 2017
Ostension: Word learning and the embodied mind, Michael Bowler
Review of Complicated Presence: Heidegger and the Postmetaphysical Unity of Being, Michael Bowler
Gimme hawks, Stephanie Carpenter
Informing ethical decision making, Adam Feltz and Edward T. Cokely
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Ethical, legal, and social implications, L. Syd M. Johnson
Prenatal and neonatal neuroethics: The moral significance of painience, L. Syd M. Johnson
Introduction, L. Syd M. Johnson and Karen S. Rommelfanger
The routledge handbook of neuroethics, L. Syd M. Johnson and Karen S. Rommelfanger