"Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Ethical, legal, and social implicati" by L. Syd M. Johnson

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: Ethical, legal, and social implications

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Department of Humanities


Chris Henry died at the age of 26 after sustaining brain trauma in a fall from a moving pickup truck (Roth, 2013). Before his death, Henry had struggled with substance abuse and had been in trouble with the law, including arrests for assault and intoxicated driving. Derek Boogaard died at the age of 28 from a drug and alcohol overdose. He also had a long history of substance abuse, beginning with an addiction to prescription pain medications that began after a work-related injury (Branch, 2011). Andrew Martin had a history of substance abuse and intoxicated driving before he died of a drug overdose at 33. Chris Benoit was 40 when he killed his wife and son before he committed suicide (Goodman, 2007). Rick Rypien and Joseph Chernach both died of suicide in their mid-20s, after years of suffering from depression (Klein, 2011; Belson, 2015). Jerry Quarry had a history of drug and alcohol abuse and was diagnosed with advanced dementia before he died at 53 (Hirsley, 1999).

Publisher's Statement

© 2018 Taylor & Francis. Publisher’s version of record: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315708652

Publication Title

The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics
