"Braving the Elements" by Stephanie Carpenter

Braving the Elements

Document Type

News Article

Publication Date

Spring 2019


Department of Humanities


Ecotone is a magazine of place whose contents prompt us to think expansively about the human and ecological spaces around us. Issue 27 includes poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual art, performance art, maps, and instructions—inventive, diverse pieces whose themes and approaches intersect in many ways. These lesson plans suggest some thematic groupings of the issue’s contents, and offer discussion questions, prompts, and assignments for a one-month unit.
This guide is geared toward undergraduate creative-writing courses, but it may be used in other contexts as well. Instructors are welcome to adapt it to suit their courses and classrooms. If you use or adapt these materials, in part or in full, please credit Stephanie Carpenter and Teach Ecotone.

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