Works from 2018
Introduction to part II, Don DeBats, Ian Gregory, and Don Lafreniere
Introduction to part III, Don Lafreniere, Ian Gregory, and Don DeBats
Introduction to part IV, Ian Gregory, Don DeBats, and Don Lafreniere
Introduction to part V, Don DeBats, Ian Gregory, and Don Lafreniere
Introduction to part VI, Ian Gregory, Don DeBats, and Don Lafreniere
Introduction: When one size does not fit all: Environmental policy, social context, and social justice, Aparajita Banerjee and Chelsea Schelly
Mechanisms of environmental policy change in a federal system: The case of open federalism and the 2006–15 Harper government, Adam Wellstead
Perspectives on Water Resources among Anishinaabe and Non-Native Residents of the Great Lakes Region, Andrew T. Koznich, Kathleen Halvorsen, and Alex S. Mayer
Policy Mechanisms, Adam Wellstead, Paul Cairney, and Kathryn Oliver
Public perceptions towards oil palm cultivation in Tabasco, Mexico, Erin Pischke, Mark Rouleau, and Kathleen E. Halvorsen
Recreational Fishing in Illinois: Demographic Analysis, Erin Burkett and Richelle Winkler
Recreational fishing participation trends in Upper Great Lakes States: an age-period-cohort analysis, Erin Burkett and Richelle Winkler
Reducing ambiguity to close the science-policy gap, Adam Wellstead, Paul Cairney, and Kathryn Oliver
Reducing ambiguity to close the science-policy gap, Adam Wellstead, Paul Cairney, and Kathryn Oliver
Responses of deposition and bioaccumulation in the Great Lakes region to policy and other large-scale drivers of mercury emissions, J. A. Perlinger, N. R. Urban, A. Giang, N. E. Selin, A. N. Hendricks, and et. al.
Responses of deposition and bioaccumulation in the Great Lakes region to policy and other large-scale drivers of mercury emissions, Judith Perlinger, Noel R. Urban, Ashley Hendricks, H. Zhang, A. Kumar, Shiliang Wu, Hugh Gorman, and et. al.
Review of: The Medieval New: Ambivalence in an Age of Innovation, Steven A. Walton
Review: The Medieval New: Ambivalence in an Age of Innovation, Steven A. Walton
Shooting for perfection: Hawaii's goal of 100% renewable energy use, Barry Solomon and Adam Wellstead
Social and political inequality as challenges in technology diffusion: Evidence from government-funded improved cookstove program in rural Mexico, Aparajita Banerjee and Chelsea Schelly
The long road to sustainability of Mexican oil palm production, Erin Pischke
The power of the talking points: Persuasive power and the challenges of sustainable natural resource development, Amanda Kreuze, Roman Sidortsov, and Chelsea Schelly
The routledge companion to spatial history, Ian Gregory, Don DeBats, and Don Lafreniere
The Syllabus Project, Nancy Langston
Thinking theory thoroughly: Coherent approaches to an incoherent world, second edition, James N. Rosenau and Mary Durfee
Uncovering discursive framings of the Bangladesh shipbreaking industry, S. M. Mizanur Rahman, Chelsea Schelly, Audrey L. Mayer, and Emma S. Norman
Upper Great Lakes States’ recreational angler participation map book, Erin Burkett, Richelle Winkler, and Rozalynn Klaas
When foundation matters: overcoming legal and regulatory barriers to oil and gas well decommissioning in Russia, Roman Sidortsov and Elena Gavrilina
Works from 2017
11. Iron Mines, Toxicity, and Indigenous Communities in the Lake Superior Basin, Nancy Langston
Archaeological Overview & Assessment Pullman National Historical Monument, Timothy Scarlett and Steven A. Walton
At the crossroads of policy ambitions and political reality: Reflections on the prospects of LNG development in Russia, Roman Sidortsov
Barriers and Solutions to Conducting Large International, Interdisciplinary Research Projects, Erin Pischke, Jessie L. Knowlton, Colin Phifer, Jose Gutierrez Lopez, Tamara S. Propato, Amarella Eastmond, Tatiana Martins de Souza, Mark Kuhlberg, Valentin Picasso Risso, Santiago R. Veron, Carlos Garcia, Marta Chiappe, and Kathleen Halvorsen
Differences in Federal and Provincial Policy Analysis, Michael Howlett and Adam Wellstead
DOCUMERICA and the power of environmental history, Nancy Langston
Dwelling in resistance: living with alternative technologies in America, Chelsea Schelly
Enrollment decision-making in U.S. forestry and related natural resource degree programs, Mark Rouleau, Terry Sharik, Samantha Whitens, and Adam Wellstead
Examining interconnection and net metering policy for distributed generation in the United States, Chelsea Schelly, Edward P. Louie, and Joshua M. Pearce
Explaining through causal mechanisms: resilience and governance of social–ecological systems, Robbert Biesbroek, Johann Dupuis, and Adam Wellstead
Extractive industries, corporate discourse and indigenous heritage, Melissa Baird
Handbook on the geographies of energy, Barry Solomon and Kirby E. Calvert
Intragroup Lethal Aggression in West African Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus): Inferred Killing of a Former Alpha Male at Fongoli, Senegal, Jill D. Pruetz, Kelly Boyer Ontl, Elizabeth Cleaveland, Stacy Lindshield, Joshua Marshack, and Erin G. Wessling
Mathematical Practitioners and the Transformation of Natural Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, Lesley B. Cormack, John A. Schuster, Steven A. Walton, Alex G. Keller, Sven Dupre, W. R. Laird, and Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis
Our dangerous discipline: Doing historical archaeology in Utah, Timothy Scarlett
Participatory Modeling Workshops in a Water-Stressed Basin Result in Gains in Modeling Capacity but Reveal Disparity in Water Resources Management Priorities, Alex Mayer, Enrique R. Vivoni, David Kossak, Kathleen Halvorsen, and Agustin Robles Morua
Policy advice from outsiders: The challenges of policy co-construction, Adam Wellstead, Bryan Evans, and Halina Sapeha
Policy Analysis and the Voluntary Sector, Bryan Evans, Juniper Glass, and Adam Wellstead
Policy Capacity and Incapacity in Canada’s Federal Government, Adam Wellstead, Richard Stedman, and Evert Lindquist
Policy mixes and their alignment over time: Patching and stretching in the oil sands reclamation regime in Alberta, Canada, Jeremy Rayner, Michael Howlett, and Adam Wellstead
Policy work in Canada: Professional practices and analytical capacities in Canada’s policy advisory system, Michael Howlett, Adam Wellstead, and Jonathan Craft
Preface, Barry Solomon and Kirby E. Calvert
Racist housing practices as a precursor to uneven neighborhood change in a post-industrial city, Richard Casey Sadler and Donald Lafreniere
Renewable, ethical? Assessing the energy justice potential of renewable electricity, Aparajita Banerjee, Emily Prehoda, Roman Sidortsov, and Chelsea Schelly
Review of: Mastering Iron: The Struggle to Modernize an American Industry, 1800-1868, Steven A. Walton
Sustainable Development for Whom and How? Exploring the Gaps between Popular Discourses and Ground Reality Using the Mexican Jatropha Biodiesel Case, Aparajita Banerjee, Kathleen Halvorsen, Amarella Eastmond-Spencer, and Sam R. Sweitz
Sustaining Lake Superior, Nancy Langston
Technologies of Pow(d)er: Military mathematical practitioners’ strategies and self-presentation, Steven A. Walton
The changing landscape of biofuels: A global review, Barry Solomon and J. Brad Barnett
The Nature of Professional Policy Work in Canada: An Introduction and Overview, Michael Howlett, Adam Wellstead, and Jonathan Craft
The persistence of time: Vernacular preservation of the postindustrial landscape, John Arnold and Donald Lafreniere
The Russian offshore oil and gas regime, When tight control means less order, Roman Sidortsov
The Wisconsin Experiment, Nancy Langston
Understanding public perceptions of wood-based electricity production in Wisconsin, United States: place-based dynamics and social representations, Aparajita Banerjee, Chelsea Schelly, and Kathleen E. Halvorsen
U.S. strategic solar photovoltaic-powered microgrid deployment for enhanced national security, Emily Prehoda, Chelsea Schelly, and Joshua M. Pearce
You are where you live: Methodological challenges to measuring children’s exposure to hazards, Richard C. Sadler and Donald Lafreniere
Submissions from 2016
A geospatial approach to uncovering the hidden waste footprint of Lake Superior’s Mesabi Iron Range, John Baeten, Nancy Langston, and Don Lafreniere
Alberta's oil sands reclamation policy trajectory: the role of tense layering, policy stretching, and policy patching in long-term policy dynamics, Adam Wellstead, Jeremy Rayner, and Michael Howlett
Assisted tree migration in North America: Policy legacies, enhanced forest policy integration, and climate change adaptation, Adam Wellstead and Michael Howlett
Beyond the Oregon Protests: The Search for Common Ground, Nancy Langston
Boom, bust and beyond: Arts and sustainability in Calumet, Michigan, Richelle Winkler, Lorri Oikarinen, Heather L. Simpson, Melissa Michaelson, and Mayra Sanchez Gonzalez
Canada’s Regional Adaptation Collaboratives and adaptation platform: The importance of scaling up and scaling down climate change governance experiments, Adam Wellstead, Michael Howlett, Sreeja Nair, and Jeremy Rayner
Capitalism in motion, LouAnn Wurst and Stephen A. Mrozowski
Changing ideas in forestry: A comparison of concepts in Swedish and American forestry journals during the early twentieth and twenty-first centuries, Erland Mårald, Nancy Langston, Anna Sténs, and Jon Moen
Cotton and race across the Atlantic : Britain, Africa, and America, 1900-1920, Jonathan Robins
Criteria and indicators for a bioenergy production industry identified via stakeholder participation, Ashma Vaidya and Audrey L. Mayer
Critical review of the millennium project in Nepal, Ashma Vaidya and Audrey L. Mayer
Everyday household practice in alternative residential dwellings: the non-environmental motivations for environmental behavior, Chelsea Schelly
Failure to communicate: Inefficiencies in voluntary incentive programs for private forest owners in Michigan, Mark. D. Rouleau, Jennifer F. Lind-Riehl, Miranda N. Smith, and Audrey L. Mayer
ForestSim: An Agent-Based Simulation for Bioenergy Sustainability Assessment, Mark Rouleau
Heavy Artillery Transformed, Steven A. Walton
How policy frameworks shape environmental practice: three cases of alternative dwelling, Chelsea Schelly
Hybridization, agency discretion, and implementation of the U.S. Endangered Species Act, Jennifer F. Lind-Riehl, Audrey L. Mayer, Adam Wellstead, and Oliver Gailing
In Oregon, Myth Mixes With Anger, Nancy Langston
Life cycle assessment of steel in the ship recycling industry in Bangladesh, S. M. Mahfuzur Rahman, Robert M. Handler, and Audrey L. Mayer
Locating the border in Boundary Bay: Non-Point pollution, Contaminated Shellfish, and transboundary governance, Emma S. Norman
Measurement and modeling of atmosphere-surface exchangeable pollutants (ASEPs) to better understand their environmental cycling and planetary boundaries, Judith Perlinger, Hugh Gorman, Emma S. Norman, Daniel Obrist, Noelle E. Selin, Noel R. Urban, and Shiliang Wu
Moving Toward Integration? Effects of Migration on Ethnoracial Segregation Across the Rural-Urban Continuum, Richelle Winkler and Kenneth M. Johnson
Offense and defense in the gunpowder revolution, Steven A. Walton
Policy capacity for climate change in canada's transportation sector, Joshus Newman, Anthony Perl, Adam Wellstead, and Kathleen McNutt
Policy compliance recommendations for international shipbreaking treaties for Bangladesh, S. M. Mizanur Rahman and Audrey L. Mayer
Potential Applications of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction and Impregnation for the Stabilization and Conservation of Industrial Heritage Artifacts, Timothy Scarlett
“Push” dynamics in policy experimentation: Downscaling climate change adaptation programs in Canada, Adam Wellstead, Michael Howlett, Sreeja Nair, and Jeremy Rayner
Rebuilding the Landscape of the Rural Post Office: A Geo-Spatial Analysis of 19th-century Postal Spaces and Networks, Nicholas Van Allen and Don Lafreniere
Resiliency and Collapse: Lake Trout, Sea Lamprey, and Fisheries Management in Lake Superior, Nancy Langston
Reviewed Work: Dundee and the Empire: “Juteopolis” 1850–1939 by TomlinsonJim, Jonathan Robins
Review of Follett, Richard; Beckert, Sven; Coclanis, Peter; Hahn, Barbara, Plantation Kingdom: The American South and Its Global Commodities, Jonathan Robins
Soft energy paths revisited: Politics and practice in energy technology transitions, Chelsea Schelly and Aparajita Banerjee
Structural-functionalism redux: adaptation to climate change and the challenge of a science-driven policy agenda, Adam Wellstead, Michael Howlett, and Jeremy Rayner
The surprising history of the Malheur wildlife refuge, Nancy Langston