DOCUMERICA and the power of environmental history

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The opening months of the Trump administration have witnessed blatant attacks on environmental regulation and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Clean Water Rule has been threatened, methane emissions rules weakened, car pollution standards rolled back, a moratorium on new coal mining leases on federal lands ended, and pollution cleanup rules at coal power plants delayed. Coal companies can once again dump coal waste into the streams of Appalachia. Polluting industries have sent their favorite lobbyists to staff the agencies that are supposed to be regulating them. The draft federal budget includes deep cuts to the EPA, slashing funding for numerous EPA programs including research, restoration, and enforcement. EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has silenced scientists, declining “to reappoint half...

Publisher's Statement

The version of record DOCUMERICA and the power of environmental history, Environmental History, Volume 23, Issue 1, 1 January 2018, Pages 106–116. is available online at: © 2017 Oxford University Press

Publication Title

Environmental History


