Works from 1987
Indicator kriging for unit vectors: Rock joint orientations, Dae S. Young
Random vectors and spatial analysis by geostatistics for geotechnical applications, Dae S. Young
Submissions from 1986
Partitioning of gold in young calc-alkalic volcanic rocks from Guatemala, Theodore J. Bornhorst and William I. Rose
Dynamic deformation of volcanic ejecta from the Toba caldera: Possible relevance to Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary phenomena, Neville L. Carter, Charles B. Officer, Craig A. Chesner, and William I. Rose
Dynamic deformation of volcanic ejecta from the Toba caldera: possible relevance to Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary phenomena ( Sumatra)., N. L. Carter, C. B. Officer, C. A. Chesner, and W. I. Rose
Fluxes, sizes, morphology and compositions of particles in the Mt. Erebus volcanic plume, December 1983, Raymond L. Chuan, Julie Palais, William I. Rose, and Philip R. Kyle
Deformation of chlorite-mica aggregates in cleaved psammitic and pelitic rocks from Islesboro, Maine, U.S.A., William J. Gregg
Calcium Carbonate Cement (Caliche) in Keweenawan Sedimentary Rocks (∼ 1.1 Ga), Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jo Kalliokoski
Geological and computer traps in petroleum exploration, S. C. Nordeng, A. P. Ruotsala, and S. H. Nordeng
Rapid, high-quality major and trace element analysis of powdered rock by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, William I. Rose, Theodore J. Bornhorst, and Seppo J. Sivonen
Rates of sulfur dioxide and particle emissions from White Island volcano, New Zealand, and an estimate of the total flux of major gaseous species, William I. Rose, Raymond L. Chuan, Werner F. Giggenbach, Philip R. Kyle, and Robert B. Symonds
A generalized probabilistic approach for slope analysis: practical application to an open pit iron ore mine, D. S. Young
Works from 1985
Microscopic deformation mechanisms associated with mica film formation in cleaved psammitic rocks, William J. Gregg
Tunnel mapping in strong discontinuous rocks, R. McCrae and R. Cook
Halite particles injected into the stratosphere by the 1982 El Chichon eruption, D. C. Woods, Raymond L. Chuan, and William I. Rose
A generalized probabilistic approach for slope analysis, D. S. Young
Submissions from 1984
Gold content of eleven french geochemical reference samples, Theodore J. Bornhorst, William I. Rose, S. P. Wolfe, and E. L. Hoffman
Crater lake and post-eruption hydrothermal activity, El Chichón Volcano, Mexico, Thomas J. Casadevall, Servando de la Cruz-Reyna, William I. Rose, Susan Bagley, David L. Finnegan, and William H. Zoller
Sulfur dioxide and particles in quiescent volcanic plumes from Poás, Arenal, and Colima Volcanos, Costa Rica and Mexico, T. Casadevall, William I. Rose, William H. Fuller, William H. Hunt, Mark A. Hart, Jarvis L. Moyers, David C. Woods, Raymond L. Chuan, and James P. Friend
Correlated Sr isotope and geochemical variations in basalts and basaltic andesites from Guatemala., N. K. Grant, W. I. Rose, and L. A. Fultz
Application of color-TV microscopy to self-taught optical mineralogy, William I. Rose, Craig A. Chesner, and S. D. Doiron
Variation of Magnetic Directions within Pillow Basalts, William Soroka and Suzanne Beske-Diehl
Holocene eruptive activity of El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, Mexico, Robert I. Tilling, Meyer Rubin, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Steven Carey, Wendell A. Duffield, and William I. Rose
Amatitlan, An actively resurging cauldron 10 km south of Guatemala City, Richard L. Wunderman and William I. Rose
Works from 1983
Geology and Engineering Properties of Laterites from Ilorin, Nigeria, David A. Alao
Gas emissions and the eruptions of mount St. Helens through 1982, T. Casadevall, William I. Rose, Terrence M. Gerlach, L. P. Greenland, J. Ewert, R. Wunderman, and R. B. Symonds
Design of high-extraction panels in evaporite mines, R. F. Cook
Trace-Element Sanidine/Glass Distribution Coefficients for Peralkaline Silicic Rocks and their Implications to Peralkaline Petrogenesis, J. W. Drexler, T. J. Bornhorst, and D. C. Noble
Estimating particle sizes, concentrations, and total mass of ash in volcanic clouds using weather radar, David M. Harris and William I. Rose
Distribution and mobility of uranium and thorium in the peralkaline Soldier Meadow Tuff, northwestern Nevada, Edmond J. Stuart, Theodore J. Bornhorst, William I. Rose, and Donald C. Noble
Submissions from 1982
Research on atmospheric volcanic emissions: An overview, James P. Friend, Alan R. Bandy, Jarvis L. Moyers, William H. Zoller, Richard E. Stoiber, Arnold L. Torres, William I. Rose, M. Patrick McCormick, and David C. Woods
Small particles in plumes of Mount St. Helens, William I. Rose, Raymond L. Chuan, and D. C. Woods
Water-soluble material on aerosols collected within volcanic eruption clouds, David B. Smith, Robert A. Zielinski, William I. Rose, and B. J. Huebert
Works from 1981
Paleomagnetic Results from the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian Casper Formation: Implications for Northern Appalachian Tectonics, Jimmy F. Diehl and Peter N. Shive
Emission rates of CO2 from plume measurements., D. M. Harris, M. Sato, T. J. Casadevall, William I. Rose, and T. J. Bornhorst
Quaternary tephra of Northern Central America, William I. Rose, G. A. Hahn, J. W. Drexler, M. L. Malinconico, P. S. Peterson, and Richard L. Wunderman
An Experimental Study of Beam Building Mechanisms Using Fully Grouted Bolts in Bedded Mine Rock, V. W. Snyder and R. L. Krohn
An elasticity solution for the shear stiffness of the full-grouted resin roofbolt, V. W. Snyder, P. M. Schwab, and J. C. Gerdeen
Submissions from 1980
The Los Chocoyos Ash, guatemala: A major stratigraphic marker in middle America and in three ocean basins, John W. Drexler, William I. Rose, R. S. J. Sparks, and M. T. Ledbetter
The texture of cross-micas in rocks affected by schistosity-parallel displacements, William J. Gregg
Determination of the total grain size distribution in a Vulcanian eruption column, and its implications to stratospheric aerosol perturbation, P. J. Murrow, William I. Rose, and S. Self
You have access Uranium contents of glassy and devitrified andesites and dacites, Mount Mazama, Oregon, D. C. Noble, William I. Rose, and Robert A. Zielinski
Small particles in volcanic eruption clouds, William I. Rose, Raymond L. Chuan, R. D. Cadle, and D. C. Woods
Oxygen isotopic determinations of sequentially erupted plagioclases in the 1974 magma of Fuego Volcano, Guatemala, William I. Rose, I. Friedman, and L. G. Woodruff
Geochemistry of the andesite flank lavas of three composite cones within the Atitlán Cauldron, Guatemala, William I. Rose, G. T. Penfield, J. W. Drexler, and P. B. Larson
Submissions from 1979
Atmospheric implications of studies of Central American volcanic eruption clouds, R. D. Cadle, A. L. Lazrus, B. J. Huebert, L. E. Heidt, William I. Rose, D. C. Woods, Raymond L. Chuan, Richard E. Stoiber, D. B. Smith, and Robert A. Zielinski
Potassium content of lavas and depth to the seismic zone in central america, Michael J. Carr, William I. Rose, and Darrell G. Mayfield
Geochemical correlation of genetically related rhyolitic ash-flow and air-fall ashes, central and western Guatemala and the equatorial Pacific, Gregory A. Hahn, William I. Rose, and Thomas Meyers
The Nazca Group of South-Central Peru: Age, Source, and Regional Volcanic and Tectonic Significance, Donald Charles Noble, Edward Farrar, and Edwin John Cobbing
Geochemistry of the Los Chocoyos Ash, Quezaltenango Valley, Guatemala, William I. Rose, Norman K. Grant, and John Easter
Basic Characterization and Effect of Some Chemicals on a Clay from Outardes 2, R. N. Yong, A. J. Sethi, E. Booy, and O. Dascal
Works from 1978
Principal stress directions from a natural occurrence of stress-induced clinoenstatite, B. R. Frost, R. S. Coe, and F. P. Okamura
Submissions from 1977
Geochemistry of tholeiites of the basic igneous complex of northwestern South America, P. J. Goossens, William I. Rose, and Decio Flores
Scavenging of volcanic aerosol by ash: Atmospheric and volcanologic implications, William I. Rose
The evolution of Santa María volcano, Guatemala, William I. Rose, N. K. Grant, G. A. Hahn, I. A. Lange, J. W. Powell, J. Easter, and J. M. Degraff
Submissions from 1976
Nuée ardente eruption from the foot of a dacite lava flow, Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, William I. Rose, T. Pearson, and S. Bonis
Works from 1975
Stress corrosion cracking of alpha brass in a tarnishing ammoniacal environment: Fractography and chemical analysis, T. R. Pinchback, S. P. Clough, and L. A. Heldt
Submissions from 1973
Some compositional changes in Archean felsic volcanic rocks related to massive sulfide mineralization, Ruth Bennett and William I. Rose
Chemical composition and age determination of Tholeiitic rocks in the basic igneous complex, Ecuador, P. J. Goossens and William I. Rose
Nuée ardente from santiaguito volcano April 1973, William I. Rose
Pattern and mechanism of volcanic activity at the Santiaguito Volcanic Dome, Guatemala, William I. Rose
Studies of volcanic ash from two recent Central American eruptions, William I. Rose, S. Bonis, R. E. Stoiber, M. Keller, and T. Bickford
Cl, F, and SO2 in Central American volcanic gases, Richard E. Stoiber and William I. Rose
Submissions from 1972
Notes on the 1902 eruption of Santa María volcano, Guatemala, William I. Rose
Santiaguito volcanic dome, Guatemala, William I. Rose
Submissions from 1971
Organic compounds in volcanic gas from Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala, Richard E. Stoiber, Daniel C. Leggett, Thomas F. Jenkins, Richard P. Murrmann, and William I. Rose
Submissions from 1970
Volcanic activity at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala June 1968 – August 1969, William I. Rose, Richard E. Stoiber, and S. B. Bonis
The geochemistry of Central American volcanic gas condensates, Richard E. Stoiber and William I. Rose
Submissions from 1969
The 1966 eruption of Izalco Volcano, El Salvador, William I. Rose and Richard E. Stoiber
Recent volcanic and fumarolic activity at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala, R. E. Stoiber and W. I. Rose