Explore a selection of works produced by faculty in the Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences at Michigan Technological University.


Submissions from 2001


Comments on "Failures in detecting volcanic ash from a satellite-based technique", A. J. Prata, William I. Rose, Gregg J. Bluth, Dave Schneider, and Andrew Tupper


Volcanic irony, William I. Rose


Observations of volcanic clouds in their first few days of atmospheric residence: The 1992 eruptions of crater peak, Mount Spurr volcano, Alaska, William I. Rose, Gregg J. Bluth, David J. Schneider, Gerald G. J. Ernst, Colleen M. Riley, Lydia J. Henderson, and Robert G. McGimsey


Volcano hazards at Fuego and Acatenango, Guatemala, J. W. Vallance, S. P. Schilling, O. Matías, William I. Rose, and M. M. Howell

Submissions from 2000


Volcanic ash in ancient Maya ceramics of the limestone lowlands: implications for prehistoric volcanic activity in the Guatemala highlands, Anabel Ford and William I. Rose


Igniting interest in a broad readership, William I. Rose


Integrating retrievals of volcanic cloud characteristics from satellite remote sensors: a summary, William I. Rose, Gregg J. Bluth, and Gerald G. J. Ernst


Use of GOES thermal infrared imagery for eruption scale measurements, Soufrière Hills, Montserrat, William I. Rose and Gari C. Mayberry


Modernization of the Mechanical Engineering Curriculum and Guidelines for Computer-Aided Engineering Instruction, Sheryl Sorby, Graham Walker, Miles Yano, Vladimir Glozman, Kevin Kochersberger, Judy Mathers, John Mckinney, James Schulman, and Michael Young


Edifice collapse and related hazards in Guatemala, James W. Vallance, Lee Siebert, William I. Rose, Jorge Raul Girón, and Norman G. Banks

Submissions from 1999


Mount St. Helens and Santiaguito lava domes: The effect of short-term eruption rate on surface texture and degassing processes, Steven W. Anderson, Jonathan H. Fink, and William I. Rose


Eruption of a major Holocene pyroclastic flow at Citlaltépetl volcano (Pico de Orizaba), México, 8.5–9.0 ka, Gerardo Carrasco-Núñez and William I. Rose


Comparison of TOMS and AVHRR volcanic ash retrievals from the August 1992 eruption of Mt. Spurr, N. A. Krotkov, O. Torres, C. Seftor, A. J. Krueger, A. Kostinski, William I. Rose, Gregg J. Bluth, D. Schneider, and S. J. Schaefer


An improved age framework for late Quaternary silicic eruptions in northern Central America, William I. Rose, F. M. Conway, Alan Deino, and William C. McIntosh


Early evolution of a stratospheric volcanic eruption cloud as observed with TOMS and AVHRR, David J. Schneider, William I. Rose, Larry R. Coke, Gregg J. Bluth, Ian E. Sprod, and Arlin J. Krueger


Morphological investigation of thermosets toughened with novel thermoplastics. I. Bismaleimide modified with hyperbranched polyester, J. Xu, H. Wu, O. P. Mills, and P. Heiden

Submissions from 1998


Remote prospects, William I. Rose and Gregg J. Bluth

Submissions from 1997


Stratospheric loading of sulfur from explosive volcanic eruptions, Gregg J. Bluth, William I. Rose, Ian E. Sprod, and Arlin J. Krueger


An applied geophysics laboratory for introductory environmental-geology courses, Gregg J. Bluth and Charles Thomas Young


Detection of volcanic ash clouds from Nimbus 7/total ozone mapping spectrometer, C. J. Seftor, N. C. Hsu, J. R. Herman, P. K. Bhartia, O. Torres, William I. Rose, David J. Schneider, and N. Krotkov

Submissions from 1996


Measurements of the complex dielectric constant of volcanic ash from 4 to 19 GHz, R. J. Adams, Warren F. Perger, William I. Rose, and A. Kostinski


Remote sensing of volcanic ash clouds using special sensor microwave imager data, David J. Delene, William I. Rose, and Norman C. Grody


Dynamics of carbon dioxide emissions, crystallization, and magma ascent: hypotheses, theory, and applications to volcano monitoring at Mount St. Helens, David M. Harris and William I. Rose


Preliminary study on the mineral magnetic properties of sediments from Kůlna Cave (Moravian Karst), Czech Republic, P. Šroubek, J. F. Diehl, J. Kadlec, and K. Valoch


Effects of torque on the transverse vibration frequency of a point-anchored bolt, Rongxin Sun and F. Otuonye

Submissions from 1995


Description of thermal anomalies on 2 active Guatemalan volcanos using Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery, Robert J. Andres and William I. Rose


Ice in the 1994 Rabaul eruption cloud: implications for volcano hazard and atmospheric effects, William I. Rose, D. J. Delene, Daniel Schneider, Gregg J. Bluth, Ian E. Sprod, Arlin J. Krueger, C. Mckee, H. L. Davies, and Gerald G. J. Ernst


Real-time C-band radar observations of 1992 eruption clouds from Crater Peak, Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, William I. Rose, Alexander B. Kostinski, and Lee Kelley


Tracking of 1992 eruption clouds from Crater Peak vent of Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, using AVHRR, David J. Schneider, William I. Rose, and Lee Kelley

Submissions from 1994


Age and Magma Flux of Santa María Volcano, Guatemala: Correlation of Paleomagnetic Waveforms with the 28,000 to 25,000 yr B.P. Mono Lake Excursion, F. Michael Conway, Jimmy F. Diehl, William I. Rose, and Otoniel Matías


Prediction of thermal conductivity in reservoir rocks using fabric theory, Ming Luo, James R. Wood, and Lawrence M. Cathles


A numerical simulation of gas flow during coal/gas outbursts, F. Otuonye and J. Sheng


Volcanic-gas studies: Methods, results, and applications, Robert B. Symonds, William I. Rose, Gregg J. Bluth, and Terrence M. Gerlach


Retrieval of sizes and total masses of particles in volcanic clouds using AVHRR bands 4 and 5, Shiming Wen and William I. Rose

Submissions from 1993


Comment on ‘another look at the calculation of fallout tephra volumes’ by Judy Fierstein and Manuel Nathenson, William I. Rose


Probabilistic slope analysis for structural failure, D. S. Young

Submissions from 1992


A summary of sulfur dioxide emission rate measuremnts from Guatemalan volcanoes, R. J. Andres, William I. Rose, R. E. Stoiber, S. N. Williams, O. Matías, and R. Morales


Paleomagnetic constraints on eruption patterns at the Pacaya composite volcano, Guatemala, F. Michael Conway, Jimmy F. Diehl, and Otoniel Matías


The not so simple relationship between seismicity and oil production in the Permian Basin, west Texas, D. I. Doser, M. R. Baker, M. Luo, P. Marroquin, L. Ballesteros, J. Kingwell, H. L. Diaz, and G. Kaip


The influence of porous medium characteristics and measurement scale on pore-scale distributions of residual nonaqueous-phase liquids, Alex Mayer and Cass T. Miller


Groundwater, Alex Mayer, Alan J. Rabideau, and Cass T. Miller


Preliminary geological reconnaissance and hazard evaluation of the Tacana Volcano, Guatemala/Mexico, R. Mercado and William I. Rose


Size and shape effects in point load tests of irregular rock fragments, L. A. Panek and T. A. Fannon


Early Proterozoic Au Co U Mineralization in the Kuusamo District, Northeastern Finland, Heikki S. Pankka and Erkki J. Vanhanen

Submissions from 1991


Eruptive history of Earth's largest Quaternary caldera (Toba, Indonesia) clarified, C. A. Chesner, William I. Rose, A. Deino, R. Drake, and J. A. Westgate


Stratigraphy of the Toba Tuffs and the evolution of the Toba Caldera complex, Sumatra, Indonesia, Craig A. Chesner and William I. Rose


Mineralogical relations and magma mixing in calc-alkaline andesites from lake Atitlán, Guatemala, S. P. Halsort and William I. Rose


Anatomy of 1986 Augustine volcano eruptions as recorded by multispectral image processing of digital AVHRR weather satellite data, Rick E. Holaske and William I. Rose


State of Technology Review: Soil Vapor Extraction Systems, Neil J. Hutzler, Blane E. Murphy, and John S. Gierke


Fumarolic emissions from Mount St. Augustine, Alaska: 1979-1984 degassing trends, volatile sources and their possible role in eruptive style, Lawrence G. Kodosky, Roman J. Motyka, and Robert B. Symonds


Analysis of active volcanoes from the earth observing system, Peter Mouginis-Mark, Scott Rowland, Peter Francis, Terry Friedman, Harold Garbeil, Jonathan Gradie, Stephen Self, Lionel Wilson, Joy Crisp, Lori Glaze, Kenneth Jones, Anne Kahle, David Pieri, Howard Zebker, Arlin Krueger, Lou Walter, Charles Wood, William I. Rose, John Adams, and Robert Wolff


Remote sensing of volcanic ash hazards to aircraft, William I. Rose and David J. Schneider


Granitoid suites, E. H.T. Whitten

Submissions from 1990


The injection of sulfuric acid aerosols in the stratosphere by the El Chichón volcano and its related hazards to the international air traffic, A. Bernard and William I. Rose


Time Resolution of Geologic Events on the Keweenaw Peninsula and Implications for Development of the Midcontinent Rift System, D. W. Davis and J. B. Paces


Evaluating performance of an Appalachian oak forest dynamics model, Elizabeth A. Harrison and Herman H. Shugart


Worldwide Dispersal of Ash and Gases from Earth's Largest Known Eruption: Toba, Sumatra, 75 ka, William I. Rose and Craig A. Chesner


New interdisciplinary engineering design course in planetary materials and resource utilization, W. I. Rose, J. B. Paces, C. A. Chesner, B. J. Pletka, A. Hellawell, S. K. Kawatra, and J. Pilling


Evaluation of gases, condensates, and SO2 emissions from Augustine volcano, Alaska: the degassing of a Cl-rich volcanic system, Robert B. Symonds, William I. Rose, Terrence M. Gerlach, Paul H. Briggs, and Russell S. Harmon


A Magnetotelluric Profile of the Wind River Thrust, Wyoming, Charles T. Young and Eric R. Hepp

Submissions from 1989


SO2 from episode 48A eruption, Hawaii: Sulfur dioxide emissions from the episode 48A East Rift Zone eruption of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, R. J. Andres, P. R. Kyle, J. B. Stokes, and William I. Rose


Non-Depleted Sub-Continental Mantle Beneath the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield: Nd-Sr Isotopic and Trace Element Evidence from Midcontinent Rift Basalts, James B. Paces and Keith Bell

Submissions from 1988


Detailed record of SO2 emissions from Pu'u `O`o between episodes 33 and 34 of the 1983–86 ERZ eruption, Kilauea, Hawaii, Torrie A. Chartier, William I. Rose, and J. B. Stokes


GOES imagery fills gaps in Montserrat volcanic cloud observations, Mark A. Davies and William I. Rose


Common characteristics of paired volcanoes in northern Central America, S. P. Halsort and William I. Rose


Response of grouted roof bolts to blast loading, F. O. Otuonye


Direct rate measurements of eruption plumes at Augustine volcano: A problem of scaling and uncontrolled variables, William I. Rose, Grant Heiken, Kenneth Wohletz, Dean Eppler, Sumner Barr, Theresa Miller, Raymond L. Chuan, and R. B. Symonds


Contribution of C1- and F-bearing gases to the atmosphere by volcanoes, R. B. Symonds, William I. Rose, and Mark H. Reed

Works from 1987


Kahoolawe Island, Hawaii: Tholeiitic, alkalic, and unusual hydrothermal(?) "enrichment" characteristics, R. V. Fodor, G. R. Bauer, R. S. Jacobs, and T. J. Bornhorst


Interparticle spacings and undercoolings in Al-Si eutectic microstructures, L. M. Hogan and H. Song


Interaction of aircraft and explosive eruption clouds - A volcanologist's perspective, William I. Rose


Volcanic activity at Santiaguito volcano, 1976-1984, William I. Rose


Dispersal of ash in the great Toba eruption, 75 ka, William I. Rose and C. A. Chesner


Volatilization, Transport and Sublimation of Metallic and Non-Metallic Elements in High Temperature Gases at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia, Robert B. Symonds, William I. Rose, Mark H. Reed, Frederick E. Lichte, and David L. Finnegan


Inter-laboratory comparison of X-ray fluorescence analyses of eruptive products of El Chichón Volcano, Chiapas, Mexico, Robert I. Tilling, Theodore J. Bornhorst, Joseph E. Taggart, William I. Rose, and James J. McGee




Indicator kriging for unit vectors: Rock joint orientations, Dae S. Young


Random vectors and spatial analysis by geostatistics for geotechnical applications, Dae S. Young

Submissions from 1986


Partitioning of gold in young calc-alkalic volcanic rocks from Guatemala, Theodore J. Bornhorst and William I. Rose


Dynamic deformation of volcanic ejecta from the Toba caldera: Possible relevance to Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary phenomena, Neville L. Carter, Charles B. Officer, Craig A. Chesner, and William I. Rose


Dynamic deformation of volcanic ejecta from the Toba caldera: possible relevance to Cretaceous/ Tertiary boundary phenomena ( Sumatra)., N. L. Carter, C. B. Officer, C. A. Chesner, and W. I. Rose


Fluxes, sizes, morphology and compositions of particles in the Mt. Erebus volcanic plume, December 1983, Raymond L. Chuan, Julie Palais, William I. Rose, and Philip R. Kyle


Deformation of chlorite-mica aggregates in cleaved psammitic and pelitic rocks from Islesboro, Maine, U.S.A., William J. Gregg


Calcium Carbonate Cement (Caliche) in Keweenawan Sedimentary Rocks (∼ 1.1 Ga), Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jo Kalliokoski


Geological and computer traps in petroleum exploration, S. C. Nordeng, A. P. Ruotsala, and S. H. Nordeng


Rapid, high-quality major and trace element analysis of powdered rock by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, William I. Rose, Theodore J. Bornhorst, and Seppo J. Sivonen


Rates of sulfur dioxide and particle emissions from White Island volcano, New Zealand, and an estimate of the total flux of major gaseous species, William I. Rose, Raymond L. Chuan, Werner F. Giggenbach, Philip R. Kyle, and Robert B. Symonds


A generalized probabilistic approach for slope analysis: practical application to an open pit iron ore mine, D. S. Young

Works from 1985


Microscopic deformation mechanisms associated with mica film formation in cleaved psammitic rocks, William J. Gregg


Tunnel mapping in strong discontinuous rocks, R. McCrae and R. Cook


Halite particles injected into the stratosphere by the 1982 El Chichon eruption, D. C. Woods, Raymond L. Chuan, and William I. Rose


A generalized probabilistic approach for slope analysis, D. S. Young

Submissions from 1984


Gold content of eleven french geochemical reference samples, Theodore J. Bornhorst, William I. Rose, S. P. Wolfe, and E. L. Hoffman


Crater lake and post-eruption hydrothermal activity, El Chichón Volcano, Mexico, Thomas J. Casadevall, Servando de la Cruz-Reyna, William I. Rose, Susan Bagley, David L. Finnegan, and William H. Zoller


Sulfur dioxide and particles in quiescent volcanic plumes from Poás, Arenal, and Colima Volcanos, Costa Rica and Mexico, T. Casadevall, William I. Rose, William H. Fuller, William H. Hunt, Mark A. Hart, Jarvis L. Moyers, David C. Woods, Raymond L. Chuan, and James P. Friend


Correlated Sr isotope and geochemical variations in basalts and basaltic andesites from Guatemala., N. K. Grant, W. I. Rose, and L. A. Fultz


Application of color-TV microscopy to self-taught optical mineralogy, William I. Rose, Craig A. Chesner, and S. D. Doiron


Variation of Magnetic Directions within Pillow Basalts, William Soroka and Suzanne Beske-Diehl


Holocene eruptive activity of El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, Mexico, Robert I. Tilling, Meyer Rubin, Haraldur Sigurdsson, Steven Carey, Wendell A. Duffield, and William I. Rose


Amatitlan, An actively resurging cauldron 10 km south of Guatemala City, Richard L. Wunderman and William I. Rose