Submissions from 2024
Redefining landslide susceptibility under extreme rainfall events using deep learning, A. L. Achu, Jobin Thomas, C. D. Aju, H. Vijith, and Girish Gopinath
Is Geology Accreditation Needed? It Is Already Here!, Laurie C. Anderson, John S. Gierke, and Jeffrey B. Connelly
Regional landslide mapping model developed by a deep transfer learning framework using post-event optical imagery, Adel Asadi, Laurie Gaskins Baise, Snehamoy Chatterjee, Magaly Koch, and Babak Moaveni
Pixel-based classification method for earthquake-induced landslide mapping using remotely sensed imagery, geospatial data and temporal change information, Adel Asadi, Laurie G. Baise, Magaly Koch, Babak Moaveni, Snehamoy Chatterjee, and Yusupujiang Aimaiti
Pixel-MPS: Stochastic Embedding and Density-Based Clustering of Image Patterns for Pixel-Based Multiple-Point Geostatistical Simulation, Adel Asadi and Snehamoy Chatterjee
Dynamics of rain-triggered lahars and destructive power inferred from seismo-acoustic arrays and time-lapse camera correlation at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala, Ashley R. Bosa, Gustavo Bejar, Greg Waite, Jerry C. Mock, Armando Pineda, and Jacob F. Anderson
Recent progress and perspectives on coal dust sources, transport, hazards, and controls in underground mines, Yong Cao, Yang Xiao, Zhen Ping Wang, Qing Wei Li, Chi Min Shu, Xing Rui Jiang, and Shi Liang Wu
Addressing the Effect of Intra-Seasonal Variations in Developing Rainfall Thresholds for Landslides: An Antecedent Rainfall-Based Approach, Vishnu Chakrapani Lekha, Thomas Oommen, Snehamoy Chatterjee, and Kochappi Sathyan Sajinkumar
Exploring the uncertainty of machine learning models and geostatistical mapping of rare earth element potential in Indiana coals, USA, Snehamoy Chatterjee, C. Özgen Karacan, and Maria Mastalerz
Exploration of robust and intelligent navigation algorithms to ensure off-road autonomous vehicle mobility, Michael Cole, Kumar B. Kulkarni, Jordan Ewing, Seth Tau, Chris Goodin, and Paramsothy Jayakumar
An Information Entropy–based Risk (IER) Index of Mining Safety Using Clustering and Statistical Methods, Dharmasai Eshwar, Snehamoy Chatterjee, Rennie Kaunda, Hugh Miller, and Aref Majdara
The 2021 eruption of Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala – Geophysical analysis through satellite geodesy and seismic noise correlations, J. Gonzalez-Santana, C. Wauthier, and G. P. Waite
The Whakamaru magmatic system (Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand), part 1: Evidence from tephra deposits for the eruption of multiple magma types through time, Lydia J. Harmon, Guilherme A.R. Gualda, Darren M. Gravley, Sarah L. Smithies, and Chad Deering
Preface to the Focus Section on Volcano Monitoring in the Americas, Alicia J. Hotovec-Ellis, Ricardo Garza-Girón, Gregory P. Waite, Cristian Farías, Susana Layana, and Matthew M. Haney
Preface to the Focus Section on Volcano Monitoring in the Americas, Alicia J. Hotovec‐Ellis, Ricardo Garza‐Girón, Gregory P. Waite, Cristian Farías, Susana Layana, and Matthew M. Haney
Near-collapse of the geomagnetic field may have contributed to atmospheric oxygenation and animal radiation in the Ediacaran Period, Wentao Huang, John A. Tarduno, Tinghong Zhou, Mauricio Ibañez-Mejia, Laércio Dal Olmo-Barbosa, Edinei Koester, Eric G. Blackman, Aleksey V. Smirnov, Gabriel Ahrendt, Rory D. Cottrell, Kenneth P. Kodama, Richard K. Bono, David G. Sibeck, Yong Xiang Li, Francis Nimmo, Shuhai Xiao, and Michael K. Watkeys
Assessment of changes in land use/land cover and land surface temperature in a fast-growing urban agglomeration of Southern India, J. B. Jibitha, A. L. Achu, Sabu Joseph, S. P. Prasood, Jobin Thomas, and S. Selvakumar
Version 1 NOAA-20/OMPS Nadir Mapper total column SO2 product: continuation of NASA long-term global data record, Can Li, Nickolay A. Krotkov, Joanna Joiner, Vitali Fioletov, Chris Mclinden, Debora Griffin, Peter J.T. Leonard, Simon Carn, Colin Seftor, and Alexander Vasilkov
Total CO2 budget estimate and degassing dynamics for an active stratovolcano: Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica, Kate M. Nelson, Christofer Jiménez, Chad Deering, Maarten J. de Moor, Joshua M. Blackstock, Stephen P. Broccardo, Florian M. Schwandner, Joshua B. Fisher, Snehamoy Chatterjee, Guillermo Alvarado Induni, Alejandro Rodriguez, Doménicca Guillén Pachacama, Alexander Berne, Cecilia Prada Cordero, Paola Rivera Gonzalez, Espree Essig, Manuel E. Anderson, and Carlos Hernandez
Characterization of non-Gaussianity in the snow distributions of various landscapes, Noriaki Ohara, Andrew D. Parsekian, Benjamin M. Jones, Rodrigo C. Rangel, Kenneth M Hinkel, and Rui A.P. Perdigão
Neutralisation of Acid Rock Drainage by Youngest Toba Tuff Leachate Revealed by Hydrogeochemistry, Kannan J Prakash, V. R. Rani, and K. S. Sajinkumar
New Estimate on the Spatial Distribution of the Youngest Toba Tuff Ash, Kannan J. Prakash, K. S. Sajinkumar, C. D. Deering, and T. Oommen
Formation of halotrichite in the South Kerala Sedimentary Basin, SW India: Implications for Martian paleo-environmental studies, Kannan J. Prakash, Libiya M. Varghese, P. B. Hiral, Suresh Evna, V. R. Rani, K. S. Sajinkumar, V. J. Rajesh, G. K. Indu, Sneha Mukherjee, and J. K. Tomson
Possibility of Fluid Flow Characterization via a Geophysical Signal: Experimental Study on the Krauklis Wave Under Fluid Flow, Sananda Ray, Haitao Cao, Gregory P. Waite, and Roohollah Askari
Impacts of recent rainfall changes on agricultural productivity and water resources within the Southern Western Ghats of Kerala, India, Lakshmi R, Jobin Thomas, and Sabu Joseph
Quantifying fracture density within the Asmari reservoir: an integrated analysis of borehole images, cores, and mud loss data to assess fracture-induced effects on oil production in the Southwestern Iranian Region, Kioumars Taheri, Hossein Alizadeh, Roohollah Askari, Ali Kadkhodaie, and Seyedsajad Hosseini
Spatio-temporal characteristics of particulate matter in Delhi, India due to the combined effects of fireworks and crop burning during pre-COVID festival seasons, Mainak Thakur, Subhojit Mandal, Prakkash Manohar, and Snehamoy Chatterjee
Suitability of the height above nearest drainage (HAND) model for flood inundation mapping in data-scarce regions: a comparative analysis with hydrodynamic models, Navin Tony Thalakkottukara, Jobin Thomas, Melanie Watkins, Benjamin C. Holland, Thomas Oommen, and Himanshu Grover
Need for a Multi-Sensor Monitoring Approach for Embankment Failures: Lessons Learned from the Edenville Dam Failure, Jobin Thomas, Ryan Klida, Thomas Oommen, K. S. Sajinkumar, Bin Zhang, and H. U. Xie
The 2019 Raikoke eruption as a testbed used by the Volcano Response group for rapid assessment of volcanic atmospheric impacts, Jean Paul Vernier, Thomas J. Aubry, Claudia Timmreck, Anja Schmidt, Lieven Clarisse, Fred Prata, Nicolas Theys, Andrew T. Prata, Graham Mann, Hyundeok Choi, Simon Carn, Richard Rigby, Susan C. Loughlin, and John A. Stevenson
Magnetization and age of ca. 544 Ma syenite, eastern Canada: Evidence for renewal of the geodynamo, Tinghong Zhou, Mauricio Ibañez-Mejia, Richard K. Bono, Rory D. Cottrell, Wouter Bleeker, Kenneth P. Kodama, Wentao Huang, Eric G. Blackman, Francis Nimmo, Aleksey Smirnov, and John A. Tarduno
The Development of a Laboratory-Based Method to Simulate Cold-Weather Dusting on Mine Tailings Impoundments, Bonnie Zwissler, Stanley Vitton, Thomas Oommen, and Eric Seagren
Works from 2023
Stochastic inversion combining seismic data, facies properties, and advanced multiple-point geostatistics, Mohammed Mohammed Abuzaied, Snehamoy Chatterjee, and Roohollah Askari
Vulnerability evaluation utilizing AHP and an ensemble model in a few landslide-prone areas of the Western Ghats, India, S. J. Anchima, A. Gokul, Chandini P.C. Senan, Jean Homian Danumah, Sunil Saha, K. S. Sajinkumar, A. Rajaneesh, Alfred Johny, Pratheesh C. Mammen, and R. S. Ajin
Reply to the ‘Critical comment on Aneeshkumar, V. et al., 2022, Lithos 426–427, 106779, Meteorite impact at Ramgarh, India: Petrographic and geochemical evidence, and new geochronological insights’ by W.U. Reimold et al., 2022, Lithos, V. Aneeshkumar, Saranya R. Chandran, S. James, M. Santosh, Devika Padmakumar, J. Aswathi, S. Keerthy, Y. Anilkumar, M. N. Praveen, M. Satyanarayanan, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Monitoring of Subsidence Over a Continuous Miner-Based Coal Mine Caving Panels Using PS-InSAR Technique, J. Anil, Kapil Kumar, Sahendra Ram, S. Chatterjee, and A. K. Gorai
Semi-Supervised Learning Method for the Augmentation of an Incomplete Image-Based Inventory of Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction Surface Effects, Adel Asadi, Laurie Gaskins Baise, Christina Sanon, Magaly Koch, Snehamoy Chatterjee, and Babak Moaveni
Children first: women’s perspectives on evacuation at Fuego volcano and implications for disaster risk reduction, Beth A. Bartel and Ailsa K. Naismith
Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of a Part of the Western Ghats (India) Employing the AHP and F-AHP Models and Comparison with Existing Susceptibility Maps, Sheela Bhuvanendran Bhagya, Anita Saji Sumi, Sankaran Balaji, Jean Homian Danumah, Romulus Costache, Ambujendran Rajaneesh, Ajayakumar Gokul, Chandini Padmanabhapanicker Chandrasenan, Renata Pacheco Quevedo, Alfred Johny, Kochappi Sathyan Sajinkumar, Sunil Saha, Rajendran Shobha Ajin, Pratheesh Chacko Mammen, Kamal Abdelrahman, Mohammed S. Fnais, and Mohamed Abioui
Observing ocean ecosystem responses to volcanic ash, K. M. Bisson, S. Gassó, N. Mahowald, S. Wagner, B. Koffman, S. A. Carn, S. Deutsch, E. Gazel, S. Kramer, N. Krotkov, C. Mitchell, M. E. Pritchard, K. Stamieszkin, and C. Wilson
Magnetic characterization of the Daule chondrite (Ecuador's first meteorite fall): The case of elusive tetrataenite?, K. E. Bristol, A. V. Smirnov, E. J. Piispa, M. R.Ramirez Navas, A. Kosterov, and E. V. Kulakov
A compendium of the best-preserved terrestrial hypervelocity impact crater in a basaltic terrain: The Lonar, India, Saranya R. Chandran, S. James, J. Aswathi, Devika Padmakumar, T. Sadeeda Marjan, R. B.Binoj Kumar, Anil Chavan, Subhash Bhandari, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Unravelling the dynamics and hazards of the June 3rd, 2018, pyroclastic density currents at Fuego volcano (Guatemala), Sylvain J. Charbonnier, Franco Garin, Lizzette A. Rodríguez, Karla Ayala, Sahira Cancel, Rudiger Escobar-Wolf, Gustavo Chigna, Carla Chun-Quinillo, Dulce González, William Chigna, Kevin Chun-Quinillo, Roberto Mérida, Francisco Juarez, and Eliza S. Calder
Terrain Characterization via Machine vs. Deep Learning Using Remote Sensing, Jordan Ewing, Thomas Oommen, Jobin Thomas, Anush Kasaragod, Richard Dobson, Colin Brooks, Paramsothy Jayakumar, Michael Cole, and Tulga Ersal
Version 2 of the global catalogue of large anthropogenic and volcanic SO2 sources and emissions derived from satellite measurements, Vitali E. Fioletov, Chris A. McLinden, Debora Griffin, Ihab Abboud, Nickolay Krotkov, Peter J.T. Leonard, Can Li, Joanna Joiner, Nicolas Theys, and Simon Carn
Estimation of anthropogenic and volcanic SO2 emissions from satellite data in the presence of snow/ice on the ground, Vitali E. Fioletov, Chris A. McLinden, Debora Griffin, Nickolay A. Krotkov, Can Li, Joanna Joiner, Nicolas Theys, and Simon Carn
Infrasound detection of approaching lahars, J B. Johnson, A Roca, A Pineda, R Mérida, R. Escobar-Wolf, J F. Anderson, J Mock, A Bosa, G Bejar, and G. P. Waite
Rapid Saline Permafrost Thaw Below a Shallow Thermokarst Lake in Arctic Alaska, Benjamin M. Jones, Mikhail Z. Kanevskiy, Andrew D. Parsekian, Helena Bergstedt, Melissa K. Ward Jones, Rodrigo C. Rangel, Kenneth M Hinkel, and Yuri Shur
Underestimated Passive Volcanic Sulfur Degassing Implies Overestimated Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing, U. A. Jongebloed, A. J. Schauer, J. Cole-Dai, C. G. Larrick, R. Wood, T. P. Fischer, S. A. Carn, S. Salimi, S. R. Edouard, S. Zhai, L. Geng, and B. Alexander
Evolutionary history of western Eos Chaos of Valles Marineris, Mars: Insights from morphological characteristics, Asif Iqbal Kakkassery, V. J. Rajesh, Rishitosh K. Sinha, Devika Padmakumar, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Comments on ‘Reconstruction of subsurface configuration of Mohar (Dhala) impact structure, Shivpuri district, MP’ by Roy et al. (2023), J. Earth Syst. Sci., Vol. 132, 35, S. Keerthy and K. S. Sajinkumar
Tracing titanomagnetite alteration with magnetic measurements at cryogenic temperatures, Andrei Kosterov, Leonid Surovitskii, Valerii Maksimochkin, Svetlana Yanson, and Aleksey Smirnov
Integrating flexibility in open pit mine planning to survive commodity price decline, Lawrence Madziwa, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, and Snehamoy Chatterjee
Integrating Stochastic Mine Planning Model with ARDL Commodity Price Forecasting, Lawrence Madziwa, Mallikarjun Pillalamarry, and Snehamoy Chatterjee
Decrease in volcano jet noise peak frequency as crater expands, Kathleen F. McKee, Eveanjelene Snee, Sean Maher, Cassandra Smith, Kevin Reath, Diana Roman, Simon Carn, and et al.
UAV-Based Quantification of Dynamic Lahar Channel Morphology at Volcán de Fuego, Guatemala, Jerry C. Mock, Jeffrey B. Johnson, Armando Pineda, Gustavo Bejar, and Amilcar Roca
Prestack inversion and amplitude variation with offset attributes as hydrocarbon indicators in carbonate rocks: A case study from the Illinois Basin, Jacob T. Murchek, Paul McColgan, Lindell C. Bridges, Ernest C. Hauser, and Doyle R. Watts
Comprehensive GPR Signal Analysis via Descriptive Statistics and Machine Learning, Himan Namdari, Majid Moradikia, Douglas Todd Petkie, Radwin Askari, and Seyed Zekavat
Outboard Onset of Ross Orogen Magmatism and Subsequent Igneous and Metamorphic Cooling Linked to Slab Rollback during Late-Stage Gondwana Assembly, Timothy Paulsen, John Encarnación, Anne Grunow, Jeffrey Benowitz, Paul Layer, Chad Deering, and Jakub Sliwinski
Editorial for the Special Issue Entitled Hyperspectral Remote Sensing from Spaceborne and Low-Altitude Aerial/Drone-Based Platforms—Differences in Approaches, Data Processing Methods, and Applications, Amin Beiranvand Pour, Arindam Guha, Laura Crispini, and Snehamoy Chatterjee
COVID-19 pandemic lockdown modulation of physico-chemical parameters of surface water, Karamana river basin, Southwest India: A weighted arithmetic index and geostatistical perspective, S. P. Prasood, M. V. Mukesh, K. S. Sajinkumar, and K. P. Thrivikramji
Wildfire Risk Zone Mapping in Contrasting Climatic Conditions: An Approach Employing AHP and F-AHP Models, Aishwarya Sinha, Suresh Nikhil, Rajendran Shobha Ajin, Jean Homian Danumah, Sunil Saha, Romulus Costache, Ambujendran Rajaneesh, Kochappi Sathyan Sajinkumar, Kolangad Amrutha, Alfred Johny, Fahad Marzook, Pratheesh Chacko Mammen, Kamal Abdelrahman, Mohammed S. Fnais, and Mohamed Abioui
From science to policy—Toward an approach linking extreme rainfall events to climate resilience and policy development: A case study from Kerala, India, K. P. Sudheer, Jobin Thomas, P. J. Jainet, Sinan Nizar, Sahila Beegum, Dawn Emil Sebastian, Jesna, and D. S. Pai
Community-based natural hazard vulnerability assessment in rural Jamaica, Heather R. Thole, Kari Henquinet, and Gregory P. Waite
Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Ambient Air Quality in the Southwest Coastal Urban Regions of India, George Thomas, Jobin Thomas, R. S. Devika, Anju Krishnan, Anju V. Mathew, and Amrutha J. Nair
Assessment of the potential of green wall on modification of local urban microclimate in humid tropical climate using ENVI-met model, George Thomas, Jobin Thomas, Gianny Mariya Mathews, Sachin P. Alexander, and Jan Jose
Textural and mineralogical signatures of fluvial sediments in Mountain Streams of contrasting climates in the Southern Western Ghats (India), Jobin Thomas, Sabu Joseph, and Thrivikramji Kythavilakom Pillai
Assessing the Improvement of a Sparse Rain Gauge Network in a Landslide Hotspot in Kerala, India-A Multi-Criteria Approach, C. L. Vishnu, Thomas Oommen, Snehamoy Chatterjee, A. Rajaneesh, and K. S. Sajin Kumar
Controls on the Stratiform Copper Mineralization in the Western Syncline, Upper Peninsula, Michigan, William C. Williams and Theodore J. Bornhorst
What caused the unseasonal extreme dust storm in Uzbekistan during November 2021?, Xin Xi, Daniel Steinfeld, Steven M. Cavallo, Jun Wang, Jiquan Chen, Kanat Zulpykharov, and Geoffrey M. Henebry
Multi-Sensor and Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Approach for Assessing Slope Instability along Transportation Corridors Using Satellites and Uncrewed Aircraft Systems, Marta Zocchi, Anush Kasaragod, Abby Jenkins, Chris Cook, Richard Dobson, Thomas Oommen, Dana Van Huis, Beau Taylor, Colin Brooks, Roberta Marini, Francesco Troiani, and Paolo Mazzanti
Works from 2022
Performance evaluation of machine learning and statistical techniques for modelling landslide susceptibility with limited field data, Ashokan Laila Achu, Jobin Thomas, Chandrika Dhanapalan Aju, Praveen Kolappapillai Remani, and Girish Gopinath
Evaluation of machine learning techniques with AVIRIS-NG dataset in the identification and mapping of minerals, Neelam Agrawal, Himanshu Govil, Snehamoy Chatterjee, Gaurav Mishra, and Sudipta Mukherjee
Novel MLR-RF-Based Geospatial Techniques: A Comparison with OK, Waqas Ahmad, Khan Muhammad, Hylke Jan Glass, Snehamoy Chatterjee, Asif Khan, and Abid Hussain
The tale of three landslides in the Western Ghats, India: lessons to be learnt, R. S. Ajin, D. Nandakumar, A. Rajaneesh, T. Oommen, Yunus P. Ali, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Terrestrial impact craters track the voyage of lithospheric plates, V. Aneeshkumar, G. K. Indu, M. Santosh, S. James, Saranya R. Chandran, Devika Padmakumar, and Sajinkumar K. S.
InSAR as a tool for monitoring hydropower projects: A review, J. Aswathi, R. B. Binoj Kumar, Thomas Oommen, E. H. Bouali, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Furthering the precision of RUSLE soil erosion with PSInSAR data: an innovative model, J. Aswathi, K. S. Sajinkumar, K. S. Sajinkumar, A. Rajaneesh, T. Oommen, E. H. Bouali, R. B. Binoj Kumar, V. R. Rani, Jobin Thomas, K. P. Thrivikramji, R. S. Ajin, R. S. Ajin, M. Abioui, and M. Abioui
Sources of Hydrothermal Fluids Inferred from Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Composition of Calcite, Keweenaw Peninsula Native Copper District, Michigan, USA, Thomas Bodden, Theodore J. Bornhorst, Florence Bégué, and Chad Deering
Seismic Refraction Studies Of Weathered Volcanic Slopes For Characterizing Rainfall-Induced Landslide Potential, Luke Bowman, Joshua P. Richardson, John S. Gierke, Fredy Cruz, and Rutilio Parada
Long-term stability of conduit dynamics at Fuego volcano, Guatemala, 2008–2015, Kyle Brill, Greg Waite, Simon A. Carn, Amilcar Elias Roca Palma, and Gustavo Chigna
Evaluation of Various Data Acquisition Scenarios for the Retrieval of Seismic Body Waves from Ambient Noise Seismic Interferometry Technique via Numerical Modeling, Haitao Cao, Erdi Apatay, Garvie Crane, Boming Wu, Ke Gao, and Roohollah Askari
Out of the blue: Volcanic SO2 emissions during the 2021–2022 eruptions of Hunga Tonga—Hunga Ha’apai (Tonga), S. A. Carn, N. A. Krotkov, B. L. Fisher, and C. Li
Machine learning and data augmentation approach for identification of rare earth element potential in Indiana Coals, USA, Snehamoy Chatterjee, Maria Mastalerz, Agnieszka Drobniak, and C. Özgen Karacan
Terrestrial Martian Analog Heritage of Kachchh Basin, Western India, Anil Chavan, Subham Sarkar, Adarsh Thakkar, Jaymeet Solanki, Chirag Jani, Subhash Bhandari, Satadru Bhattacharya, Bhawanisingh G. Desai, Dwijesh Ray, Anil D. Shukla, K. S. Sajinkumar, Souvik Mitra, Saibal Gupta, Gaurav Chauhan, and M. G. Thakkar
Skip Nav Destination RESEARCH ARTICLE| MARCH 16, 2022 Assessing the effect of melt extraction from mushy reservoirs on compositions of granitoids: From a global database to a single batholith, J. Cornet, O. Bachmann, J. Ganne, A. Fiedrich, C. Huber, C. D. Deering, and X. Feng
Detached structural model of the Keweenaw fault system, Lake Superior region, North America: Implications for its origin and relationship to the Midcontinent Rift System, James M. DeGraff and Brad T. Carter
Application of Fuzzy Logic and Fractal Modeling Approach for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Semi-Arid Akka Basin, Southeast Morocco, Fatima Zahra Echogdali, Said Boutaleb, Rosine Basseu Kpan, Mohammed Ouchchen, Amine Bendarma, Hasna El Ayady, Kamal Abdelrahman, Mohammed S. Fnais, Kochappi Sathyan Sajinkumar, and Mohamed Abioui
Assessment of soil erosion risk in a semi-arid climate watershed using SWAT model: case of Tata basin, South-East of Morocco, F. Z. Echogdali, S. Boutaleb, S. Taia, M. Ouchchen, M. Id-Belqas, R. B. Kpan, M. Abioui, J. Aswathi, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Optimization Techniques and their Applications to Mine Systems, Amit Kumar Gorai and Snehamoy Chatterjee
Evaluating the relation between land use changes and the 2018 landslide disaster in Kerala, India, Lina Hao, Cees van Westen, A. Rajaneesh, K. S. Sajinkumar, Tapas Ranjan Martha, and Pankaj Jaiswal
Final inversion of the Midcontinent Rift during the Rigolet Phase of the Grenvillian Orogeny, Eben B. Hodgin, Nicholas L. Swanson-Hysell, James M. DeGraff, Andrew R.C. Kylander-Clark, Mark D. Schmitz, Andrew C. Turner, Yiming Zhang, and Daniel A. Stolper
Flood Hazard Index Application in Arid Catchments: Case of the Taguenit Wadi Watershed, Lakhssas, Morocco, Mustapha Ikirri, Farid Faik, Fatima Zahra Echogdali, Isabel Margarida Horta Ribeiro Antunes, Mohamed Abioui, Kamal Abdelrahman, Mohammed S. Fnais, Abderrahmane Wanaim, Mouna Id-Belqas, Said Boutaleb, Kochappi Sathyan Sajinkumar, and Adolfo Quesada-Román
Meteorite impact crater positions based on paleo-positions and its unrestrained latitudinal distribution, S. James, Saranya R. Chandran, J. Aswathi, Devika Padmakumar, V. Aneeshkumar, G. K. Indu, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Meteorite impact craters as hotspots for mineral resources and energy fuels: A global review, S. James, Saranya R. Chandran, M. Santosh, A. P. Pradeepkumar, M. N. Praveen, and K. S. Sajinkumar
Lake and drained lake basin systems in lowland permafrost regions, Benjamin M. Jones, Guido Grosse, Louise M. Farquharson, Pascale Roy-Léveillée, Alexandra Veremeeva, Mikhail Z. Kanevskiy, Benjamin V. Gaglioti, Amy L. Breen, Andrew D. Parsekian, Mathias Ulrich, and Kenneth M Hinkel
Integrated Parametric Graph Closure and Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Open Pit Mine Scheduling under Uncertainty, Devendra Joshi, Amol Paithankar, Snehamoy Chatterjee, and Sk Md Equeenuddin
A Versatile Software for Statistical Data Analysis and Spatial Correlation, Dmitry Krivopaltsev, Leonid Surovitskii, and Mikhail Lukin
Surface layer modulus prediction of asphalt pavement based on LTPP database and machine learning for Mechanical-Empirical rehabilitation design applications, Miaomiao Li, Qingli Dai, Peifeng Su, Zhanping You, and Yunxiang Ma