Explore a selection of works produced by the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University.
On November 20, 2019 the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science became the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.
Works from 2009
Ungulate carcasses perforate ecological filters and create biogeochemical hotspots in forest herbaceous layers allowing trees a competitive advantage, Joseph K. Bump, Christopher R. Webster, John Vucetich, Rolf O. Peterson, Joshua M. Shields, and Matthew D. Powers
Geographical patterns in openland cover and hayfield mowing in the Upper Great Lakes region: Implications for grassland bird conservation, R. Gregory Corace, David J. Flaspohler, and Lindsey M. Shartell
Transferability of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed in Litchi chinensis to Blighia sapida (Sapindaceae), Marius R.M. Ekué, Oliver Gailing, and Reiner Finkeldey
A Review of: “Durant, Robert F. The Greening of the U.S. Military: Environmental Policy, National Security, and Organizational Change.”, Kathleen Halvorsen
Spatial patterning and population structure of a common woodland herb, Trillium erectum, in primary and post-logging secondary forests, Michael A. Jenkins and Christopher R. Webster
Does the mutualism between wood ants (Formica rufa group) and Cinara aphids affect Norway spruce growth?, Jouni Kilpeläinen, Leena Finér, Seppo Neuvonen, Pekka Niemelä, Timo Domisch, Anita C. Risch, Martin Jurgensen, Mizue Ohashi, and Liselotte Sundström
Improving sustainability indices though judicious inclusion of indicators, Audrey L. Mayer
Achieving sustainable urban watersheds through incentive-based decentralized stormwater mitigation, Audrey L. Mayer, Allison H. Roy, William D. Shuster, Hale W. Thurston, and Matthew A. Morrison
Epiphytic macrolichen community correlates with modeled air pollutants and forest conditions, Audrey L. Mayer, Leena Vihermaa, Noora Nieminen, Annukka Luomi, and Maximilian Posch
Characterization of the tissue-specific expression of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene promoter from loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) in Nicotiana tabacum, Yuriko Osakabe, Keishi Osakabe, and Vincent L. Chiang
Representing site productivity in the basal area increment model for FVS-Ontario, Bharat Pokharel and Robert Froese
Water relations of pine seedlings in contrasting overstory environments, Matthew D. Powers, Kurt S. Pregitzer, Brian J. Palik, and Christopher R. Webster
Congenital bone deformities and the inbred wolves (Canis lupus) of Isle Royale, Jannikke Räikkönen, John A. Vucetich, Rolf O. Peterson, and Michael P. Nelson
A method for digital color analysis of spalted wood using scion image software, Sara Robinson, Peter Laks, and Ethan J. Turnquist
Extensive rangewide mitochondrial introgression indicates substantial cryptic hybridization in the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera), Rachel Vallender, Steven L. Van Wilgenburg, Lesley P. Bulluck, Amber Roth, Ron Canterbury, Jeffrey Larkin, R. Monica Fowlds, and Irby J. Lovette
Wolf and moose dynamics on Isle Royale, John Vucetich and Rolf O. Peterson
Forest Habitats, David L. Wood and Andrew J. Storer
Works from 2008
Living with emerald ash borer: ash reduction models as silvicultural tools, Tara L. Bal, Andrew J. Storer, and Laura Nagel
Living with emerald ash borer: which trees were attacked first in Michigan's Upper Peninsula?, Tara Bal and Andrew J. Storer
Effects of decadal exposure to interacting elevated CO2 and/or O3 on paper birch (Betula papyrifera) reproduction, Joseph N.T. Darbah, Mark E. Kubiske, Neil Nelson, Elina Oksanen, Elina Vapaavuori, and David F. Karnosky
Defensive chemistry of lycid beetles and of mimetic cerambycid beetles that feed on them, Thomas Eisner, Frank C. Schroeder, Noel Snyder, Jacqualine B. Grant, Daniel J. Aneshansley, David Utterback, Jerrold Meinwald, and Maria Eisner
Bioenergy, biomass and biodiversity, David J. Flaspohler, Christopher R. Webster, and Robert Froese
The influence of soil type and altered lignin biosynthesis on the growth and above and belowground biomass allocation of Populus tremuloides, Jessica E. Hancock, Kate L. Bradley, Christian P. Giardina, and Kurt S. Pregitzer
A modified T-vector for simplified assembly of hairpin RNAi constructs, Keming Luo, Scott A. Harding, and Chung Jui Tsai
Relative susceptibility of four species of African mahogany to the shoot borer Hypsipyla robusta (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in the moist semideciduous forest of Ghana, E. Opuni-Frimpong, D. F. Karnosky, A. J. Storer, E. A. Abeney, and J. R. Cobbinah
Key roles of leaves, stockplant age, and auxin concentration in vegetative propagation of two African mahoganies: Khaya anthotheca Welw. and Khaya ivorensis A. Chev, E. Opuni-Frimpong, D. F. Karnosky, A. J. Storer, and J. R. Cobbinah
Silvicultural systems for plantation mahogany in Africa: Influences of canopy shade on tree growth and pest damage, E. Opuni-Frimpong, D. F. Karnosky, A. J. Storer, and J. R. Cobbinah
Effect of nursery storage and site preparation techniques on field performance of high-elevation Pinus contorta seedlings, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, R. Kasten Dumroese, Martin Jurgensen, Ann Abbott, and Jennifer J. Hensiek
Evaluating alternative implementations of the Lake States FVS diameter increment model, Bharat Pokharel and Robert Froese
Physiological performance of three pine species provides evidence for gap partitioning, Matthew D. Powers, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and Brian J. Palik
δ13C and δ18O Trends Across Overstory Environments in Whole Foliage and Cellulose of Three Pinus Species, Matthew D. Powers, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and Brian J. Palik
Toward using δ13C of ecosystem respiration to monitor canopy physiology in complex terrain, T. G. Pypker, M. Hauck, E. W. Sulzman, M. H. Unsworth, A. C. Mix, Z. Kayler, D. Conklin, A. M. Kennedy, H. R. Barnard, C. Phillips, and B. J. Bond
Short-term community-level response of arthropods to group selection with seed-tree retention in a northern hardwood forest, Joshua M. Shields, Christopher R. Webster, and Andrew Storer
Wood-to-Wheels: A Multidisciplinary Research Initiative in Sustainable Transportation Utilizing Fuels and Co-Products from Forest Resources, David R. Shonnard, Jill Jensen, Jeffrey Naber, Qiong Zhang, Ann Maclean, Kathleen Halvorsen, Timothy L. Jenkins, Christopher Polonowski, and John W. Sutherland
Temperature and microtopography interact to control carbon cycling in a high arctic fen, Patrick F. Sullivan, Seth J.T. Arens, Rodney Chimner, and Jeffrey M. Welker
The long-term effects of silvicultural thinning and partial cutting on soil compaction in red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) and northern hardwood stands in the northern Great Lakes Region of the United States, Rachel A. Tarpey, Martin Jurgensen, Brian J. Palik, and Randy K. Kolka
Age structure and spatial patterning of Trillium populations in old-growth forests, Christopher R. Webster and Michael A. Jenkins
Drought-herbivory interaction disrupts competitive displacement of native plants by Microstegium vimineum, 10-year results, Christopher R. Webster, Janet H. Rock, Robert Froese, and Michael A. Jenkins
Works from 2007
Soil microbial community responses to altered lignin biosynthesis in Populus tremuloides vary among three distinct soils, Kate L. Bradley, Jessica E. Hancock, Christian P. Giardina, and Kurt Pregitzer
Contribution of actinorhizal shrubs to site fertility in a Northern California mixed pine forest, Matt D. Busse, Martin Jurgensen, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, and Robert F. Powers
The Cellulose Paradox - Simple Molecule, Complex Biosynthesis, Chandrashekhar P. Joshi and Shawn D. Mansfield
Air quality in natural areas: Interface between the public, science and regulation, K. E. Percy and D. F. Karnosky
New exposure-based metric approach for evaluating O3 risk to North American aspen forests, K. E. Percy, M. Nosal, W. Heilman, T. Dann, J. Sober, A. H. Legge, and D. F. Karnosky
The Contribution of Root - Rhizosphere Interactions to Biogeochemical Cycles in a Changing World, Kurt Pregitzer, Donald R. Zak, Wendy M. Loya, Noah J. Karberg, John S. King, and Andrew Burton
Cold air drainage in a forested valley: Investigating the feasibility of monitoring ecosystem metabolism, T. G. Pypker, M. H. Unsworth, B. Lamb, E. Allwine, S. Edburg, E. Sulzman, A. C. Mix, and B. J. Bond
Effects of grazing and soil micro-climate on decomposition rates in a spatio-temporally heterogeneous grassland, Anita C. Risch, Martin Jurgensen, and Douglas A. Frank
The Role of Pityophthorus spp. as Vectors of Pitch Canker affecting Pinus radiata, Joyce M. Sakamoto, Thomas R. Gordon, Andrew J. Storer, and David L. Wood
Bryophyte community response to silvicultural opening size in a managed northern hardwood forest, Joshua M. Shields, Christopher R. Webster, and Janice M. Glime
Characteristics of DOC exported from northern hardwood forests receiving chronic experimental NO < inf> 3 < sup> - deposition, Kurt A. Smemo, Donald R. Zak, Kurt Pregitzer, and Andrew Burton
13C labeling of plant assimilates using a simple canopy-scale open air system, Alan F. Talhelm, Samir A. Qadir, Matthew D. Powers, Kate L. Bradley, Alexander L. Friend, and Kurt Pregitzer
Micropropagation and germplasm conservation of Central Park Splendor Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia Jacq. 'A/Ross Central Park') trees, Ramesh Thakur and David F. Karnosky
The seasonal activity and the effect of mechanical bending and wounding on the PtCOMT promoter in Betula pendula Roth, Heidi Tiimonen, Hely Häggman, Chung-Jui Tsai, Vincent Chiang, and Tuija Aronen
Downed woody fuel loading dynamics of a large-scale blowdown in northern Minnesota, U.S.A., C. W. Woodall and L. M. Nagel
Works from 2006
Overstory community composition and elevated atmospheric CO < inf> 2 and O < inf> 3 modify understory biomass production and nitrogen acquisition, Janet M. Bandeff, Kurt Pregitzer, Wendy M. Loya, William E. Holmes, and Donald R. Zak
Xylem-specific and tension stress-responsive coexpression of KORRIGAN endoglucanase and three secondary wall-associated cellulose synthase genes in aspen trees, Suchita Bhandari, Takeshi Fujino, Shivegowda Thammannagowda, Dongyan Zhang, Fuyu Xu, and Chandrashekhar P. Joshi
Transgenic modification of gai or rgl1 causes dwarfing and alters gibberellins, root growth, and metabolite profiles in Populus, Victor Busov, Richard Meilan, David W. Pearce, Stewart B. Rood, Caiping Ma, Timothy J. Tschaplinski, and Steven H. Strauss
Alcohol-inducible gene expression in transgenic Populus, S. A. Filichkin, R. Meilan, V. B. Busov, C. Ma, A. M. Brunner, and S. H. Strauss
Landscape hierarchies influence riparian ground-flora communities in Wisconsin, USA, P. Charles Goebel, K. Pregitzer, and Brian J. Palik
A Review of: “Jon T. Coleman. Vicious: Wolves and Men in America”, Kathleen Halvorsen
Elevated CO2 and O3 alter soil nitrogen transformations beneath trembling aspen, paper birch, and sugar maple, William E. Holmes, Donald R. Zak, Kurt Pregitzer, and John S. King
Wood strength loss as a measure of decomposition in northern forest mineral soil, Martin Jurgensen, David Reed, Deborah Page-Dumroese, Peter Laks, Anne Collins, Glenn D. Mroz, and Marek Degórski
Soil respiration in northern forests exposed to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone, Kurt Pregitzer, Wendy Loya, Mark Kubiske, and Donald Zak
Phosphorus translocation by red deer on a subalpine grassland in the central European Alps, Martin Schütz, Anita C. Risch, Gérald Achermann, Conny Thiel-Egenter, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, Martin Jurgensen, and Peter J. Edwards
A comparative study of cadmium and copper in ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) in regions with and without historic mining, Marian Snively and David J. Flaspohler
Pitfalls of applying adaptive management to a wolf population in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, John B. Theberge, Mary T. Theberge, John A. Vucetich, and Paul C. Paquet
Spatial characteristics of the invasion of Acer platanoides on a temperate forested island, Steven R. Wangen, Christopher R. Webster, and Jennifer A. Griggs
Coarse woody type: A new method for analyzing coarse woody debris and forest change, C. W. Woodall, L. M. Nagel, and L. M. Nagel
Microbial cycling of C and N in northern hardwood forests receiving chronic atmospheric NO < inf> 3 < sup> - deposition, Donald R. Zak, William E. Holmes, Matthew J. Tomlinson, Kurt Pregitzer, and Andrew Burton
Works from 2005
Mercury and other contaminants in common loons breeding in Atlantic Canada, Neil M. Burgess, David C. Evers, and Joseph D. Kaplan
Insertional mutagenesis in Populus: Relevance and feasibility, Victor Busov, Matthias Fladung, Andrew Groover, and Steven Strauss
Colonization of Cut Branches of five Coniferous Hosts of the Pitch Canker Fungus by Pityophthorus spp. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Central, Coastal California, Nadir Erbilgin, Andrew J. Storer, David L. Wood, and Thomas R. Gordon
Soil carbon stabilization along climate and stand productivity gradients in black spruce forests of interior Alaska, Evan Kane, D. W. Valentine, E. A.G. Schuur, and K. Dutta
Soil carbon dioxide partial pressure and dissolved inorganic carbonate chemistry under elevated carbon dioxide and ozone, N. J. Karberg, K. S. Pregitzer, J. S. King, A. L. Friend, and J. R. Wood
Fine root chemistry and decomposition in model communities of north-temperate tree species show little response to elevated atmospheric CO < inf> 2 and varying soil resource availability, J. S. King, K. S. Pregitzer, D. R. Zak, W. E. Holmes, and K. Schmidt
Measuring fine root turnover in forest ecosystems, Hooshang Majdi, Kurt Pregitzer, Ann Sofie Morén, Jan Erik Nylund, and Göran I. Ågren
Impacts of greenhouse gases on epicuticular waxes of Populus tremuloides Michx.: Results from an open-air exposure and a natural O < inf> 3 gradient, B. Maňkovská, K. E. Percy, and D. F. Karnosky
Sudden oak death in California: Disease progression in oaks and tanoaks, Brice A. McPherson, Sylvia R. Mori, David L. Wood, Andrew Storer, Pavel Svihra, N. Maggi Kelly, and Richard B. Standiford
CO2 efflux from a red wood ant mound in a boreal forest, Mizue Ohashi, Leena Finér, Timo Domisch, Anita C. Risch, and Martin Jurgensen
Identifying scales of pattern in ecological data: A comparison of lacunarity, spectral and wavelet analyses, Sari C. Saunders, Jiquan Chen, Thomas David Drummer, Eric J. Gustafson, and Kimberley D. Brosofske
Effects of uneven-aged management on diameter distribution and species composition of northern hardwoods in Upper Michigan, Joseph W. Schwartz, Linda M. Nagel, and Christopher R. Webster
Novel coupling agents for PVC/wood-flour composites, Bhavesh L. Shah, Laurent M. Matuana, and Patricia Heiden
Lifespans of fungal rhizomorphs under nitrogen fertilization in a pinyon-juniper woodland, Kathleen K. Treseder, Michael F. Allen, Roger W. Ruess, Kurt Pregitzer, and Ronald L. Hendrick
Coarse woody debris dynamics in the southern Appalachians as affected by topographic position and anthropogenic disturbance history, Christopher R. Webster and Michael A. Jenkins
Long-term response of spring flora to chronic herbivory and deer exclusion in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, Christopher R. Webster, Michael A. Jenkins, and Janet H. Rock
Stand dynamics of an insular population of an invasive tree, Acer platanoides, Christopher R. Webster, Kathryn Nelson, and Steven R. Wangen
Works from 2004
Riparian and upland breeding-bird assemblages along headwater streams in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Brian R. Bub, David J. Flaspohler, and Casey Huckins
Differential expression patterns of two cellulose synthase genes are associated with primary and secondary cell wall development in aspen trees, Udaya C. Kalluri and Chandrashekhar P. Joshi
Canopy cover effects on nitrogen and phosphorus status in understory vegetation in oak and pine stands, Choonsig Kim, Terry L. Sharik, and Martin Jurgensen
Genetic effects of air pollution on forest tree species of the Carpathian Mountains, Roman Longauer, Dusan Gömöry, Ladislav Paule, Ioan Blada, Flaviu Popescu, Blanka Mankovska, Gerhard Müller-Starck, Roland Schubert, Kevin Percy, Robert C. Szaro, and David F. Karnosky
Light-transmission profiles in an old-growth forest canopy: Simulations of photosynthetically active radiation by using spatially explicit radiative transfer models, Maria J. Mariscal, Scott N. Martens, Susan L. Ustin, Jiquan Chen, Stuart B. Weiss, and Dar A. Roberts
Model validation using equivalence tests, Andrew P. Robinson and Robert Froese
Twig Beetles, Pityophthorus spp. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), as Vectors of the Pitch Canker Pathogen in California, Andrew J. Storer, David L. Wood, and Thomas R. Gordon
Juvenile hormone regulates De novo isoprenoid aggregation pheromone biosynthesis in pine bark beetles, Ips spp., through transcriptional control of HMG-CoA reductase, Julie A. Tillman, Fang Lu, Lane M. Goddard, Zoe R. Donaldson, Silver C. Dwinell, Claus Tittiger, Gregory M. Hall, Andrew J. Storer, Gary J. Blomquist, and Steven J. Seybold
Works from 2003
Soil Respiration at Dominant Patch Types within a Managed Northern Wisconsin Landscape, Eugénie S. Euskirchen, Jiquan Chen, Eric J. Gustafson, and Siyan Ma
Soil Respiration along Environmental Gradients in Olympic National Park, Evan S. Kane, Kurt Pregitzer, and Andrew Burton
Foam extrusion of high density polyethylene/wood-flour composites using chemical foaming agents, Qingxiu Li and Laurent M. Matuana
Surface of cellulosic materials modified with functionalized polyethylene coupling agents, Qingxiu Li and Laurent M. Matuana
Use of a coupled biological system to treat a chemically complex air stream, M. R. Manninen, B. A. Niemi, and G. T. Kleinheinz
Mechanical properties of extrusion-foamed rigid PVC/wood-flour composites, Fatih Mengeloglu and Laurent M. Matuana
Works from 2002
Root respiration in North American forests: Effects of nitrogen concentration and temperature across biomes, A. J. Burton, K. S. Pregitzer, R. W. Ruess, R. L. Hendrick, and M. F. Allen