Explore a selection of works produced by the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University.
On November 20, 2019 the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science became the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.
Works from 2020
Overexpression of an AP2/ERF family gene, BpERF13, in birch enhances cold tolerance through upregulating CBF genes and mitigating reactive oxygen species., Kaiwen Lv, Jiang Li, Kai Zhao, Su Chen, Jeff Nie, Wenli Zhang, Guifeng Liu, and Hairong Wei
Overexpression of BplERD15 enhances drought tolerance in Betula platyphylla Suk, Kaiwen Lv, Hairong Wei, and Jing Jiang
Environmental decision-making shaped by the home: Situating consumption in the household, William Lytle, Chelsea Schelly, Kristin Floress, Rachael L. Shwom, and Kathleen E. Halvorsen
Insights on dissolved organic matter production revealed by removal of charge-transfer interactions in senescent leaf leachates, Karl M. Meingast, Brice K. Grunert, Sarah A. Green, Evan S. Kane, and Nastaran Khademimoshgenani
Climate, snowmelt dynamics and atmospheric deposition interact to control dissolved organic carbon export from a northern forest stream over 26 years, Karl M. Meingast, Evan Kane, Ashley A. Coble, Amy Marcarelli, and David Toczydlowski
Conceptual planning of urban–rural green space from a multidimensional perspective: A case study of Zhengzhou, China, Bo Mu, Chang Liu, Guohang Tian, Yaqiong Xu, Yali Zhang, Audrey L. Mayer, and et al.
Trends in protected area representation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in five tropical countries, Rachel A. Neugarten, Kevin Moull, Natalia Acero Martinez, Luciano Andriamaro, Curtis Bernard, Leonardo Saenz, and et al.
What is an endangered species?: judgments about acceptable risk, Thomas Offer-Westort, Adam Feltz, Jeremy T. Bruskotter, and John A. Vucetich
Factors affecting connectivity and sediment yields following wildfire and post-fire salvage logging in California's Sierra Nevada, Will Olsen, Joseph W. Wagenbrenner, and Peter R. Robichaud
Territoriality drives preemptive habitat selection in recovering wolves: Implications for carnivore conservation, Shawn O'Neil, John A. Vucetich, Dean E Beyer, Sarah Hoy, and Joseph K Bump
A phylogenomic approach reveals a low somatic mutation rate in a long-lived plant., Adam J Orr, Amanda Padovan, David Kainer, Carsten Kulheim, Lindell Bromham, Carlos Bustos-Segura, William Foley, Tonya Haff, Ji-Fan Hsieh, Alejandro Morales-Suarez, Reed A Cartwright, and Robert Lanfear
Sustaining forest soil quality and productivity, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, Matt D. Busse, Martin Jurgensen, and Eric J. Jokela
Development of novel quercus rubra chloroplast genome caps markers for haplotype identification, Tim Pettenkofer, Reiner Finkeldey, Markus Müller, Konstantin V. Krutovsky, Barbara Vornam, Ludger Leinemann, and Oliver Gailing
Genetic variation of introduced red oak (Quercus rubra) stands in Germany compared to North American populations, Tim Pettenkofer, Reiner Finkeldey, Markus Müller, Konstantin V. Krutovsky, Barbara Vornam, Ludger Leinemann, and Oliver Gailing
Genetic variation of introduced red oak (Quercus rubra) stands in Germany compared to North American populations, Tim Pettenkofer, Reiner Finkeldey, Markus Müller, Konstantin V. Krutovsky, Barbara Vornam, Ludger Leinemann, and Oliver Gailing
The effect of water table levels and short-term ditch restoration on mountain peatland carbon cycling in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, A. M. Planas-Clarke, R. A. Chimner, J. A. Hribljan, E. A. Lilleskov, and B. Fuentealba
Local testing and calibration of species-specific competition indices in sierran mixed-conifer forests: Application transfer to evolving objectives, Michael I. Premer, Sophan Chhin, and Jianwei Zhang
Soil biogeochemical responses of a tropical forest to warming and hurricane disturbance, Sasha C. Reed, Robin Reibold, Molly A. Cavaleri, Aura M. Alonso-Rodríguez, Megan E. Berberich, and Tana E. Wood
Wolves and the Isle Royale Environment: Restoring an Island Ecosystem 2018-2020, Mark C. Romanski, Elizabeth K. Orning, Kenneth F. Kellner, Dean E. Beyer Jr., Kristin Brzeski, John Hart, and et. al.
Energy policy for energy sovereignty: Can policy tools enhance energy sovereignty?, Chelsea Schelly, Douglas Bessette, Kathleen Brosemer, Valoree Gagnon, Kristin L. Arola, Andrew Fiss, Joshua M. Pearce, and Kathleen E. Halvorsen
Education as a driver of change in U.S. forests and the forest sector, Terry Sharik, Andrew J. Storer, Tara Bal, and Dalia Abbas
Hydrological effects of urban green space on stormwater runoff reduction in Luohe, China, Peihao Song, Jianhui Guo, Enkai Xu, Audrey L. Mayer, Chang Liu, Jing Huang, Guohang Tian, and Gunwoo Kim
Assessing the ecosystem services of various types of urban green spaces based on i-Tree eco, Peihao Song, Gunwoo Kim, Audrey L. Mayer, Ruizhen He, and Guohang Tian
Long-term change in the avifauna of undisturbed Amazonian rainforest: ground-foraging birds disappear and the baseline shifts, Philip C. Stouffer, Vitek Jirinec, Cameron L. Rutt, Richard O. Bierregaard, Angélica Hernández-Palma, Erik I. Johnson, Stephen R. Midway, Luke L. Powell, Jared D. Wolfe, and Thomas E. Lovejoy
Effective recycling of Co and Sr from Co/Sr-bearing wastewater via an integrated Fe coagulation and hematite precipitation approach, Ting Su, Zhijie Han, Zhan Qu, Yu Chen, Xue Lin, Suiyi Zhu, Rui Bian, and Xinfeng Xie
Evolution of breeding plumages in birds: A multiple-step pathway to seasonal dichromatism in New World warblers (Aves: Parulidae), Ryan S. Terrill, Glenn F. Seeholzer, and Jared D. Wolfe
Wetland and Hydric Soils, Carl C. Trettin, Randall K. Kolka, Anne S. Marsh, Sheel Bansal, Erik A. Lilleskov, Rodney Chimner, and et al.
What drives declining support for long-term ecological research?, John A. Vucetich, Michael Paul Nelson, and Jeremy T. Bruskotter
Patterns of Ecosystem Structure and Wildfire Carbon Combustion Across Six Ecoregions of the North American Boreal Forest, Xanthe J. Walker, Jennifer L. Baltzer, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Nicola J. Day, Catherine M. Dieleman, Jill F. Johnstone, Evan Kane, Brendan M. Rogers, Merritt R. Turetsky, Sander Veraverbeke, and Michelle C. Mack
Fuel availability not fire weather controls boreal wildfire severity and carbon emissions, X. J. Walker, B. M. Rogers, S. Veraverbeke, J. F. Johnstone, J. L. Baltzer, K. Barrett, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Liza K. Jenkins, E. S. Kane, and et. al.
Wood-colonizing fungal community response to forest restoration thinnings in a Pinus tabuliformis plantation in northern China, Weiwei Wang, Daniel L. Lindner, Michelle A. Jusino, Deborah Page-Dumroese, Jonathan M. Palmer, Mark T. Banik, Martin Jurgensen, Kymberly Draeger, and Yong Liu
PuHox52-mediated hierarchical multilayered gene regulatory network promotes adventitious root formation in Populus ussuriensis, Ming Wei, Quangang Liu, Zhanchao Wang, Jingli Yang, Wenlong Li, Yingxi Chen, Han Lu, Jinfu Nie, Jenneifer Sanders, Hairong Wei, and et al.
Integrating wildlife conservation into ecosystem service payments and carbon offsets: A case study from Costa Rica, Jared D. Wolfe and Pablo Elizondo
Effects of a regenerating matrix on the survival of birds in tropical forest fragments, Jared D. Wolfe; Philip C. Stouffer; Richard O. Bierregaard Jr.; David A, Luther; and Thomas E. Lovejoy
Valorization of Bamboo Biomass by Selective Liquefaction Reaction for the Production of Sugar and Phenolic Platform Chemicals, Junming Xu, Qiaolong Zhai, Xinfeng Xie, Jianchun Jiang, and Todd F. Shupe
Comparing human activity density and green space supply using the Baidu Heat Map in Zhengzhou, China, Shumei Zhang, Wenshi Zhang, Ying Wang, Xiaoyu Zhao, Peihao Song, Guohang Tian, and Audrey L. Mayer
Upcycling of groundwater treatment sludge to an erdite nanorod as a highly effienct activation agent of peroxymonosulfate for wastewater treatment., Suiyi Zhu, Xiang Song, Yu Chen, Ge Dong, Tong Sun, Hongbin Yu, Yang Yu, Xinfeng Xie, and Mingxin Huo
Works from 2019
US family forest management coupling natural and human systems: Role of markets and public policy instruments, Francisco Aguilar and Matt Kelly
Total economic value, ecosystem services and the role of public policy instruments in the creation and destruction of forest values, Francisco Aguilar, Matthew Kelly, and Brian Danley
Spatiotemporal Dimensions of Water Stress Accounting: Incorporating Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions and Ecological Thresholds., Sara Alian, Alex Mayer, Ann Maclean, David Watkins, and Ali Mirchi
Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation has similar benefits to fertilization for Thuja occidentalis L. seedling nutrition and growth on peat soil over a range of pH: implications for restoration, Guswarni Anwar, Erik A. Lilleskov, and Rodney Chimner
Nondestructive evaluation of tensile properties of structural lumber from the spruce-pine-fir species grouping: phase 1 evaluation of modulus of elasticity, Nusret As, Robert Ross, Xiping Wang, and Christopher Adam Senalik
Image content analysis of US natural resources-related professional society websites with respect to gender and racial/ethnic diversity, Tara L. Bal and Terry Sharik
Web content analysis of university forestry and related natural resources landing webpages in the United States in relation to student and faculty diversity, Tara L. Bal and Terry Sharik
Influence of Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) treatment of wood in decay tests, Tara Bal, J. R. Raj, and D. L. Richter
Understanding farmers’ perceptions and the effects of shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) tree distribution in agroforestry parklands of Upper West Region, Ghana, Fahimeh Baziari, Kari B. Henquinet, and Molly A. Cavaleri
Genome-wide association studies of bark texture in Populus trichocarpa, Roba Bdeir, Wellington Muchero, Yordan Yordanov, Gerald A. Tuskan, Victor B. Busov, and Oliver Gailing
Correction to: Genome-wide association studies of bark texture in Populus trichocarpa, Roba Bdeir, Wellington Muchero, Yordan Yordanov, Gerald Tuskan, Victor Busov, Jin Zhang, and Oliver Gailing
Linking tree growth rate, damage repair, and susceptibility to a genus-specific pest infestation, Kayla Boyes, Kathryn G. Hietala-Henschell, Alexander P. Barton, Andrew J. Storer, and Jordan M. Marshall
Linking tree growth rate, damage repair, and susceptibility to a genus-specific pest infestation, Kayla N. Boyes, Kathryn G. Hietala-Henschell, Alexander P. Barton, Andrew J. Storer, and Jordan M. Marshall
Conservationists’ moral obligations toward wildlife: Values and identity promote conservation conflict, Jeremy Bruskotter, John A. Vucetich, Alia Dietsch, Kristina Slagle, Jeremy Brooks, and Michael Nelson
Determinants of tree sway frequency in temperate deciduous forests of the Northeast United States, Amanda Bunce, John Volin, David Miller, Jason Parent, and Mark Rudnicki
Movement of Isotopically Depleted Face Log C into Mineral Soil after Six Years of Decomposition, Andrew Burton, Martin Jurgensen, and Carl Trettin
Plant development: Dual roles of poplar SVL in vegetative bud dormancy, Victor Busov
Towards human-wildlife coexistence through the integration of human and natural systems: The case of grey wolves in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Neil H. Carter, Jeremy T. Bruskotter, John A. Vucetich, Robert Crabtree, Hannah Jaicks, Gabriel Karns, Michael Paul Nelson, Doug Smith, and John D.C. Linnell
Differential regulation of the banana stress NAC family by individual and combined stresses of drought and heat in susceptible and resistant genotypes, Rakesh Shashikant Chaudhari, Bhavesh Liladhar Jangale, Abdul Azeez, Bal Krishna, Prafullachandra Vishnu Sane, and Aniruddha Prafullachandra Sane
Mapping mountain peatlands and wet meadows using multi-date, multi-sensor remote sensing in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, Rodney Chimner, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Sarah L. Grelik, John A. Hribljan, Ana Maria Planas Clarke, Molly Polk, Erik Lilleskov, and Beatriz Fuentealba
Mapping mountain peatlands and wet meadows using multi-date, wulti-sensor remote sensing in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, Rodney Chimner, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Sarah L. Grelik, John A. Hribljan, Ana Maria Planas Clarke, Molly Polk, Erik Lilleskov, and Beatriz Fuentealba
Identifying genetic markers for a range of phylogenetic utility–From species to family level, Bokyung Choi, Michael D. Crisp, Lyn G. Cook, Karen Meusemann, Robert D. Edwards, Alicia Toon, and Carsten Kulheim
Identifying genetic markers for a range of phylogenetic utility–From species to family level, Bokyung Choi, Michael D. Crisp, Lyn G. Cook, Karen Meusemann, Robert D. Edwards, Alicia Toon, and Carsten Külheim
Deep uncertainty, public reason, the conservation of biodiversity and the regulation of markets for lion skeletons, Peter Coals, Dawn Burnham, Paul Johnson, Andrew Loveridge, David Macdonald, Vivienne Williams, and John A. Vucetich
The ethics of human-animal relationships and public discourse: A case study of lions bred for their bones, Peter Coals, Dawn Burnham, Andrew Loveridge, David W. Macdonald, Michael 't Sas-Rolfes, Vivvienne Williams, and John A. Vucetich
Nitrogen cycling responses to simulated emerald ash borer infestation in Fraxinus nigra-dominated wetlands, Joshua Davis, Joseph Shannon, Matthew J. Van Grinsven, Nicholas Bolton, Joseph Wagenbrenner, Randall K Kolka, and Thomas Pypker
Urban colonization through multiple genetic lenses: The city‐fox phenomenon revisited, Alexandra L. DeCandia, Kristin Brzeski, Elizabeth Heppenheimer, Catherine V. Caro, Glauco Camenisch, Peter Wandeler, and Carlos Driscoll
Socio-economic importance of forest resources and their conservation measures in Ethiopia: the case of area closure in South Gonder of Ethiopia, Fikirte Demissie, Kumelachew Yeshitela, Mark Rouleau, David J. Flaspohler, and Mengistie Kindu
Thinning efects on the tree height-diameter allometry of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.), Cheng Deng, Shougong Zhang, Yuanchang Lu, Robert Froese, Angang Ming, and Qingfen Li
Evaluation of the FVS-CR diameter growth model in structurally-heterogeneous ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson) stands in the Southern Rockies, and potential modifications, Yvette L. Dickinson, Michael Battaglia, and Lance Asherin
Effects of Silvicultural Practices on Engineering Properties of Northern Hardwood Species of the Great Lakes Region, Yvette L. Dickinson, Xiping Wang, Jan Wiedenbeck, and Robert Ross
Dominant tree species drive beta diversity patterns in western Amazonia, Frederick C. Draper, Gregory P. Asner, Eurídice N. Honorio Coronado, Timothy R. Baker, Roosevelt García-Villacorta, Nigel C.A. Pitman, Paul V.A. Fine, Oliver L. Phillips, Ricardo Zárate Gómez, Carlos A. Amasifuén Guerra, Manuel Flores Arévalo, Rodolfo Vásquez Martínez, Roel J.W. Brienen, Abel Monteagudo-Mendoza, Luis A. Torres Montenegro, Elvis Valderrama Sandoval, Katherine H. Roucoux, Fredy R. Ramírez Arévalo, Ítalo Mesones Acuy, Jhon del Aguila-Pasquel, Ximena Tagle Casapia, Gerardo Flores Llampazo, Massiel Corrales Medina, José Reyna Huaymacari, and Christopher Baraloto
Verification and synthesis of symmetric uni-rings for leads-to properties, Ali Ebnenasir
Out of the ashes: Ecological resilience to extreme wildfire, prescribed burns, and indigenous burning in ecosystems, Christina Eisenberg, Christopher Anderson, Adam Collingwood, Robert Sissons, Christopher Dunn, Curtis Edson, and et al.
When the Source of Flooding Matters: Divergent responses in carbon fluxes in an Alaskan Rich Fen to two types of inundation, E. S. Euskirchen, E. S. Kane, C. W. Edgar, and M. R. Turetsky
Characterization of functional relationships of R-loops with gene transcription and epigenetic modifications in rice., Yuan Fang, Lifen Chen, Kande Lin, Yilong Feng, Pengyue Zhang, Xiucai Pan, Jenneifer Sanders, Yufeng Wu, Xiu-E Wang, Zhen Su, Caiyan Chen, Hairong Wei, and Wenli Zhang
The New Minority: White Working Class Politics in an Age of Immigrants and Inequality, Kathleen Halvorsen
The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection, Kathleen Halvorsen
Chapter 4: Integrating across sectors and disciplines: transdisciplinary teamwork challenges and strategies, Kathleen E. Halvorsen, Jessie Knowlton, Robert M. Handler, Chelsea Schelly, and Erin Pischke
Chapter 1: Introduction to a research agenda for environmental management – Through transdisciplinary, social science-rich environmental governance research, Kathleen E. Halvorsen, Jessie Knowlton, Chelsea Schelly, Robert Handler, and Erin Pischke
Impacts of experimental alteration of water table regime and vascular plant community composition on peat mercury profiles and methylmercury production, Kristine Haynes, Evan Kane, Lynette R. Potvin, Erik Lilleskov, Randall K. Kolka, and Carl P. Mitchell
Genetics and extinction and the example of Isle Royale wolves, P. W. Hendrick, J. A. Robinson, Rolf O. Peterson, and John A. Vucetich
Sustainable Forest Management, Darrell Hendrickson and Marcia Goodrich
Iron (Oxyhydr)Oxides Serve as Phosphate Traps in Tundra and Boreal Peat Soils, Elizabeth M. Herndon, Lauren Kinsman-Costello, Kiersten A. Duroe, Jonathan Mills, Evan Kane, Stephen D. Sebestyen, Aaron A. Thompson, and Stan D. Wullschleger
Supersymmetric laser arrays, Mohammad Hokmabadi, Nicholas Nye, Ramy El-Ganainy, Demetrios Christodoulides, and Mercedeh Khajavikhan
Fluctuations in age structure and their variable influence on population growth, Sarah Hoy, Daniel R. MacNulty, Douglas W. Smith, Daniel Stahler, Xavier Lambin, Rolf O. Peterson, Joel S. Ruprecht, and John A. Vucetich
Negative frequency‐dependent foraging behaviour in a generalist herbivore (Alces alces) and its stabilizing influence on food web dynamics, Sarah Hoy, John A. Vucetich, Rongsong Liu, Don DeAngelis, Rolf O. Peterson, Leah Vucetich, and John J. Henderson
Promoting structural and species diversity in Great Lakes northern hardwoods: a conceptual model and its application, Stefan Hupperts, Yvette L. Dickinson, Christopher R. Webster, and Christel C. Kern
Age structure and recruitment of Trillium luteum (Trilliaceae) populations in secondary forests of the southern Appalachian Mountains, Michael A. Jenkins and Christopher R. Webster
Exploring the connections between participation in and benefits from payments for hydrological services programs in Veracruz State, Mexico, Kelly W. Jones, Sophie Avila Foucat, Erin Pischke, Jacob Salcone, David Torrez, Theresa Selfa, and Kathleen Halvorsen
Bedding of Wetland Soil: Effects of Bed Height and Termite Activity on Wood Decomposition, Martin F. Jurgensen, Chris A. Miller, Carl T. Trettin, and Deborah S. Page-Dumroese
High marker density GWAS provides novel insights into the genomic architecture of terpene oil yield in Eucalyptus, David Kainer, Amanda Padovan, Joerg Degenhardt, Sandra Krause, Produyut Mondal, William Foley, and Carsten Külheim
Reduction‐oxidation potential and dissolved organic matter composition in northern peat soil: Interactive controls of water table position and plant functional groups, E. S. Kane, T. J. Veverica, M. M. Tfaily, E. A. Lilleskov, K. M. Meingast, Randall K Kolka, A. L. Daniels, and R. A. Chimner
Can group selection with legacy retention change compositional trajectories in conventionally managed hardwoods?, Sam Knapp, Christopher R. Webster, and Christel Kern
The composition and height of saplings capturing silvicultural gaps at two long-term experiments in managed northern hardwood forests, Sam Knapp, Christopher R. Webster, and Christel C. Kern
Detecting dynamic system regime boundaries with Fisher information: the case of ecosystems, Eva Konig, Heriberto Cabezas, and Audrey L. Mayer
Climate Change Perspectives and Policy Support in a Great Lakes Anishinaabe Community, Andrew T. Kozich, Valoree Gagnon, Gerald P. Jondreau, Erin E. Johnston, Trey A. Loonsfoot, and Max L. Rivas
Overexpression of PsnSuSy1, 2 genes enhances secondary cell wall thickening, vegetative growth, and mechanical strength in transgenic tobacco, Meilang Li, Shuan Wang, YingYing Liu, Yang Zhang, Menxuan Ren, Hairong Wei, and et. al.
Review of the effects of barred owls on spotted owls, Linda L. Long and Jared D. Wolfe
An evaluation of isotopic (δ2H) methods to provide estimates of avian breeding and natal dispersal, C. Lopez-Calderon, Steven L. Van Wilgenburg, Amber M. Roth, David J. Flaspohler, and Keith A. Hobson
Can the dual identity of policy entrepreneur and policy implementer promote successful policy adoption? Vertical greening policymaking in Shanghai, China, Hongmei Lu, Audrey L. Mayer, Adam Wellstead, and Shan Zhou
Scientific advances and adaptation strategies for Wisconsin lakes facing climate change, Madeline R. Magee, Catherine L. Hein, Jake R. Walsh, P. Danielle Shannon, M. Jake Vander Zanden, Timothy B. Campbell, and et al.
Landscape dynamics of family forest owners, Audrey L. Mayer