Explore a selection of works produced by the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University.

On November 20, 2019 the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science became the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science.


Works from 2012


Chronic N deposition alters root respiration‐tissue N relationship in northern hardwood forests, Andrew Burton, Julie Jarvey, Mickey P. Jarvi, Donald Zak, and Kurt Pregitzer


Riparian tree growth response to drought and altered streamflow along the dolores river, colorado, Adam P. Coble and Thomas E. Kolb


An ecoregional context for forest management on national wildlife refuges of the Upper Midwest, USA, R. Gregory Corace, Lindsey M. Shartell, Lisa A. Schulte, Wayne L. Brininger, Michelle K.D. McDowell, and Daniel M. Kashian


Synergistic interactions between Glomus mosseae and Bradyrhizobium japonicum in enhancing proton release from nodules and hyphae, Xiaodong Ding, Xinhua Sui, Fang Wang, Junhua Gao, Xinhua He, Fusuo Zhang, Juncheng Yang, and Gu Feng


Genetic comparisons between North American and European populations of Lumbricus terrestris L., Oliver Gailing, Erin Hickey, Erik Lilleskov, Katalin Szlavecz, Klaus Richter, and Martin Potthoff


Leaf morphological and genetic differentiation between Quercus rubra L. and Q. ellipsoidalis E.J. Hill populations in contrasting environments, Oliver Gailing, Jennifer Lind, and Erik Lilleskov


Untangling the landscape of deer overabundance: Reserve size versus landscape context in the agricultural Midwest, Peter M. Hurley, Christopher R. Webster, David J. Flaspohler, and George R. Parker


Sphagnum Ecophysiology of Restored, Drained, and Pristine Boreal Spruce Swamp Forests, Laura Kangas, Liisa Maanavilja, Tomáš Hájek, Eija Juurola, Rodney Chimner, and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila


Variability and persistence of post-fire biological legacies in jack pine-dominated ecosystems of northern Lower Michigan, Daniel M. Kashian, R. Gregory Corace, Lindsey M. Shartell, Deahn M. Donner, and Philip W. Huber


Classification of Landsat images based on spectral and topographic variables for land-cover change detection in Zagros forests, Azad Henareh Khalyani, Michael J. Falkowski, and Audrey L. Mayer


Deforestation and landscape structure changes related to socioeconomic dynamics and climate change in Zagros forests, Azad Henareh Khalyani, Audrey L. Mayer, and Michael J. Falkowski


Ecological indicators for protection impact assessment at two scales in the Bozin and Marakhil protected area, Iran, Azad Henareh Khalyani, Audrey L. Mayer, Christopher R. Webster, and Michael J. Falkowski


Influence of legacy-tree retention on group-selection opening persistence, Sarah Klingsporn, Christopher R. Webster, and Joseph K. Bump


Relationships between soil compaction and harvest season, soil texture, and landscape position for aspen forests, Randy Kolka, Aaron Steber, Ken Brooks, Charles H. Perry, and Matt Powers


Compliance with wetland mitigation standards in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA, Andrew Kozich and Kathleen Halvorsen


Long term study of greenhouse gases influence on epicuticular waxes of Populus tremuloides Michx, Blanka Mañkovská, Július Oszlányi, and David F. Karnosky


Evaluating the efficacy of non-invasive genetic methods and estimating wolf survival during a ten-year period, F. Marucco, L. M. Vucetich, R. O. Peterson, J. R. Adams, and J. A. Vucetich


Principles of sustainability from ecology, Audrey L. Mayer


ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS AND CASE STUDIES: Building Green Infrastructure via Citizen Participation: A Six-Year Study in the Shepherd Creek (Ohio), Audrey L. Mayer, William D. Shuster, Jake J. Beaulieu, Matthew E. Hopton, Lee K. Rhea, Allison H. Roy, and Hale W. Thurston


Fine-scale spatial genetic structure of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), Madhav Pandey, Oliver Gailing, Hans H. Hattemer, and Reiner Finkeldey


Association of Pinus banksiana Lamb. and Populus tremuloides Michx. seedling fine roots with Sistotrema brinkmannii (Bres.) J. Erikss. (Basidiomycotina), Lynette R. Potvin, Dana Richter, Martin Jurgensen, and R. Kasten Dumroese


Peer influence of non-industrial private forest owners in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Jillian R. Schubert and Audrey L. Mayer


Exotic Earthworm Communities within Upland Deciduous Forests of National Wildlife Refuges in the Upper Midwest, Lindsey M. Shartell, R. Gregory Corace, and Andrew J. Storer


Efficacy of treatments against garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and effects on forest understory plant diversity, Lindsey M. Shartell, Linda M. Nagel, and Andrew J. Storer


The causes and consequences of partial prey consumption by wolves preying on moose, John A. Vucetich, Leah Vucetich, and Rolf O. Peterson


Anthropogenic N Deposition Increases Soil C Storage by Decreasing the Extent of Litter Decay: Analysis of Field Observations with an Ecosystem Model, Kyle A. Whittinghill, William S. Currie, Donald R. Zak, Andrew J Burton, and Kurt S. Pregitzer


Contributions of algae to GPP and DOC production in an Alaskan fen: Effects of historical water table manipulations on ecosystem responses to a natural flood, Kevin H. Wyatt, Merritt R. Turetsky, Allison R. Rober, Danilo Giroldo, Evan S. Kane, and R. Jan Stevenson


Effects of seedbed density on seedling morphological characteristics of four broadleaved species, C. Yücedaǧ and O. Gailing


Canopy rainfall storage capacity as affected by sub-alpine grassland degradation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, Kailiang Yu, Thomas G. Pypker, Richard F. Keim, Ning Chen, Yingbo Yang, Shuqing Guo, Wenjin Li, and Gang Wang

Works from 2011


Ash phloem reduction models vary among species and growing conditions, Tara L. Bal, Andrew J. Storer, and Laura Nagel


Combined sustainable biomass feedstock combustion, CO2/EOR, and saline reservoir geological carbon sequestration in Northern Lower Michigan, USA: Towards negative CO2 emissions, David Barnes, Robert Froese, R. G. Mannes, and Brian Warner


Conventional Wisdoms of Woody Biomass Utilization on Federal Public Lands, Dennis R. Becker, Sarah M. McCaffrey, Dalia Abbas, Kathleen Halvorsen, Pamela Jakes, and Cassandra Moseley


A theoretical, multidisciplinary view of catastrophic regime change, J. G. Brida, Audrey L. Mayer, C. McCord, and L. F. Punzo


Activation tagging is an effective gene tagging system in Populus, Victor Busov, Yordan Yordanov, Jiqing Gou, Richard Meilan, Cathleen Ma, Sharon Regan, and Steven Strauss


Ant mounds as a source of sediment on citrus orchard plantations in eastern Spain. A three-scale rainfall simulation approach, Artemi Cerdà and Martin Jurgensen


Maintenance of genetic diversity in Cordia africana Lam., a declining forest tree species in Ethiopia, Abayneh Derero, Oliver Gailing, and Reiner Finkeldey


Efficient one-pot synthesis and loading of self-assembled amphiphilic chitosan nanoparticles for low-leaching wood preservation, Xiaochu Ding, Dana Richter, Laurent M. Matuana, and P. Heiden


Assessment of the domestication state of ackee (Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig) in Benin based on AFLP and microsatellite markers, Marius R.M. Ekué, Oliver Gailing, Barbara Vornam, and Reiner Finkeldey


High genetic diversity and significant population structure in Cedrus brevifolia Henry, a narrow endemic Mediterranean tree from Cyprus, Nicolas George Homer Eliades, Oliver Gailing, Ludger Leinemann, Bruno Fady, and Reiner Finkeldey


Identification of desiccation-regulated genes by cDNA-AFLP in Haberlea rhodopensis: A resurrection plant, Tatyana Georgieva, Nikolai K. Christov, and Dimitar Djilianov


Effects of six chemical deicers on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), Meagan L. Harless, Casey Huckins, Jacqualine B. Grant, and Thomas G. Pypker


Effects of protection on amount and structure of forest cover at two scales in Bozin and Marakhil protected area, Iran, Azad Henareh Khalyani, Audrey L. Mayer, and Michael J. Falkowski


Restoring oak regeneration after overgrazing and fire in Zagros forests, Azad Henareh Khalyani, Audrey L. Mayer, and Manouchehr Namiranian


Decreased rainfall interception balances increased transpiration in exotic ponderosa pine plantations compared with native cypress stands in Patagonia, Argentina, Julian A. Licata, Thomas G. Pypker, Mariana Weigandt, Michael H. Unsworth, Javier E. Gyenge, María Elena Fernández, Tomás M. Schlichter, and Barbara J. Bond


The Use and Cultural Significance of the Pita Plant (Aechmea magdalenae) among Ngöbe Women of Chalite, Panama, Kathryn Lincoln and Blair Orr


A predictive model for detection of Agrilus planipennis (Col., Buprestidae) larvae in girdled ash (Fraxinus spp.), J. M. Marshall, Andrew J. Storer, I. Fraser, and V. C. Mastro


Addendum to: A predictive model for detection of Agrilus planipennis (Col., Buprestidae) larvae in girdled ash (Fraxinus spp.), J. M. Marshall, Andrew J. Storer, I. Fraser, and V. C. Mastro


Analyzing effective protection for roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) habitat in Iranian Zagros forests at two scales, Audrey L. Mayer and Azad Henareh Khalyani


Grass trumps trees with fire, Audrey L. Mayer and Azad Henareh Khalyani


Use of remote sensing to support forest and wetlands policies in the USA, Audrey L. Mayer and Ricardo D. Lopez


Modeling the impacts of communication among nonindustrial private forest owners on forested landscapes, Audrey L. Mayer, Mark D. Rouleau, Mackenzie T. Roeser, and Jillian R. Schubert


Biogeochemical cycling and chemical fluxes in a managed northern forested wetland, Michigan, USA, James W. Mclaughlin, Emily B.W. Calhoon, Margaret R. Gale, Martin Jurgensen, and Carl C. Trettin


The Isle Royale Wolf-Moose Project (1958-present) and the Wonder of Long-Term Ecological Research, Michael P. Nelson, John Vucetich, Rolf O. Peterson, and Leah Vucetich


Linking plant growth responses across topographic gradients in tallgrass prairie, Jesse B. Nippert, Troy W. Ocheltree, Adam M. Skibbe, Laura Kangas, Jay M. Ham, Kira B.Shonkwiler Arnold, and Nathaniel A. Brunsell


Long-term management impacts on carbon storage in Lake States forests, Matthew Powers, Randall Kolka, Brian Palik, Rachel McDonald, and Martin Jurgensen


Stimulating spalting in sugar maple using sub-lethal doses of copper, Sara C. Robinson, Peter Laks, and Dana Richter


Anthropogenic and natural causes influencing population genetic structure of Juniperus procera Hochst. ex Endl. in the Ethiopian highlands, Demissew Sertse, Oliver Gailing, Nicolas George Eliades, and Reiner Finkeldey


Management of urban hydrology via citizen participation – a six-year study in the Shepherd Creek (Ohio, USA), William D. Shuster, Jake J. Beaulieu, Audrey L. Mayer, Margaret Morrison, Lee K. Rhea, Allison H. Roy, and Hale W. Thurston


The Occurrence and Morphology of a Lateral Metatarsal Splint Bone in Moose (Alces alces), William J. Silvia, Rolf O. Peterson, William F. Silvia, John A. Vucetich, and Alexander W. Silvia


High-elevation ground-layer plant community composition across environmental gradients in spruce-fir forests, Sarah E. Stehn, Christopher R. Webster, Michael A. Jenkins, and Shibu Jose


A comparison of two open source LiDAR surface classification algorithms, Wade T. Tinkham, Hongyu Huang, Alistair M. S. Smith, Rupesh Shrestha, Michael J. Falkowski, Andrew T. Hudak, and et al.


Recovery of carbon and nutrient pools in a northern forested wetland 11years after harvesting and site preparation, Carl C. Trettin, Martin Jurgensen, Margaret R. Gale, and James W. McLaughlin


Influence of Timber Harvesting Alternatives on Forest Soil Respiration and Its Biophysical Regulatory Factors over a 5-year Period in the Missouri Ozarks, Jianye Xu, Jiquan Chen, Kimberley D. Brosofske, Qinglin Li, Michael Weintraub, Rachel Henderson, Burkhard Wilske, Ranjeet John, Randy Jensen, Haitao Li, and Changliang Shao


Boundary genes in regulation and evolution of secondary growth, Yordan S. Yordanov and Victor Busov


Effects of cracking and sowing time on germination of Styrax officinalis L. seeds, Cengiz Yücedaǧ


Repression of gibberellin biosynthesis or signaling produces striking alterations in poplar growth, morphology, and flowering, Christine Zawaski, Mahita Kadmiel, Jim Pickens, Cathleen Ma, Steven Strauss, and Victor Busov

Works from 2010


Biosynthesis of phenolic glycosides from phenylpropanoid and benzenoid precursors in populus, Benjamin A. Babst, Scott A. Harding, and Chung Jui Tsai


Response and potential of agroforestry crops under global change, C. Calfapietra, B. Gielen, D. F. Karnosky, R. Ceulemans, and G. Scarascia Mugnozza


Mountain fen distribution, types and restoration priorities, San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA, Rodney Chimner, Joanna M. Lemly, and David J. Cooper


Will photosynthetic capacity of aspen trees acclimate after long-term exposure to elevated CO2 and O3 ?, Joseph N.T. Darbah, Mark E. Kubiske, Neil Nelson, Katre Kets, Johanna Riikonen, Anu Sober, Lisa Rouse, and David F. Karnosky


Differential response of aspen and birch trees to heat stress under elevated carbon dioxide, Joseph N.T. Darbah, Thomas D. Sharkey, Carlo Calfapietra, and David F. Karnosky


Parcel-based classification of agricultural crops via multitemporal Landsat imagery for monitoring habitat availability of western burrowing owls in the Imperial Valley agro-ecosystem, Michael J. Falkowski and Jeffrey A. Manning


Molecular genetic tools to infer the origin of forest plants and wood, Reiner Finkeldey, Ludger Leinemann, and Oliver Gailing


Long-term effects of fragmentation and fragment properties on bird species richness in Hawaiian forests, David J. Flaspohler, Christian P. Giardina, Gregory P. Asner, Patrick Hart, Jonathan Price, Cassie Ka apu Lyons, and Xeronimo Castaneda


Tom Turner. Roadless rules: The struggle for the last wild forests, Kathleen Halvorsen


Topographic controls on black carbon accumulation in Alaskan black spruce forest soils: Implications for organic matter dynamics, E. S. Kane, W. C. Hockaday, M. R. Turetsky, C. A. Masiello, D. W. Valentine, B. P. Finney, and J. A. Baldock


Exploration of meaningful subspecies definitions of the carnivorous Northern Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia purpurea), throughout its geographic distribution, Jennifer M. Karberg and Margaret R. Gale


Bias and uncertainty of δ13CO2 isotopic mixing models, Zachary E. Kayler, Lisa Ganio, Mark Hauck, Thomas G. Pypker, Elizabeth W. Sulzman, Alan C. Mix, and Barbara J. Bond


Diurnal changes in photosynthetic parameters of Populus tremuloides, modulated by elevated concentrations of CO < inf> 2 and/or O < inf> 3 and daily climatic variation, Katre Kets, Joseph N.T. Darbah, Anu Sober, Johanna Riikonen, Jaak Sober, and David F. Karnosky


Partitioning hydrologic contributions to an 'old-growth' riparian area in the Huron Mountains of Michigan, USA, Randall K. Kolka, Christian P. Giardina, Jason D. McClure, Alex Mayer, and Martin Jurgensen


Gene expression responses of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) to elevated CO < inf> 2 and O < inf> 3 during leaf maturation and senescence, Sari Kontunen-Soppela, Juha Parviainen, Hanna Ruhanen, Mikael Brosché, Markku Keinänen, Ramesh Thakur, Mikko Kolehmainen, Jaakko Kangasjärvi, Elina Oksanen, David F. Karnosky, and Elina Vapaavuori


Analysis of a Farquhar-von Caemmerer-Berry leaf-level photosynthetic rate model for Populus tremuloides in the context of modeling and measurement limitations, Kathryn E. Lenz, George E. Host, Kyle Roskoski, Asko Noormets, Anu Sôber, and David F. Karnosky


Advances in understanding ozone impact on forest trees: Messages from novel phytotron and free-air fumigation studies, R. Matyssek, D. F. Karnosky, G. Wieser, K. Percy, E. Oksanen, T. E.E. Grams, M. Kubiske, D. Hanke, and H. Pretzsch


Spring leaf flush in aspen (Populus tremuloides) clones is altered by long-term growth at elevated carbon dioxide and elevated ozone concentration, Justin M. McGrath, David F. Karnosky, and Elizabeth A. Ainsworth


Responses of oaks and tanoaks to the sudden oak death pathogen after 8 y of monitoring in two coastal California forests, Brice A. McPherson, Sylvia R. Mori, David L. Wood, Maggi Kelly, Andrew Storer, Pavel Svihra, and Richard B. Standiford


Elevated CO2 response of photosynthesis depends on ozone concentration in aspen, Asko Noormets, Olevi Kull, Anu Sôber, Mark E. Kubiske, and David F. Karnosky


Thinning method and intensity influence long-term mortality trends in a red pine forest, Matthew D. Powers, Brian J. Palik, John B. Bradford, Shawn Fraver, and Christopher R. Webster


Leaf size and surface characteristics of Betula papyrifera exposed to elevated CO < inf> 2 and O < inf> 3, Johanna Riikonen, Kevin E. Percy, Minna Kivimäenpää, Mark E. Kubiske, Neil D. Nelson, Elina Vapaavuori, and David F. Karnosky


Wood Species affects Laboratory Colonization Rates of Chlorociboria sp., Sara C. Robinson and Peter E. Laks


Amphiphilic core/shell nanoparticles to reduce biocide leaching from treated wood, 1 - leaching and biological efficacy, Umme Salma, Ning Chen, Dana Richter, Paul B. Filson, Benjamin Dawson-Andoh, Laurent M. Matuana, and Patricia Heiden


Higher rates of nitrogen fertilization decrease soil enzyme activities, microbial functional diversity and nitrification capacity in a Chinese polytunnel greenhouse vegetable land, Weishou Shen, Xiangui Lin, Weiming Shi, Ju Min, Nan Gao, Huayong Zhang, Rui Yin, and Xinhua He


Disparate geography of consumption, production, and environmental impacts, Monika H. Ståhls, Audrey L. Mayer, and Päivi M. Tikka


DNA damage in Populus tremuloides clones exposed to elevated O < inf> 3, Helen H. Tai, Kevin E. Percy, and David F. Karnosky


Simulated nitrogen deposition causes a decline of Intra- and Extraradical abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Changes in microbial community structure in northern hardwood forests, Linda T.A. van Diepen, Erik A. Lilleskov, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and R. Michael Miller


Reply to comment on 'Kane et al. 2008. Precipitation control over inorganic nitrogen import-export budgets across watersheds: A synthesis of long-term ecological research. Ecohydrology 1: 105-117', W. J. Van Verseveld, E. S. Kane, D. J. Sobota, I. H. Myers-Smith, and J. B. Fellman


The logic of persistence, John Vucetich, Rolf O. Peterson, Michael P. Nelson, and Jannikke Räikkönen


Diversity, productivity and landscape-level effects in North American grasslands managed for biomass production, Christopher R. Webster, David J. Flaspohler, Randall D. Jackson, Timothy D. Meehan, and Claudio Gratton


Regeneration dynamics in remnant Tsuga canadensis stands in the northern Lake States: Potential direct and indirect effects of herbivory, Jill C. Witt and Christopher R. Webster

Works from 2009


Wolf population changes in Michigan, Dean E. Beyer, Rolf O. Peterson, John Vucetich, and James H. Hammill


Forest farming of shiitake mushrooms: An integrated evaluation of management practices, J. N. Bruhn, J. D. Mihail, and J. B. Pickens