This growing collection consists of dissertations, master's theses and master's reports from 1998-present submitted with their authors' permission for either open access or Michigan Tech only access.
This collection is not comprehensive prior to 2012 and represents a subset of available material. Works not found within this repository may be located by searching the Van Pelt and Opie Library catalog.
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Game-theoretic view on intermediated exchange, Thomas Grassl
Evolution of the Southern Kenya Rift from Miocene to present with a focus on the Magadi area, Alexandria L. Guth
Regulation issues and prediction of natural estrogen loads for wastewater treatment plants, Michelle E. Jarvie
Effect of segmented anodes on the performance and plume of a hall thruster, Alexander W. Kieckhafer
Invitational rhetoric : alternative rhetorical strategy for transformation of perception and use of energy in the residential built environment from the Keweenaw to Kerala, Merle Niemi Kindred
First-principles studies of boron nanostructures, Kah Chun Lau
Effect of implementing project-based education in high school physics : file folder bridge engineering , Amy P. Muzzarelli
Risk assessment for invasive exotic plants using multi-criteria risk models, Lindsey Marie Shartell
Paleoenvironmental reconstructions from cave sediments of the Moravian Karst, Czech Republic / by Pavel Sroubek., Pavel Sroubek
Analysis of atmospheric transport and the effects of seasonal and interannual transport variability on measurements made at the Pico Mountain observatory, Jessica Marie Strane
A Joint data rate - error rate analysis in correlated space-time-wireless channels, Hui Tong
Localized annealing of polysilicon microstructures by inductively heated ferromagnetic films, Melissa L. Trombley
Nitrogen Oxides in the North Atlantic Troposphere: Impacts of Boreal Wildfire and Anthropogenic Emissions, Maria Val Martin
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Integrated solar energy and absorption cooling model for HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) applications in buildings, Sharizal Shaik Ahmedullah
Effects of carbonation on the mineral composition of cement kiln dust, Cecilia P. Anderson
Time-domain models for power system stability and unbalance, Ramanathan Arunachalam
Flow simulation for optimized performance of displacement pumps manufactured by engineered machined products, Jordan D. Bilyeu
Exploration of Ground Penetrating Radar and Time Domain Reflectometry Methods for the Determination of Pavement Dielectric Constant, Baron W. Colbert
Enzyme engineering of aminotransferases for improved activity and thermostability, Abraham Rogelio Mártin García
Economic sustainability of the Flambeau Mine Ladysmith, Wisconsin, Anne M. Hartingh
Carbon dioxide sequestration in cement kiln dust through miner carbonation, Deborah N. Huntzinger
Aerothermodynamic cycle analysis of a dual-spool, separate-exhaust turbofan engine with an interstage turbine burner, Ka Heng Liew
Optimal beam forming for laser beam propagation through random media, Baoyong Liu
Development and modeling of thermally conductive resins for fuel cell bipolar plate applications, Michael G. Miller
Study of and design procedure for dual circularly polarized waveguide slot arrays, Lee M. Paulsen
Experimental and modeling study of the filtration and oxidation characteristics of a diesel oxidation catalyst and a catalyzed particulate filter, Kiran C. Premchand
Inquiry and understanding : educational research with middle level science students , Deborah A. Sage
Emission cross sections for neutral xenon impacted by Xe+ and Xe2+, Jason D. Sommerville
Effect of an inquiry-based curriculum and experiential education of middle school students' attitude in science, Angela Rae Teubert
Fluidic oscillator design for water removal enhancement in a PEM fuel cell, Sheng Han Tseng
Porous silicon technology for integrated microsystems, Jin Zheng Wallner
Analyzing the effects of vertical acceleration and deceleration in multi-phase, debris-flow sediment-column experiments / by Christine Marie Williams., Christine Marie Williams
Kinetic characterization for pretreatment of timber varieties and switchgrass using diluted acid hydrolysis, Shu Chiang Yat
Shear band evolution in Zr/Hf-based bulk metallic glasses under static and dynamic indentations, Hongwen Zhang
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Active surgical positioning device for a cochlear implant electrode array, Benjamin Y. Arcand
Reconstruction of anisoplanatic adaptive optics images, Mathieu Aubailly
New media reading strategy, Cheryl E. Ball
Vegetation and hydrologic influences on carbon and nitrogen in subsurface water of a forested riparian wetland, Emily B. W. Calhoon
Study of particle movement in the nearshore region of Lake Superior with radioisotope tracers, Yingtao Chai
Model based experimental investigation on Powered Gait Orthosis (PGO), Huojin Cheng
Filtration and oxidation characteristics of a diesel oxidation catalyst and a catalyzed particulate filter : development of a 1-D 2-layer model, Mohammed Hasan
Soft-decision equalization techniques for frequency selective MIMO channels, Shoumin Liu
Effect of microstructure and alloying elements on the resistance of fastener grade steels to hydrogen assisted cracking , Nicholas E. Nanninga
Ecology of larval fishes and large zooplankton in the Keweenaw Current region of Lake Superior, with special focus on lake herring, Coregonus artedi, Jason K. Oyadomari
Corrugated wood composite panels for structural decking, Wei Chiang Pang
Control algorithms for large scale adaptive optics, Piotr Piatrou
Effectiveness of a nondestructive evaluation technique for assessing standing timber quality, Crystal L. Pilon
ISO 14001 in India: More than a certificate on the wall?, Samir Aslam Qadir
Testing Wisconsin asphalt mixtures for the 2002 AASHTO mechanistic design procedure , Christopher J. Robinette
Price risk management in the copper market using commodity derivatives and options strategies, Bold Sandagdorj
Twelve factors influencing sustainable recycling of municipal solid waste in developing countries , Alexis Manda Troschinetz
Through the back door : Melungeon literacies and 21st century technologies, Katherine G. Vande Brake
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Algorithms for autonomous tandem operation of a dual M113 system, Jared L. Dinkel
Optimal design of pump and treat remediation systems : treatment modeling, source modeling and time as a decision variable, Karen L. Endres
Topics in Media: Video Gaming as a Cultural Practice, Katrina McNeely Farren
Waterpower : a geophysical and archaeological investigation of the waterpower system at the West Point Foundry, Cold Spring, New York, Kimberly A. Finch
Application of well log tomography to the Dundee and Rogers City Limestones, Michigan Basin, USA, Mellisa A. Le M.
Examining patterns of Italian immigration to Michigan's Houghton County, 1860-1930 , Cristina Menghini
Design and implementation of a 3D computer game controller using inertial MEMS sensors, Ali Pezeshk
Hydrogeochemical controls on uranium in aquifers of the Jacobsville Sandstone, Heidi M. Sherman
Bluetooth Enabled Ad-hoc Networks: Performance Evaluation of a Self-healing Scatternet Formation Protocol, Rade Trimceski
Pupil phase apodization for achromatic imaging of extra-solar planets, Weidong Yang
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Numerical and granulometric approaches to geophysical granular flows , Sébastien Dartevelle
Topographic and meteorological influences on spatial scaling of heavy convective rainfall in mountainous regions, Antonio Rubert Godoy
Evaluating the usefulness of soil moisture (forecasts) in streamflow prediction for central Texas , Mohammed Mahmoud
Climatological study of transport to the PICO-NARE site using atmospheric backward trajectories, Robert Christopher Owen
Genetic diversity of Annona cherimola Mill in South Central Bolivia, Kristina J. Owens
Riparian buffer zones of the Ybytyruzu Mountain Range, Paraguay, Wendy A. Owens
Reynolds-stress turbulence model in the KIVA code for engine simulation, Yeow-Khern Siow
Photodegradation and photostabilization of weathered wood flour filled polyethylene composites, Nicole M. Stark
Reaction Control in Quiescent Systems of Free-Radical Retrograde-Precipitation Polymerization, Vijaya Raghavan Tirumala
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Parameter estimation for transformer modeling, Sung Don Cho
Loop transformations for clustered VLIW architectures, Yi Qian
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Copper From Sand: A History of Copper Reclamation on Torch Lake, Houghton County, Michigan, Dorothy J. Quirk
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Becoming most fully ourselves : gender, voice, and ritual in dissertations, Marilyn Vogler Urion
Theses/Dissertations/Reports from 1993
Bochner Integrals and Vector Measures, Ivaylo D. Dinov