This growing collection consists of dissertations, master's theses and master's reports from 1998-present submitted with their authors' permission for either open access or Michigan Tech only access.
This collection is not comprehensive prior to 2012 and represents a subset of available material. Works not found within this repository may be located by searching the Van Pelt and Opie Library catalog.
Reports/Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Syntheses and structures of molybdenum and tungsten complexes capable of epoxidaton and copper coordination polymers and dendrimers, Linsheng Feng
Preparation of silicon-metal nanocomposites based on electrophoretic deposition, Yiping Feng
Using water balance models to approximate the effects of climate change on spring catchment discharge : Mt. Hanang, Tanzania , Randall E. Fish
Creep and shrinkage behavior of ultra high-performance concrete under compressive loading with varying curing regimes , Jason C. Flietstra
Relationship between instream habitat characteristics, emergent insects, and riparian bird communities, Kyle D. Forgette
Space trajectories optimization using variable-chromosome-length genetic algorithms, Ahmed H. Gad
Fish contaminants through the tribal perspective : an ethnography of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community's tribal fish harvest, Valoree Sherick Gagnon
Measuring energy spectra of TeV gamma-ray emission from the Cygnus region of our galaxy with Milagro, Jessica G. Galbraith-Frew
Study of accelerometer assisted single key positioning user input systems, Chunming Gao
Modeling particulate organic matter diagenesis with SED2K, Rasika Kishor Gawde
Characterization of thermal and mechanical properties of polypropylene-based composites for fuel cell bipolar plates and development of educational tools in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, Daniel López Gaxiola
Adapting health-risk communication to the specific cultural contexts of diverse populations : an assessment of malaria-treatment programs in Liberia, Nathaniel Galarea Gbessagee
In-situ electrical, mechanical and electrochemical characterizations of one-dimensional nanostructures, Hessam Mir Shah Ghassemi
Dynamic properties of wood using the Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar, Christopher G. Gilbertson
Length of the annular regime for condensing flows inside a horizontal channel - the experimental determination of its values and its trends, Patcharapol Gorgitrattanagul
U.S. utilities' experiences with the implementation of energy efficiency programs, Courtney Goss
Computational simulations of latent heat thermal energy storage systems - with innovative and first-principles based simulation for the underlying unsteady melting (and solidification) processes, Rohan Achyut Gumaste
Impact of copper mine tailings (stamp sand) on survival and development of aquatic organisms near Gay, Michigan, Danielle M. Haak
Effects of silicon content and cooling rate on mechanical properties of heavy section ductile cast iron , Meghan Haycock
Investigation of surface water/groundwater relationships in a rural watershed in Southern Honduras, Robert F. Hegemann
Recurrent voluminous sector collapses at Volcán Barú, Panama, Julie A. Herrick
Cut slope design for the access to an underground copper mine, Michael D. Hochscheidt
Development of a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic instrument for the characterization of aerosol optical properties, Mathew Hollinger
Locating American Indian Sciences : a report on the development, use, and analysis of a survey of perceptions, John Eric Holmlund
Multi-software modeling technique for field distribution propagation through an optical vertical interconnect assembly, Matthew D. Howard
Modeling of diesel particulate filter filtration and regeneration for transient driving schedules, Di Huang
Car ownership modeling and forecasts for China, Xiayi Huang
Sonic log prediction in carbonates , Nayyer Islam
Effect of high order interpolation in the stability and efficiency of the time-integration process in vorticity-velocity CFD algorithms, Pankaj A. Jagadale
The effects of a changing climate on root respiration of woody plants in sugar maple forests and northern peatlands, Mickey P. Jarvi
Open top chambers and infrared lamps : a comparison of heating efficacy and CO₂/CH₄ dynamics in a Lake Superior coastal peatland, Christopher P. Johnson
Processing and mechanical properties of cast aluminum containing scandium, zirconium, and ytterbium , Nicholas D. Johnson
Comparing remote sensing and ground-based methods of quantifying cover type and carbon storage in an urban forest, Christine L. Jones
Place for video games : a theoretical and pedagogical framework for multiliteracies learning in English studies, Ethan T. Jordan
Portfolios and pedagogy : an examination of ideology and use, Heather Lynn Hoffman Jordan
Hamilton-Waterloo problem with triangle and C9 factors, David C. Kamin
Implementation of a Variable Compression Ratio Mechanism in a Four Cylinder Engine, Adam Kantor
Eruptive history of Maderas volcano using new 40Ar/39Ar ages and geochemical analyses, Lara N. Kapelanczyk
Plenoptic camera : theory and experimental results, Ronald M. Kemker
Analysis of the Making Our Mark project, Shaughn Kern
Comparative study of anchorage strengths of epoxy coated hooked bars , Paul W. Koning
Evaluation of the performance and cost-effectiveness of pavement sections containing open-graded base courses, Abdul A. Koroma
Microfluidic hydrogen generator : featuring passive on-demand gas generation and self-circulated reactant for integration with micro fuel cell, Nathaniel D. Kroodsma
Michigan cone test : a reliability study, Karl M. Krueger
Performance evaluation of a novel asymmetric capacitor using a light-weight, carbon foam supported nickel electrode, Padmanaban Sasthan Kuttipillai
Fixed block configuration GDDs with block size 6 and (3, r)-regular graphs , Melanie R. Laffin
Enumeration of inequivalent cycle decompositions, William J. Laffin
Plackett and Burman analysis to select effective compiler optimizations, Dustin Larson
Effects of management on native and exotic plant communities in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Michelle Elise Latsch
Estimation of scots pine defoliation by the common pine sawfly (Diprion pini L.) using multi-temporal radar data, Petri T. Latva-Käyrä
Structural characterization of water-soluble atmospheric organic matter by ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry, Jeffrey P. LeClair
Accounting for warping and differential drying shrinkage mechanisms in the design of jointed plain concrete payments, Rita Elizabeth Lederle
The growth response of planted red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) to alternative thinning regimes, Jolanta Agnieszka Len
Quincy and Torch Lake Railroad engine house facility management and interpretive plan, Dennis H. Leopold
Muffler characterization with implementation of the finite element method and experimental techniques, Tyler W. Le Roy
Fading pdf of free-space optical communication system with pointing error, Rui Liao
Production of liquid core-polymer shell microcapsules, Cho Hui Lim
Problems in the classical calculus of variations, Chang Liu
Public preferences of the Great Lakes Environment : a Lake Michigan pilot study, Fangming Liu
Cloning and characterization of the genes involved in cambial growth in response to elevated [CO2], Yang Li
Stochastic knock detection model for spark ignited engines, Yashodeep Lonari
Dynamics and kinematics of eruptive activity at Fuego volcano, Guatemala 2005-2009, John J. Lyons
Finite element study on fracture patterns in human scaphoid wrist bone due to free fall, Munsif Ahmed Madni
Study of water use and supply in the district of Independencia, Peru, Fletcher A. McKenzie
Automation of shear-wave splitting parameter determination of local earthquakes at Yellowstone : application as indicator of crustal stress and temporal variation , Nicole D. McMahon
Structural capacity of steel tubular cast-in-place piling , Kevin A. Mears
Cyclic automorphic graph decompositions , Michael Li Misson
Experimental and theoretical study of microstructure effect on piezoelectric property of one dimensional ZnO nanostructures, Kasra Momeni
Comparisons between OMI SO2 data and ground-based SO2 measurements at Turrialba volcano , Anieri M. Morales Rivera
Development of a continuum mechanics model of passive skeletal muscle, Duane A. Morrow
Ultraviolet digital imaging of volcanic plumes : implementation and application to magmatic processes at basaltic volcanoes, Patricia Amanda Nadeau
Diesel spray mixing limited vaporization with non-ideal and multi-component fuel thermophysical property effects, Jaclyn Elyse Nesbitt
Implementation of the conjugate heat transfer code in KIVA-4, Edward Ng
Comprehensive review and application of particle image velocimetry, Michael P. Norconk
MIMO waveform design using continuous phase modulation, Steven O'Dacre
Improving learning by connecting chemistry curriculum to students' experiences , Nicole N. Olszowy
Preparing writing centers and tutors for literacy mediation for working class campus-staff, Christy M. Oslund
Comparison of three methods for driven pile capacity, Anthony R. Oxley
Tracing the source of groundwater for three different coastal peatlands along Lake Superior, Margus Paesalu
Nanomechanics of cellulose crystals and cellulose-based polymer composites, Anahita Pakzad
Studying students' opinions : using surveys in writing program assessment, Lucus A. Palosaari
Quantum transport in a single molecular junction, Partha Pratim Pal
Local degradation of structural, mechanical, electrical and chemical properties of membrane electrode assembly in polymer electrolyte fuel cell, Nishith Parikh
Numerical modeling of the failure mechanisms in Si thin film anode for Li-ion batteries, Siddharth H. Patel
Dynamic modeling of active regeneration in catalyzed and non-catalyzed diesel particulate filters, Aamod Pethe
Multimetallic complexes based on phosphine- and phosphine oxide- appended p-hydroquinones, Louis R. Pignotti
Comparison of modal analysis results of laser vibrometry and nearfield acoustical holography measurements of an aluminum plate, Jennifer L. Potter
Adaptive sensing for target tracking applications, Aashish Poudel
High precision range estimation techniques for multi-path wireless environments, Mohsen Pourkhaatoun
Functional ZnO nanostructures for electronic and energy applications, Abhishek Prasad
Dynamic modeling, simulation and control design of a parafoil-payload system for ship launched aerial delivery system (SLADS), Anand S. Puranik
Effect of mesh distortion on the accuracy of high order vorticity-velocity CFD approaches, Anurag Rajan
Wind plant interaction with series-compensated power systems, Jayanth R. Ramamurthy