Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering (PhD)

College, School or Department Name

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Alex Mayer


Groundwater optimization and simulation is a maturing science. Research work contained in this thesis extends into areas that have not been fully explored. The incorporation of source and treatment systems selection and design produces information to help decision makers. Further insight is gained by evaluating some of the requirements and standards enforced by regulations such as, remediation time.

The technical aspects of a remediation system are set by the physical properties and the regulatory constraints enforced. As an example, the addition of a realistic treatment system gives more accurate cost estimates, but the pump and treat (PAT) systems parameters do not change. Only when changes to the aquifer, contaminant, or constraint are applied, do the technical (i.e. pumping rates or technology selection) parameters change. The effects of remediation should not be viewed only in terms of costs. The effects of time and source remediation impact the aquifer in both contaminant and hydrologic areas. A framework to evaluate these effects is presented in the hope of furthering our knowledge.
