Deptartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Publications | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering | Michigan Technological University
Explore a selection of works produced by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan Technological University.


Submissions from 2025


Assessing Power and Water Network Resilience When Water Pumps Provide Frequency Regulation, Anna Stuhlmacher, Seth Guikema, and Johanna L. Mathieu


Demand Response Potential of Drinking Water Distribution Networks, Anna Stuhlmacher and Johanna Mathieu

Submissions from 2024


Propagation through and characterization of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena: introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Svetlana Avramov-Zamurovic, Jeremy Bos, Melissa Beason, Yalcin Ata, Andreas Muschinski, and Dario Perez


Propagation through and characterization of atmospheric and oceanic phenomena: introduction to the joint feature issue in Applied Optics and Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Svetlana Avramov-Zamurovic, Jeremy Bos, Melissa Beason, Yalcin Ata, Andreas Muschinski, and Dario Perez


Estimates of Cn2 in the open ocean from the MREP 20 Sea Trial, Jeremy Bos


Saturation of anisoplanatic error in Kolmogorov and non-Kolmogorov turbulence, Jeremy Bos


Turbulence spectral models and their effect on anisoplanatic error, Jeremy Bos


Evaluating the effects of buoyancy range models on beam wander via wave optics simulations, Jeremy P. Bos


Stormwater Management in Cold Climates: A Green Solution for Salinity Reduction, Jenna Cook, Allison Olson, Francine Rosinski, Nadia Stauffer, Eden Traub, Andrew Wozniak, and Isabel Smith


Industry 4.0-Compliant Wavelet-Based Power Transformer Fault Classification Method During Data Missing Conditions, I. T.A. Dantas, R. P. Medeiros, F. B. Costa, F. J.P. Sousa, M. Wagner, M. Klar, and J. C. Aurich


Embracing Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Federated Knowledge Transfer, Madhureeta Das, Zhen (Leo) Liu, Xianhao Chen, Xiaoyong Yuan, and Lan Zhang


PLC Multi-robot Integration via Ethernet for Human Operated Quality Sampling, Jeevan S. Devagiri, Paniz Khanmohammadi Hazaveh, Nathir Rawashdeh, Sai Revanth Reddy Dudipala, Pratik Mohan Desmuhk, and Aditya Prasad Karmarkar


PATROL: Privacy-Oriented Pruning for Collaborative Inference Against Model Inversion Attacks, Shiwei Ding, Lan Zhang, Miao Pan, and Xiaoyong Yuan


Machine learning for power outage prediction during hurricanes: An extensive review, Kehkashan Fatima, Hussain Shareef, Flavio Bezerra Costa, Abdullah Akram Bajwa, and Ling Ai Wong


Hardware Phi-1.5B: A Large Language Model Encodes Hardware Domain Specific Knowledge, Weimin Fu, Shijie Li, Yifang Zhao, Haocheng Ma, Raj Dutta, Xuan Zhang, Kaichen Yang, Yier Jin, and Xiaolong Guo


A Generalize Hardware Debugging Approach for Large Language Models Semi-Synthetic, Datasets, Weimin Fu, Shijie Li, Yifang Zhao, Kaichen Yang, Xuan Zhang, Yier Jin, and Xiaolong Guo


Corrigendum to “Potential of microbial protein from hydrogen for preventing mass starvation in catastrophic scenarios [Sustain. Prod. Consum. Volume 25, January 2021, pages 234–247] (Sustainable Production and Consumption (2021) 25 (234–247), (S2352550920305534), (10.1016/j.spc.2020.08.011)), Juan B. García Martínez, Joseph Egbejimba, James Throup, Silvio Matassa, Joshua Pearce, and David C. Denkenberger


Enhancing Complex Light Beam Propagation in Turbulent Atmosphere with Active Convolved Illumination, Anindya Ghoshroy, James Davis, Adrian A. Moazzam, Roohollah Askari, and Durdu Ö. Güney


Using a Neural Network Trained Only on Integer Order Systems to Identify Fractional Order Dynamics in Networked Systems, Bill Goodwine and Tan Chen


Developing Robust Autonomous Vehicles with ROS, Dylan J. Kangas, Mohamed Salem, Kevin Li, Tyler Ryynanen, Steven A. Senczyszyn, Anthony Pinar, Steven R. Price, Stanton R. Price, Stephen L. Taylor, Timothy O. Murphy, and Timothy C. Havens


Backup subscription scheme for differential protection using IEC61850-9-2 sampled values, Mohammad Khalili Katoulaei, Aamir Rahmani, Hans Kristian Høidalen, Irina Oleinikova, and Bruce A. Mork


Channel Prediction for Underwater Acoustic Communication: A Review and Performance Evaluation of Algorithms, Haotian Liu, Lu Ma, Zhaohui Wang, and Gang Qiao


Modeling, Control and Validation of a Three-Phase Single-Stage Photovoltaic System, Eubis Pereira Machado, Adeon Cecílio Pinto, Rodrigo Pereira Ramos, Ricardo Menezes Prates, Jadsonlee da Silva Sá, Joaquim Isídio de Lima, Flavio Bezerra Costa, Damásio Fernandes, and Alex Coutinho Pereira


Enhancing Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation via Efficient Reinforcement Learning, Jessica E. Mehregan, Xiaoyong Yuan, Gaurav Bagwe, Jacob Jackson, Ezedin Mohammed, Lan Zhang, and Chunxiu Yu


Design and Analysis of Self-Tanked Stepwise Charging Circuit for Four-Phase Adiabatic Logic, William Morell and Jin Woo Choi


Distributed generation hosting capacity analysis: An approach using interval-affine arithmetic and power flow sensitivities, Vinicius C. Moro, Fernanda C.L. Trindade, Flavio Bezerra Costa, and Benedito D. Bonatto


Towards Energy-Efficient Spiking Neural Networks: A Robust Hybrid CMOS-Memristive Accelerator, Fabiha Nowshin, A. N. Hongyu, and Y. I. Yang


A Lightweight Reputation System for UAV Networks, Simeon Ogunbunmi, Mohsen Hatmai, Ronghua Xu, Yu Chen, Erik Blasch, Erika Ardiles-Cruz, Alexander Aved, and Genshe Chen


Microelectronics Research and Global Competencies: Unpacking Research Abroad Experiences of Engineering Students, Chibuzor Joseph Okocha, Gloria J. Kim, Jin W. Choi, and Yong Kyu Yoon


MarsLS-Net: Martian Landslides Segmentation Network and Benchmark Dataset, Sidike Paheding, Abel A. Reyes, A. Rajaneesh, K. S. Sajinkumar, and Thomas Oommen


Intelligent Transportation System with 5G Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X): Architectures, Vehicular Use Cases, Emergency Vehicles, Current Challenges, and Future Directions, Vaishali Pawar, Nilima Zade, Deepali Vora, Vaishali Khairnar, Aurenice M. Oliveira, Ketan Kotecha, and Ambarish Kulkarni


High-Frequency-Based Transmission Line Percentage Differential Protection with Traveling Wave Alignment, Igor F. Prado, Flavio Costa, Kleber M. Silva, Rodrigo P. Medeiros, and Bruce A. Mork


Facilitating Project-Based Learning Through Application of Established Pedagogical Methods in the SAE AutoDrive Challenge Student Design Competition, Mark H. Schmelzle, Logan Schexnaydre, Nathan Spike, Darrell Robinette, and Jeremy Bos


Comparing Performance of Robot Operating System (ROS) Mapping Algorithms in the Presence of Degraded or Obscured Depth Sensors, Steven A. Senczyszyn, Anthony Pinar, Mohamed Salem, Elizabeth Donoghue, Shelby Wills, Moira Broestl, Adam J. Webb, Timothy C. Havens, and Stanton R. Price


IEEE 2800-2022 Standard Compliance of Mixed-Model Energy Systems with full Integration of IBRs, Shipra Tiwari, Flavio Costa, Vinicius A. Lacerda, Oriol G. Bellmunt, and Chee Wooi Ten

Works from 2023


A Novel Hybrid Multilevel DC-DC Converter Employing Trapezoidal Modulation, Mohd Shadab Ansari, Anshuman Shukla, and Himanshu J. Bahirat


Benchmark Signals with Inter-harmonics for the Development of Harmonic Estimation Methods, M. A. Aziz Jahan, Shipra Tiwari, and Flavio B. Costa


RAMRL: Towards Robust On-Ramp Merging via Augmented Multimodal Reinforcement Learning, Gaurav Bagwe, Xiaoyong Yuan, Xianhao Chen, and Lan Zhang


Real-Time Suitable Predictive Control Using SPaT Information from Automated Traffic Lights, Pradeep Bhat and Bo Chen


Understanding the multilevel phenomena that enables inorganic atomic layer deposition to provide barrier coatings for highly-porous 3-D printed plastic in vacuums, Nupur Bihari, Ismo T.S. Rauha, Giovanni Marin, Craig Ekstrum, Chathura de Alwis, Pierce Mayville, Hele Savin, Maarit Karppinen, and Joshua M. Pearce


Propagation geometry and its effect on peak scintillation of intensity, Jeremy Bos


Assessing the effects of severe winter weather on automotive lidar, Jeremy Bos and Wei Weng


Global and Almost-Global Controllability of Underactuated Mechanical Systems by Using Time-Reversal Symmetry, Tan Chen and Bill Goodwine


Low-sampling frequency two-terminal traveling wave-based overhead transmission line protection, F. B. Costa, J. R. Lima, M. A. Aziz Jahan, F. V. Lopes, K. M. Silva, and K. M.C. Dantas


Wavelet-Based Harmonic Magnitude Measurement in the Presence of Interharmonics, Flavio Costa, Stefan Häselbarth, Sergey Yanchenko, Kai Strunz, and Aurenice M. Oliveira


Optimal Inverter-Based Resource Installation to Minimize Technical Energy Losses in Distribution Systems, Felipe B. Dantas, Damasio Fernandes, Washington L.A. Neves, Alana K.X.B. Branco, and Flavio Costa


Guest Editorial: Introduction to Special Issue on 'Cloud-Edge-End Orchestrated Computing for Smart Grid', Ruilong Deng, Chee Wooi Ten, Chaojie Li, Dusit Niyato, and Fei Teng


A Simple Micromilled Microfluidic Impedance Cytometer with Vertical Parallel Electrodes for Cell Viability Analysis, Jason Eades, Julianne F. Audiffred, Micah Fincher, Jin Woo Choi, Steven A. Soper, and William Todd Monroe


Energy-efficient underwater acoustic communication based on Dyna-Q with an adaptive action space, Cheng Fan, Zhaohui Wang, and Kaichen Yang


Data-Driven Soil Water Content Estimation at Multiple Depths Using SFCW GPR, Vincent Filardi, Allen Cheung, Ruba Khan, Oren Mangoubi, Majid Moradikia, Seyed Reza Zekavat, Brian Wilson, Radwin Askari, and Douglas Petkie


One-terminal traveling wave-based transmission line protection for LCC-HVDC systems, Rafael L.S. França, Francisco C. Silva, Flavio Costa, Kai Strunz, and Athula D. Rajapakse


Ferroresonance case study in a distribution network and the potential impact of DERs and CVR/VVO, Gaurish S. Gokhale, Bruce A. Mork, John O'Donnell, and Steven R. Brehmer


Modular Open-Source Design of Pyrolysis Reactor Monitoring and Control Electronics, Finn K. Hafting, Daniel G. Kulas, Etienne Michels, Sarvada Chipkar, Stefan Wisniewski, David Shonnard, and Joshua M. Pearce


Distributed Pruning Towards Tiny Neural Networks in Federated Learning, Hong Huang, Lan Zhang, Chaoyue Sun, Ruogu Fang, Xiaoyong Yuan, and Dapeng Wu


Synthetic Aperture Scatter Imaging, Qian Huang, Zhipeng Dong, Gregory Nero, Yuzuru Takashima, Timothy J. Schulz, and David J. Brady


Hierarchical Intention Tracking for Robust Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Assembly Tasks, Zhe Huang, Ye Ji Mun, Xiang Li, Yiqing Xie, Ninghan Zhong, Weihang Liang, Junyi Geng, Tan Chen, and Katherine Driggs-Campbell


Neuroevolution Application to Collaborative and Heuristics-Based Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Cohort Simulation at Uncontrolled Intersection, Frederic Jacquelin, Jungyun Bae, Bo Chen, and Darrell Robinette


Time-Domain Analysis Of Harmonics On 20-Bus System Due To GMD, M. A. Jagtap, H. K. Vemprala, and B. A. Mork


Near-Zero Refractive Indices and Collimation Effects in Anisotropic Photonic Crystals with Rectangular Lattices, Saeid Jamilan, Muhammad Danyal, and Elena Semouchkina


Toward open benchmark tests for automotive lidars, year 1: static range error, accuracy, and precision, Zach Jeffries, Jeremy Bos, Paul Mcmanamon, Charles Kershner, and Akhil Kurup


Mobile-CellNet: Automatic Segmentation of Corneal Endothelium Using an Efficient Hybrid Deep Learning Model, Ranit Karmakar, Saeid Nooshabadi, and Allen O. Eghrari


Alcohol Abuse Is Associated With Alterations in Corneal Endothelial Cell Morphology, Ranit Karmakar, Saeid Nooshabadi, John Lohmeier, Staci Terrin, and Allen O. Eghrari


Multiscale Process Modeling of Semicrystalline PEEK for Tailored Thermomechanical Properties, Khatereh Kashmari, Hashim Al Mahmud, Sagar Patil, William Pisani, William A. Pisani, Marianna Maiaru, and Gregory Odegard


Winter adverse driving dataset for autonomy in inclement winter weather, Akhil Kurup and Jeremy Bos


Two-terminal traveling-wave-based non-homogeneous transmission-line protection, J. R. Lima, F. B. Costa, and F. V. Lopes


Rut depth detection for automated trafficability assessment, Ian Q. Mattson, Zach Jeffries, Casey Majhor, and Jeremy Bos


Special Section Guest Editorial: Autonomous Vehicles, Paul Mcmanamon, Umar Piracha, Steve Jameson, Jeremy Bos, and Robert Stead


Evaluation of Restricted Earth-Fault Transformer Differential Protection Schemes Through an Experimental Test Bench, Rodrigo P. Medeiros, Lucas D. Simoes, and Flavio Costa


Experimental Test Bench for Power Transformer Differential Protection Testing Methods Evaluation, R. P. Medeiros, L. D. Simões, and F. B. Costa


Toxic Analysis of Leaf Protein Concentrate Regarding Common Agricultural Residues, T. K. Meyer, R. J. Tieman, S. W. Breuer, D. Denkenberger, and J. M. Pearce


Hypergraph-Based Multi-robot Task and Motion Planning, James Motes, Tan Chen, Timothy Bretl, Marco Morales Aguirre, and Nancy M. Amato


Discretized wavevectors in bulk magneto-optics, Seth Nelson, Durdo O. Guney, James Davis, and Miguel Levy


Open source framework for a Broadly Expandable and Reconfigurable data acquisition and automation device (BREAD), Shane Oberloier, Nicholas G. Whisman, Finn Hafting, and Joshua M. Pearce


Finding Ideal Parameters for Recycled Material Fused Particle Fabrication-Based 3D Printing Using an Open Source Software Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization, Shane Oberloier, Nicholas G. Whisman, and Joshua M. Pearce


Finding Ideal Parameters for Recycled Material Fused Particle Fabrication-Based 3D Printing Using an Open Source Software Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization, Shane Oberloier, Nicholas G. Whisman, and Joshua M. Pearce


HIL Demonstration of Energy Management Strategy for Real World Extreme Fast Charging Stations with Local Battery Energy Storage Systems, Yugandhara Yuvraj Patil, Daniel Dobrzynski, Bryan Nystrom, Zhouquan Wu, and Bo Chen


HIL Demonstration of Energy Management Strategy for Real World Extreme Fast Charging Stations with Local Battery Energy Storage Systems, Yugandhara Yuvraj Patil, Daniel Dobrzynski, Bryan Nystrom, Zhouquan Wu, and Bo Chen


Development of an Interactive 3D Visualization Tutorial for Pathophysiology in Graduate Nursing Education, Julia L. Rogers, Abel A. Reyes, and Xiaoli Yang


A Novel Comb-line Leaky-wave Antenna for 77 GHz FMCW Automotive Radar System and Comparison with Buttler Beamformers, Masoud Sarabi and Warren F. Perger


Using Automated Vehicle Positioning to Improve Efficiency in Vehicle Platooning, Logan Schexnaydre, Aman Poovalappil, Mark H. Schmelzle, Darrell L. Robinette, and Jeremy P. Bos


Tire-force modeling on a hub-mounted vehicle-in-the-loop dynamometer while performing lateral maneuvers, Mark H. Schmelzle, Darrell L. Robinette, and Jeremy P. Bos


Monitoring Time Domain Characteristics of Parkinson's Disease Using 3D Memristive Neuromorphic System, Md Abu Bakr Siddique, Yan Zhang, and Hongyu An


NR Sidelink Performance Evaluation for Enhanced 5G-V2X Services, Mehnaz Tabassum, Felipe Henrique Bastos, Aurenice M. Oliveira, and Aldebaro Klautau


A Thin and Efficient Invisibility Cloak Designed by Using Genetic Algorithm from Layers of Ordinary Dielectric Materials, Xiaohui Wang and Elena Semouchkina


Optimal Configuration of Extreme Fast Charging Stations Integrated with Energy Storage System and Photovoltaic Panels in Distribution Networks, Zhouquan Wu, Pradeep Bhat, and Bo Chen


Cascade Vertical Federated Learning Towards Straggler Mitigation and Label Privacy over Distributed Labels, Wensheng Xia, Ying Li, Lan Zhang, Zhonghai Wu, and Xiaoyong Yuan


Implementation of Risk-Aggregated Substation Testbed Using Generative Adversarial Networks, Zhiyuan Yang, Shipeng Zhang, Chee Wooi Ten, Ting Liu, Xueyue Pang, and Hao Sun


Noise2Clean: Cross-Device Side-Channel Traces Denoising with Unsupervised Deep Learning, Honggang Yu, Mei Wang, Xiyu Song, Haoqi Shan, Hongbing Qiu, Junyi Wang, and Kaichen Yang


Dual-Leak: Deep Unsupervised Active Learning for Cross-Device Profiled Side-Channel Leakage Analysis, Honggang Yu, Shuo Wang, Haoqi Shan, Maximillian Panoff, Michael Lee, Kaichen Yang, and Yier Jin


EAGMN: Coronary artery semantic labeling using edge attention graph matching network, Chen Zhao, Zhihui Xu, Guang Uei Hung, and Weihua Zhou


Joint Computing Resource and Bandwidth Allocation for Semantic Communication Networks, Fangzhou Zhao, Gaurav Bagwe, Ezedin Mohammed, Lei Feng, Lan Zhang, and Yao Sun


Reproducing Fear Conditioning of Rats with Unmanned Ground Vehicles and Neuromorphic Systems, Noah Zins and Hongyu An


Neuromorphic Computing: A Path to Artificial Intelligence Through Emulating Human Brains, Noah Zins, Yan Zhang, Chunxiu Yu, and Hongyu An

Works from 2022


Incoherent Active Convolved Illumination Enhances the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Shot Noise: Experimental Evidence, Wyatt Adams, Anindya Ghoshroy, and Durdu Ö. Güney


Automotive Radar-Based Hitch Angle Tracking Technique for Trailer Backup Assistant Systems, Mojtaba Bahramgiri, Saeid Nooshabadi, Kunle Olutomilayo, and Daniel R. Fuhrmann


Wave-optics investigation of branch-point density, Jeffrey R. Beck, Jeremy Bos, Terry J. Brennan, and Mark F. Spencer


Efficiently Calculating Extended Isoplanatic Angles Over Horizontal Paths, Derek Burrell, Matthew Kemnetz, Jeffrey Beck, and Melissa Beason


Pay "Attention" to Adverse Weather: Weather-aware Attention-based Object Detection, Saket S. Chaturvedi, Lan Zhang, and Xiaoyong Yuan


End-to-End Service Auction: A General Double Auction Mechanism for Edge Computing Services, Xianhao Chen, Guangyu Zhu, Haichuan Ding, Lan Zhang, Haixia Zhang, and Yuguang Fang


Leveraging existing relays to improve single phase auto-reclosing, Karcius Dantas, Felipe Lopes, Kleber Silva, Flavio Costa, Nilo Ribeiro, and Letícia Gama