Works from 2009
Community partnered projects: A case study of a collaborative effort to improve sanitation in a marginalized community in northwest Mexico, Agustin Robles-Morua, Alex Mayer, and Mary Durfee
Gas-phase cleanup method for analysis of trace atmospheric semivolatile organic compounds by thermal desorption from diffusion denuders, Mark D. Rowe and Judith Perlinger
Global health and economic impacts of future ozone pollution, N. E. Selin, S. Wu, K. M. Nam, J. M. Reilly, S. Paltsev, R. G. Prinn, and M. D. Webster
Using agent-based modeling to study construction labor productivity as an emergent property of individual and crew interactions, Matt Watkins, Amlan Mukherjee, Nilufer Onder, and Kris G. Mattila
Chemical nonlinearities in relating intercontinental ozone pollution to anthropogenic emissions, Shiliang Wu, Bryan N. Duncan, Daniel J. Jacob, Arlene M. Fiore, and Oliver Wild
Works from 2008
Evaluation of High-Early Strength PCC Mixtures used in Full Depth Repairs, Neeraj Buch, Thomas J. Van Dam, Karl Peterson, and Lawrence Sutter
An integrated assessment of the sustainability of green and built-up roofs, Helen Muga, Amlan Mukherjee, and James Mihelcic
Economic valuation of environmental services sustained by water flows in the Yaqui River Delta, Monica Ilija Ojeda, Alex Mayer, and Barry Solomon
Effects of bacterial dynamics on organic matter decomposition and nutrient release from sediments: A modeling study, Patrick Schultz and Noel Urban
Integrating economic input-output life cycle assessment with risk assessment for a screening-level analysis, Heather E. Wright, Qiong Zhang, and James R. Mihelcic
The calculation of mass fraction burn of ethanol-gasoline blended fuels using single and two-zone models, Yeliana Yeliana, Christopher Cooney, Jeremy Worm, and Jeffrey Naber
A review of life cycle assessment studies on renewable energy derived from forest resources, Qiong Zhang, Kaitlin R. Goldstein, and James R. Mihelcic
Works from 2007
Expecting the unexpected: Representing, reasoning about, and assessing construction project contingencies, G. Ryan Anderson, Nilufer Onder, and Amlan Mukherjee
An overview of snow photochemistry: Evidence, mechanisms and impacts, A. M. Grannas, A. E. Jones, J. Dibb, M. Ammann, C. Anastasio, H. J. Beine, M. Bergin, J. Bottenheim, C. S. Boxe, G. Carver, G. Chen, J. H. Crawford, F. Dominé, R. E. Honrath, and et. al.
Modeling phosphorus flux in the sediments of Onondaga Lake: Insights on the timing of lake response and recovery, Gilbert N. Lewis, Martin T. Auer, Xinyu Xiang, and Michael R. Penn
Simultaneous Optimization of Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) Source and Contaminant Plume Remediation, Alex Mayer and Karen L. Endres
Direct thermal desorption of semivolatile organic compounds from diffusion denuders and gas chromatographic analysis for trace concentration measurement, David E. Tobias, Judith Perlinger, Patrick S. Morrow, Paul V. Doskey, and David L. Perram
Works from 2006
A micromechanical finite element model for linear and damage-coupled viscoelastic behaviour of asphalt mixture, Qingli Dai, Martin H. Sadd, and Zhanping You
Thermal and electrical conductivity of carbon-filled Liquid Crystal Polymer composites, Julia A. King, Michael G. Miller, Rodwick L. Barton, Jason Keith, Rebecca A. Hauser, Karl R. Peterson, and Lawrence L. Sutter
Hurricane damage to residential construction in the US: Importance of uncertainty modeling in risk assessment, Yue Li and Bruce R. Ellingwood
Crystallized Alkali-silica Gel in Concrete from the Late 1890s, Karl Peterson, David Gress, Tom Van Dam, and Lawrence Sutter
Multi-agent framework for general-purpose situational simulations in the construction management domain, Eddy M. Rojas and Amlan Mukherjee
Works from 2005
Determining localized garment insulation values from manikin studies: Computational method and results, D. A. Nelson, J. S. Curlee, A. R. Curran, J. M. Ziriax, and P. A. Mason
A Laboratory Study of the Effects of Groyne Height on Sediment Behavior in Rivers, Kenneth Thiemann, Mohamed F. M. Yossef, and Brian D. Barkdoll
Works from 2004
Evaluation of artificial intelligence based models for chemical biodegradability prediction, James R. Baker, Dragan Gamberger, James R. Mihelcic, and Aleksandar Sabljic
Characterization of the correlation structure of lumber strength properties, William Bulleit and Richard A. Chapman
Loop heat pipe operating temperature dependence on liquid line return temperature, Paul Rogers, Jeffrey Perez, Jentung Ku, Mark Kobel, Jay Ochterbeck, and David Nelson
Effect of earthquake duration on structural reliability, J. W. van de Lindt and Gin Huat Goh
Works from 2003
Observations of a negatively buoyant river plume in a large lake, James H. Churchill, Elise A. Ralph, Angela M. Cates, Judith W. Budd, and Noel Urban
Solid-phase speciation of copper in mine wastes, Jaebong Jeong
Radar Rainfall Estimates for Great Lakes Hydrologic Models, David Watkins, Hebi Li, Kenneth A. Thiemann, and Thomas E. Adams
Works from 2000
Characterization of the three phase catalytic wet oxidation process in the International Space Station (ISS) water processor assembly, D. W. Hand, J. Yang, D. R. Hokanson, E. J. Oman, J. C. Crittenden, D. Audeves, D. L. Carter, and C. E. Martin
Works from 1999
Student perceptions of internet-based learning tools in environmental engineering education, Kurtis G. Paterson
Works from 1998
Brain temperature and limits on transcranial cooling in humans: Quantitative modeling results, D. A. Nelson and S. A. Nunneley
Works from 1997
Solute transfer across the sediment surface of a eutrophic lake: I. Porewater profiles from dialysis samplers, Noel Urban, Christian Dinkel, and Bernhard Wehrli
Works from 1996
Solid phase microextraction for monitoring jet fuel components in groundwater, J. Ritter, V. K. Stromquist, H. T. Mayfield, M. V. Henley, and B. K. Lavine
Total orthogonalization of redundants in the force method, Vernon B. Watwood
Works from 1995
Approximate reliability analysis of wood structural systems, Wei Feng Liu and William Bulleit
Enhancing the visualization skills of engineering students through computer modeling, Kim M. Ullman and Sheryl A. Sorby
Works from 1994
Chloride model for polluted onondaga lake, Susan M. Doerr, Steve W. Effler, Keith A. Whitehead, Martin Auer, Mary Gail Perkins, and Thomas M. Heidtke
Groundwater quality, A. S. Mayer, P. T. Imhoff, R. J. Mitchell, A. J. Rabideau, J. F. McBride, and C. T. Miller
Works from 1993
Modeling fecal coliform bacteria-I. Field and laboratory determination of loss kinetics, Martin Auer and Stephen L. Niehaus
Measurement and verification of rates of sediment phosphorus release for a hypereutrophic urban lake, Martin T. Auer, Ned A. Johnson, Michael R. Penn, and Steven W. Effler
Modeling fecal coliform bacteria-II. Model development and application, Raymond P. Canale, Martin Auer, Emmet M. Owens, Thomas M. Heidtke, and Steven W. Effler
Supply of phosphorus to the water column of a productive hardwater lake: controlling mechanisms and management considerations, Charles T. Driscoll, Steven W. Effler, Martin Auer, Susan M. Doerr, and Michael R. Penn
Groundwater quality, A. S. Mayer, A. J. Rabideau, R. J. Mitchell, P. T. Imhoff, M. I. Lowry, and C. T. Miller
Bioavailability of sorbed- and separate-phase chemicals, James R. Mihelcic, Donald R. Lueking, Robert J. Mitzell, and J. Mark Stapleton
Solid modeling: A new approach to freshman graphics, Sheryl Sorby
Site-Specific Determination of Kinetic Coefficients for Modeling Algal Growth, Michell L. Storey, Martin T. Auer, Anita K. Barth, and James M. Graham
Works from 1992
Specimen thickness effects on caustics, T. W. Webb, T. Vandenbrink, E. I. Meletis, and E. C. Alfantis
Works from 1991
Strength and stability of railway tracks-I. probabilistic finite element analysis, F. Arbabi, A. N. Sherbourne, and H. A. El-Ghazaly
Strength and stability of railway tracks-II Deterministic, finite element stability analysis, H. A. El-Ghazaly, A. N. Sherbourne, and F. Arbabi
Works from 1990
Zooplankton impacts on chlorophyll and transparency in Onondaga Lake, New York, USA, Martin Auer, Michelle L. Storey, Steven W. Effler, Nancy A. Auer, and Philip Sze
Experiences with a Markov model for structural systems with time variant member resistances, William Bulleit
Evaluating performance of an Appalachian oak forest dynamics model, Elizabeth A. Harrison and Herman H. Shugart
New interdisciplinary engineering design course in planetary materials and resource utilization, W. I. Rose, J. B. Paces, C. A. Chesner, B. J. Pletka, A. Hellawell, S. K. Kawatra, and J. Pilling
Works from 1989
A Constitutive Theory for Snow as a Continuous Multiphase Mixture, Ed Adams and R. L. Brown
Modeling Cl concentration in Cayuga Lake, U.S.A., Steven W. Effler, Martin Auer, and Ned A. Johnson
Designing fixed-bed adsorbers to remove mixtures of organics, D. W. Hand, J. C. Crittenden, H. Arora, J. M. Miller, and B. W. Lykins
Works from 1988
Depletion of epilimnetic oxygen and accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in the hypolimnion of Onondaga Lake, NY, U.S.A., Steven W. Effler, John P. Hassett, Martin Auer, and Ned Johnson
Works from 1987
A Variational Approach for the Deflections and Stability Behavior of Postbuckled Elastic-plastic Slender Struts, Gilbert Lewis, Petrisor Mazilu, and Frank Monasa
The influence of mass transfer on solute transport in column experiments with an aggregated soil, Paul V. Roberts, Mark N. Goltz, R. Scott Summers, John C. Crittenden, and Peter Nkedi-Kizza
Works from 1986
Mathematical modelling of primary production in Green Bay (Lake Michigan, USA), a phosphorus-and light-limited system, Martin Auer and Raymond P. Canale
Simulation of load-duration effects in wood, W. M. Bulleit and C. G. Schoch
Works from 1985
Modeling stress wave passage times in wood utility poles, W. M. Bulleit and R. H. Falk
Prediction of multicomponent adsorption equilibria in background mixtures of unknown composition, John C. Crittenden, Paul Luft, and David W. Hand
Toxicity to Daphnia of the end products of wet oxidation of phenol and substituted phenols, Robert Keen and C. Robert Baillod
Works from 1983
Large deflections of point loaded cantilevers with nonlinear behaviour, Frank Monasa and Gilbert Lewis
Works from 1982
Fate of specific pollutants during wet oxidation and ozonation. Where do the pollutants wind up in oxidational purification processes? Here is a well documented experimental study, C. Robert Baillod, Bonnie M. Faith, and Orlando Masi
Large Deflections of Cantilever Beams of Non-linear Materials of the Ludwick Type Subjected to an End Moment, Gilbert Lewis and Frank Monasa
Works from 1981
Radar observations of ash eruptions, D. M. Harris, William I. Rose, R. Roe, and M. R. Thompson
Works from 1980
Deflections of Postbuckled Unloaded Elasto-Plastic Thin Vertical Columns, F. Monasa
Works from 1979
Creep of non-symmetrically loaded shells of revolution, Freydoon Arbabi-Kanjoori and John Leonard
Works from 1968
Simple waves and shock waves in a thin prestressed elastic rod, Damoder P. Reddy and Jan D. Achenbach