Explore a selection of works produced by faculty in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering at Michigan Technological University.


Works from 1991


Strength and stability of railway tracks-I. probabilistic finite element analysis, F. Arbabi, A. N. Sherbourne, and H. A. El-Ghazaly


Strength and stability of railway tracks-II Deterministic, finite element stability analysis, H. A. El-Ghazaly, A. N. Sherbourne, and F. Arbabi

Works from 1990


Zooplankton impacts on chlorophyll and transparency in Onondaga Lake, New York, USA, Martin Auer, Michelle L. Storey, Steven W. Effler, Nancy A. Auer, and Philip Sze


Experiences with a Markov model for structural systems with time variant member resistances, William Bulleit


Evaluating performance of an Appalachian oak forest dynamics model, Elizabeth A. Harrison and Herman H. Shugart


New interdisciplinary engineering design course in planetary materials and resource utilization, W. I. Rose, J. B. Paces, C. A. Chesner, B. J. Pletka, A. Hellawell, S. K. Kawatra, and J. Pilling

Works from 1989


A Constitutive Theory for Snow as a Continuous Multiphase Mixture, Ed Adams and R. L. Brown


Modeling Cl concentration in Cayuga Lake, U.S.A., Steven W. Effler, Martin Auer, and Ned A. Johnson


Designing fixed-bed adsorbers to remove mixtures of organics, D. W. Hand, J. C. Crittenden, H. Arora, J. M. Miller, and B. W. Lykins

Works from 1988


Depletion of epilimnetic oxygen and accumulation of hydrogen sulfide in the hypolimnion of Onondaga Lake, NY, U.S.A., Steven W. Effler, John P. Hassett, Martin Auer, and Ned Johnson

Works from 1987


A Variational Approach for the Deflections and Stability Behavior of Postbuckled Elastic-plastic Slender Struts, Gilbert Lewis, Petrisor Mazilu, and Frank Monasa


The influence of mass transfer on solute transport in column experiments with an aggregated soil, Paul V. Roberts, Mark N. Goltz, R. Scott Summers, John C. Crittenden, and Peter Nkedi-Kizza

Works from 1986


Mathematical modelling of primary production in Green Bay (Lake Michigan, USA), a phosphorus-and light-limited system, Martin Auer and Raymond P. Canale


Simulation of load-duration effects in wood, W. M. Bulleit and C. G. Schoch

Works from 1985


Modeling stress wave passage times in wood utility poles, W. M. Bulleit and R. H. Falk


Prediction of multicomponent adsorption equilibria in background mixtures of unknown composition, John C. Crittenden, Paul Luft, and David W. Hand


Toxicity to Daphnia of the end products of wet oxidation of phenol and substituted phenols, Robert Keen and C. Robert Baillod

Works from 1983


Large deflections of point loaded cantilevers with nonlinear behaviour, Frank Monasa and Gilbert Lewis

Works from 1982


Fate of specific pollutants during wet oxidation and ozonation. Where do the pollutants wind up in oxidational purification processes? Here is a well documented experimental study, C. Robert Baillod, Bonnie M. Faith, and Orlando Masi


Large Deflections of Cantilever Beams of Non-linear Materials of the Ludwick Type Subjected to an End Moment, Gilbert Lewis and Frank Monasa

Works from 1981


Radar observations of ash eruptions, D. M. Harris, William I. Rose, R. Roe, and M. R. Thompson

Works from 1980


Deflections of Postbuckled Unloaded Elasto-Plastic Thin Vertical Columns, F. Monasa

Works from 1979


Creep of non-symmetrically loaded shells of revolution, Freydoon Arbabi-Kanjoori and John Leonard

Works from 1968


Simple waves and shock waves in a thin prestressed elastic rod, Damoder P. Reddy and Jan D. Achenbach