Explore a selection of works produced by faculty in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering at Michigan Technological University.


Works from 2013


Investigating the effect of construction management strategies on project greenhouse gas emissions using interactive simulation, Pei Tang, Darrell Cass, and Amlan Mukherjee


Construction schedule simulation for improved project planning: Activity criticality index assessment, Pei Tang, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder


Using an interactive schedule simulation platform to assess and improve contingency management strategies, Pei Tang, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder


Modeling acute respiratory illness during the 2007 San Diego wildland fires using a coupled emissions-transport system and general additive modeling, Brian Thelen, Nancy H. F. French, Benjamin W. Koziol, Michael Billmire, Robert Chris Owen, Jeffrey Johnson, Michele Ginsberg, Tatiana Loboda, and Shiliang Wu


Analysis on Fatigue Crack Growth Laws for Crumb Rubber Modified (CRM) Asphalt Mixture, Hainian Wang, Zhengxia Dang, Lian Li, and Zhanping You


Study on the Rubber-Modified Asphalt Mixtures' Cracking Propagation using the Extended Finite Element Method, Hainian Wang, Chen Zhang, Lian Yang, and Zhanping You


Sensitivity of surface ozone over China to 2000-2050 global changes of climate and emissions, Yuxuan Wang, Lulu Shen, Shiliang Wu, Loretta Mickley, Jingwei He, and Jiming Hao


Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed manufacturing with open-source 3-D printers, B. T. Wittbrodt, A. G. Glover, J. Laureto, G. C. Anzalone, D. Oppliger, J. L. Irwin, and J. M. Pearce


Performance evaluation of asphalt binder modified by bio-oil generated from waste wood resources, Xu Yang, Zhanping You, and Qingli Dai


Nanomaterials in asphalt pavements, Zhanping You


Photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible-light irradiation on (CuAg)0.15In0.3Zn1.4S2 synthesized by precipitation and calcination, Guangshan Zhang, Wen Zhang, John C. Crittenden, Yongsheng Chen, Daisuke Minakata, and Peng Wang


The pH effects on H2 evolution kinetics for visible light water splitting over the Ru/(CuAg)0.15In0.3Zn1.4S2 photocatalyst, Guangshan Zhang, Wen Zhang, Daisuke Minakata, Yongsheng Chen, John C. Crittenden, and Peng Wang

Works from 2012


Biocalcification of sand through ureolysis, Chiung Wen Chou, Eric Seagren, Ahmet H. Aydilek, and Michael Lai


The Determination of Mechanical Performance of Laboratory Produced Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures using Controlled RAP and Virgin Aggregate Size Fractions, Baron Colbert and Zhanping You


The Properties of Asphalt Binder Blended with Variable Quantities of Recycled Asphalt using Short Term and Long Term Aging Simulations, Baron Colbert and Zhanping You


Damage investigation of single-edge notched beam tests with normal strength concrete and ultra high performance concrete specimens using acoustic emission techniques, Qingli Dai, Kenny Ng, Jun Zhou, Eric L. Kreiger, and Theresa M. Ahlborn


Calibration and application of a sediment accumulation rate model-A case study, Rakesh K. Gelda, Steven W. Effler, David A. Matthews, Emmet M. Owens, Craig A. Hurteau, Steven C. Chapra, Martin T. Auer, Rasika K. Gawde, and H. Chandler Rowell


ENSO-conditioned rainfall drought frequency analysis in northwest Baja California, Mexico, M. Hallack-Alegria, J. Ramirez-Hernandez, and D. W. Watkins


Analysis of heterogeneity in infrastructure condition assessment models, Yongliang Jin and Amlan Mukherjee


Continuously accelerating ice loss over Amundsen Sea catchment, West Antarctica, revealed by integrating altimetry and GRACE data, Hyongki Lee, C. K. Shum, Ian M. Howat, Andrew Monaghan, Yushin Ahn, Jianbin Duan, Jun Yi Guo, Chung Yen Kuo, and Lei Wang


Three-Dimensional Discrete Element Modeling of Asphalt Concrete: Size Effects of Elements, Yu Liu, Zhanping You, and Yang Zhao


Loss-based formulation for multiple hazards with application to residential buildings, Yue Li and John W. van de Lindt


1-D test-bed calibration of a 3-D Lake Superior biogeochemical model, C. P. McDonald, V. Bennington, N. R. Urban, and G. A. McKinley


World energy balance outlook and OPEC production capacity: Implications for global oil security, Ali Mirchi, Saeed Hadian, Kaveh Madani, Omid M. Rouhani, and Azadeh M. Rouhani


Synthesis of System Dynamics Tools for Holistic Conceptualization of Water Resources Problems, Ali Mirchi, Kaveh Madani, David Watkins, and Sajjad Ahmad


Leaching of metals from fly ash-amended permeable reactive barriers, Doina L. Morar, Ahmet H. Aydilek, Eric A. Seagren, and M. Melih Demirkan


A project based framework for assessing and monitoring highway construction greenhouse gas emissions, Amlan Mukherjee and Darrell Cass


Project emissions estimator, Amlan Mukherjee and Darrell Cass


The influence of boreal biomass burning emissions on the distribution of tropospheric ozone over North America and the North Atlantic during 2010, M. Parrington, P. I. Palmer, D. K. Henze, D. W. Tarasick, E. J. Hyer, R. C. Owen, D. Helmig, C. Clerbaux, K. W. Bowman, M. N. Deeter, E. M. Barratt, P. F. Coheur, D. Hurtmans, Z. Jiang, M. George, and J. R. Worden


Evaluation of environmental impacts of cellulosic ethanol using life cycle assessment with technological advances over time, Paul F. Pawelzik and Qiong Zhang


Sensitivity of thermal parameters affecting cold-region ground-temperature predictions, Yinghong Qin, Jacob Hiller, Guosheng Jiang, and Ting Bao


Micrometeorological measurement of hexachlorobenzene and polychlorinated biphenyl compound air-water gas exchange in Lake Superior and comparison to model predictions, M. D. Rowe and J A Perlinger


Activity criticality index assessment using critical path segment technique and interactive simulation, Pei Tang and Amlan Mukherjee


Effect of Warm Mixture Asphalt (WMA) Additives on High Failure Temperature Properties for Crumb Rubber Modified (CRM) Binders, Hainian Wang, Zhengxia Dang, Zhanping You, and Dongwei Cao


Laboratory Evaluation on High Temperature Viscosity and Low Temperature Stiffness of Asphalt Binder with High Percent Scrap Tire Rubber, Hainian Wang, Zhanping You, Julian Mills-Beale, and Peiwen Hao


Impacts of changes in land use and land cover on atmospheric chemistry and air quality over the 21st century, S. Wu, L. J. Mickley, J. O. Kaplan, and D. J. Jacob


Rheological properties and chemical bonding of asphalt modified with nanosilica, Hui Yao, Zhanping You, Liang Li, Chee Huei Lee, David Wingard, Yoke Khin Yap, Xianming Shi, and Shu Wei Goh


Performance of asphalt binder blended with non-modified and polymer-modified nanoclay, Hui Yao, Zhanping You, Liang Li, Xianming Shi, Shu Wei Goh, Julian Mills-Beale, and David Wingard


Effects of temperature on bacterial transport and destruction in bioretention media: Field and laboratory evaluations, Lan Zhang, Eric Seagren, Allen P. Davis, and Jeffrey S. Karns


Field ionization effect on hydrogen adsorption over TiO2-coated activated carbon, Zheng Zhang, Jiann Yang Hwang, Ming Ning, and Xuan Li

Works from 2011


Observed variability of Lake Superior pCO < inf> 2, Nazan Atilla, Galen A. McKinley, Val Bennington, Matthew Baehr, Noel Urban, Michael DeGrandpre, Ankur R. Desai, and Chin Wu


Social vulnerability index for coastal communities at risk to hurricane hazard and a changing climate, Sigridur Bjarnadottir, Yue Li, and Mark G. Stewart


Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for highway construction operations by using a hybrid life-cycle assessment approach: Case study for pavement operations, Darrell Cass and Amlan Mukherjee


Developing service assessment metrics, Nik Chaphalkar, Brian Stawowy, Sara Freidank, Javier Fernandez, and Amlan Mukherjee


Two- and Three-Dimensional Micromechanical Viscoelastic Finite Element Modeling of Stone-Based Materials with X-ray Computed Tomography Images, Qingli Dai


Naphthalene and o-Xylene Adsorption onto High Carbon Fly Ash, M. Melih Demirkan, Ahmet H. Aydilek, Eric A. Seagren, and James C. Hower


Effect of Deicing Solutions on the Tensile Strength of Micro- or Nano-modified Asphalt Mixture, Shu Wei Goh, Michelle Akin, Zhanping You, and Xianming Shi


A framework for embedded load estimation from structural response of wind turbines, Antonio V. Hernandez, R. Andrew Swartz, and Andrew T. Zimmerman


Impacts of future climate change and effects of biogenic emissions on surface ozone and particulate matter concentrations in the United States, Y. F. Lam, J. S. Fu, S. Wu, and L. J. Mickley


Global Potential of Phosphorus Recovery from Human Urine and Feces, James R. Mihelcic, Lauren M. Fry, and Ryan Shaw


Impacts of diurnal temperature cycles on the geothermal regime on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Yinghong Qin and Jacob Hiller


Modeling the temperature and stress distributions in rigid pavements: Impact of Solar Radiation absorption and heat history development, Yinghong Qin and Jacob Hiller


Modeling Temperature Distribution in Rigid Pavement Slabs: Impact of Air Temperature, Yinghong Qin and Jacob E. Hiller


A Lagrangian Model to Predict the Modification of Near-Surface Scalar Mixing Ratios and Air-Water Exchange Fluxes in Offshore Flow, Mark D. Rowe, Judith Perlinger, and Christopher W. Fairall


Chemical sensor resolution requirements for near-surface measurements of turbulent fluxes, M. D. Rowe, C. W. Fairall, J. A. Perlinger, and J. A. Perlinger


Integrating fundamental science and engineering concepts into a civil engineering sustainability course, Eric Seagren and Allen P. Davis


Reduced order modal-space wireless control of civil engineering structures, R. Andrew Swartz


Using schedule simulation approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in highway construction project, Pei Tang, Darrell Cass, and Amlan Mukherjee


Data mining methods for hydroclimatic forecasting, Wenge Wei and David W. Watkins


Reliability Analysis on Shear Capacity of Reinforced Masonry Wall due to Earthquake, L. L. Xiao, X. T. Wang, Y. Li, and William Bulleit


Probabilistic loss assessment of light-frame wood construction subjected to combined seismic and snow loads, Yue Jun Yin and Yue Li


Nanoclay-modified Asphalt Materials: Preparation and Characterization, Zhanping You, Julian Mills-Beale, Justin M. Foley, Samit Roy, Gregory M. Odegard, Qingli Dai, and Shu Wei Goh


Long-term sustainability of escherichia coli removal in conventional bioretention media, Lan Zhang, Eric A. Seagren, Allen P. Davis, and Jeffrey S. Karns


Study on Dynamic Modulus of Waste Plastic Modified Asphalt Mixture Using Waste Plastic Bag Chips, Qian Zhang, Shu Wei Goh, and Zhanping You

Works from 2010


An application of a new method in permafrost environment assessment of Muli mining area in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, Wei Cao, Yu Sheng, Yinghong Qin, Jing Li, and Jichun Wu


Erratum to: An application of a new method in permafrost environment assessment of Muli mining area in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China (Environ Earth Sci, 10.1007/s12665-010-0728-7), Wei Cao, Yu Sheng, Yinghong Qin, Jing Li, and Jichun Wu


Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions associated with highway construction projects using an integrated life cycle assessment approach, Darrell Cass and Amlan Mukherjee


Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide, J. A. Fisher, D. J. Jacob, M. T. Purdy, M. Kopacz, P. Le Sager, Shiliang Wu, and et. al.


Assessment of flexural lateral load distribution methodologies for stringer bridges, Devin K. Harris


Kudzu (Pueraria montana) invasion doubles emissions of nitric oxide and increases ozone pollution, Jonathan E. Hickman, Shiliang Wu, Loretta J. Mickley, and Manuel T. Lerdau


Analyzing municipal blockage failure datasets for sewer systems, Yongliang Jin and Amlan Mukherjee


Modeling blockage failures in sewer systems to support maintenance decision making, Yongliang Jin and Amlan Mukherjee


Modeling dust and soluble iron deposition to the South Atlantic Ocean, Matthew Johnson, Nicholas Meskhidze, Fabien Solomon, Santiago Gassó, Patrick Y. Chuang, Shiliang Wu, and et. al.


Partitioning hydrologic contributions to an 'old-growth' riparian area in the Huron Mountains of Michigan, USA, Randall K. Kolka, Christian P. Giardina, Jason D. McClure, Alex Mayer, and Martin Jurgensen


Using a model selection criterion to identify appropriate complexity in aquatic biogeochemical models, Cory P. McDonald and Noel Urban


Copper profiles in the sediments of a mining-impacted lake, Cory P. McDonald, Noel Urban, John H. Barkach, and Dennis McCauley


The Mechanical Properties of Asphalt Mixtures with Recycled Concrete Aggregates, Julian Mills-Beale and Zhanping You


An integrative framework for studying sustainable practices and its adoption in the AEC industry: A case study, Amlan Mukherjee and Helen Muga


Effects of diurnal temperature rhythm on the geothermal regimeunder the embankment in qinghai–tibet plateau, Yinghong Qin and Pei Tang


Estimating the stability of unprotected embankment in warm and ice-rich permafrost region, Yinghong Qin and Jianming Zhang


The Qinghai-Tibet Railway: A landmark project and its subsequent environmental challenges, Yinghong Qin and Bo Zheng


Prediction of gas collection efficiency and particle collection artifact for atmospheric semivolatile organic compounds in multicapillary denuders, Mark D. Rowe and Judith Perlinger


Strategy optimization and generation for construction project management using an interactive simulation, Pei Tang, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder


Studying dynamic decision-making in construction management using adaptive interactive simulations, Pei Tang, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder


A multipurpose simulation platform for decision-making in construction management, Corey Tebo, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder


A Mental Modeling Approach to Study Decision-Making in Dynamic Task Environments, Matthew Wood, Amlan Mukherjee, Todd Bridges, and Igor Linkov


Spatial distributions of particle number concentrations in the global troposphere: Simulations, observations, and implications for nucleation mechanisms, Fangqun Yu, Gan Luo, Timothy S. Bates, Bruce Anderson, Antony Clarke, Vladimir Kapustin, Robert M. Yantosca, Yuxuan Wang, and Shiliang Wu

Works from 2009


Traversing and querying constraint driven temporal networks to estimate construction contingencies, G. Ryan Anderson, Amlan Mukherjee, and Nilufer Onder


Multimodel estimates of intercontinental source‐receptor relationships for ozone pollution, Arlene M. Fiore, F. J. Dentener, O. Wild, C. Cuvelier, M. G. Schultz, Shiliang Wu, and et. al.


A Simple Stepwise Method to Determine and Evaluate the Initiation of Tertiary Flow for Asphalt Mixtures under Dynamic Creep Test, Shu Wei Goh and Zhanping You


Determining the Specific Gravities of Coarse Aggregates Utilizing Vacuum Saturation Approach, Julian Mills-Beale, Zhanping You, R. Christopher Williams, and Qingli Dai


An integrated assessment of continuously reinforced and jointed plane concrete pavements, Helen E. Muga, Amlan Mukherjee, James R. Mihelcic, and Melanie J. Kueber


Contribution of thin-film evaporation during flow boiling inside microchannels, A. Mukherjee


A decision-making framework to assess stakeholder value in adoption of sustainable practices in construction, Amlan Mukherjee and Helen Muga


Research methods associated with situational simulations in construction, Amlan Mukherjee, Nilufer Onder, and Eddy M. Rojas


An experimental framework to analyze alternative decision-making strategies using situational simulations in construction management, Amlan Mukherjee, Nilufer Onder, Corey Tebo, and Kekoa Kaaikala


Technical note: a new method for the Lagrangian tracking of pollution plumes from source to receptor using gridded model output, R. C. Owen and R. E. Honrath


Formulation and testing of a novel river nitrification model, James J. Pauer and Martin Auer


Characterizations of minerogenic particles in support of modeling light scattering in Lake Superior through a two-component approach, Feng Peng, Steve W. Effler, David O'Donnell, Alan D. Weidemann, and Martin Auer


Effect of changes in climate and emissions on future sulfate-nitrate-ammonium aerosol levels in the United States, H. O.T. Pye, H. Liao, S. Wu, L. J. Mickley, D. J. Jacob, D. J. Henze, and J. H. Seinfeld