Start Date

1-12-2021 3:42 PM

End Date

1-12-2021 3:54 PM


The coffee industry is one of the many contributors to greenhouse gases. As time passes, climate change will pressure the industry to implement intensive practices to make up for decreased yield, only worsening coffee’s contribution to climate change. Therefore, we must evaluate areas in the industry, with higher GHG emissions and determine how we can better practices. Producers and consumers have begun to utilize sustainable practices. Through quantification, reduction, and offset, coffee companies can claim their coffee as “carbon neutral.” Consumers can choose to support these companies. A movement towards the production and consumption of coffee that has net zero greenhouse gas emissions, will allow for responsible consumption and production, through climate change mitigation. SDG Theme: SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production Type: Short talk (e.g. PowerPoint, Google Slides)


Dec 1st, 3:42 PM Dec 1st, 3:54 PM

Session 2.1 Is Your Cup of Coffee Green?

The coffee industry is one of the many contributors to greenhouse gases. As time passes, climate change will pressure the industry to implement intensive practices to make up for decreased yield, only worsening coffee’s contribution to climate change. Therefore, we must evaluate areas in the industry, with higher GHG emissions and determine how we can better practices. Producers and consumers have begun to utilize sustainable practices. Through quantification, reduction, and offset, coffee companies can claim their coffee as “carbon neutral.” Consumers can choose to support these companies. A movement towards the production and consumption of coffee that has net zero greenhouse gas emissions, will allow for responsible consumption and production, through climate change mitigation. SDG Theme: SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production Type: Short talk (e.g. PowerPoint, Google Slides)