
The Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education (YEAH) Network is a transdisciplinary, multi-institutional network that equips students with real-world experience of collaborative, evidence-based approaches to global environmental sustainability.

YEAH is supported by the National Science Foundation under Award numbers 2019049, 2130739, and 2130725. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations presented on this site are only those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. For official information about NSF, visit

Browse the contents of The Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education:

Voices & Visions: The Art and Science of Climate Action
YEAH Research Publications
Publications from YEAH Principal Investigators
5th YEAH Conference
Held April 21-22, 2022 with the theme of Global Action for Environment, Justice, & Sustainability.
4th YEAH Conference
Held December 1, 2021 this global youth summit focused on the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26).
3rd YEAH Conference
Held April 21 & 22, 2021 with the theme Environmental Conservation, Sustainability, & Equity.
2nd International Conference of the YEAH
Held December 12, 2020 with the theme "SDGS for the SDGs" - or Students Doing Goal-Oriented Science for the Sustainable Development Goals.