Start Date

21-4-2022 4:20 PM


Our presentation will focus on the endangered species Prunus lusitanica subsp. azorica which is found in the Azores region of Portugal. The plant is severely threatened in this area by habitat loss and fragmentation that is caused by extreme forest fires in the area as well as the logging and timber industry. It would be a devastating loss of a native species as well have effects on the other native animals that rely on this plant.


Apr 21st, 4:20 PM

Concurrent Session 2 Effects of Habitat Loss on Portugal’s Prunus lusitanica subsp. Azorica

Our presentation will focus on the endangered species Prunus lusitanica subsp. azorica which is found in the Azores region of Portugal. The plant is severely threatened in this area by habitat loss and fragmentation that is caused by extreme forest fires in the area as well as the logging and timber industry. It would be a devastating loss of a native species as well have effects on the other native animals that rely on this plant.