Start Date

21-4-2022 4:00 PM


The Singapore freshwater crab is an ecological indicator for Singapore that is vulnerable to climate change effects such as saltwater intrusion. In response, Singapore has committed to a set of NDCs that can be linked to SDGs the country also has to further prevent climate related disruptions to species like the Singapore freshwater crab. This project will explore the connections made between the Singapore freshwater crab and other aspects of sustainability in Singapore through a DPSIR framework to go into more depth on these connections and the future of sustainability and meeting climate action goals in Singapore.


Apr 21st, 4:00 PM

Concurrent Session 5 Singapore DPSIR

The Singapore freshwater crab is an ecological indicator for Singapore that is vulnerable to climate change effects such as saltwater intrusion. In response, Singapore has committed to a set of NDCs that can be linked to SDGs the country also has to further prevent climate related disruptions to species like the Singapore freshwater crab. This project will explore the connections made between the Singapore freshwater crab and other aspects of sustainability in Singapore through a DPSIR framework to go into more depth on these connections and the future of sustainability and meeting climate action goals in Singapore.