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Wednesday, April 21st
1:05 PM

Session 1A Equity in Burundi in Response to SDG 1, 4, and 14

Claire Sulvestre, Colorado State University
Tara Atwood, Colorado State University
Luke Hirneisen, Colorado State University
Amara Rose, Colorado State University

1:05 PM - 1:01 PM

We will be presenting a poster on the theme of Equity as observed in the Republic of Burundi based on the SDG's 1: No Poverty 4: Quality Education and 14: Life Below Water. We will draw connections between all 3 SDG's using the Lates Angustifrons species found in Burundi's Tanganyika Lake. The connection is that extinction of the Lates angustifrons hurts the local economy because many fishermen rely on the fish formoney. When people aren’t making money, the economy shuts down, a country goes into poverty, and no one can access education.

1:15 PM

Session 1A Equitable and Sustainable Development in Tajikistan: Poverty, Biodiversity, Economic Growth, and the Markhor Goat

Morgan Hertel, Colorado State University
Seth Kimball, Colorado State University
Marisa Granados, Colorado State University
Emma Von Sprecken, Colorado State University

1:15 PM - 1:24 PM

Tajikistan focuses their sustainable development efforts on reducing poverty, economic growth, and conservation of biodiversity. The Markhor goat is an indicator species to the country being on the IUCN red list and its high tourist value. SDG1, 8, and 15 are relevant to Tajikistan's current efforts in conservation of the Markhor goat. While the country prioritizes conserving species like the Markhor, they must also focus on economic growth to reduce poverty through actions like agricultural expansion into natural spaces. Tajikistan aims to integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into economic growth planning by 2020 which could protect animals at risk, such as the Markhor, while also developing where necessary.

1:25 PM

Session 1A Community Perceptions of the Rights of Nature: An analysis of the San Juan Island’s Salish Sea

Brynn Crosby, Colorado State University
Hunter Dowdle, Colorado State University
Cory Manning, Colorado State University
Helen Yuan, Colorado State University
Xuan Yang, Colorado State Unviersity
Yuxiang Liu, Colorado State University

1:25 PM - 1:34 PM

The Salish Sea region is historically known for the richness of culture and lush ecosystems within it. This is paired with a dicey trend of resource extraction and commodification of the ecosystem services it provides. Due to these trends, members of the San Juan community have sought to implement rights of nature within local law to combat ecological harm taking place. Our research delves into community interactions and perceptions of this initiative, and develops themes which will be used to support future implementation of rights of nature. We evaluated threats, perceptions, and roadblocks of this initiative to encourage future actions.

1:35 PM

Session 1A Indigenous Relationships to Colorado Mountains

Peyton Carl, Colorado State University
Kelsey Austin, Colorado State University
Zach Schell, Colorado State University
Emilija Miskinyte, Colorado State University
Curran Jett-Moore, Colorado State Unviersity

1:35 PM - 1:44 PM

Mountain climates around the globe are intrinsically linked to indigenous peoples whose livelihood strategies, food systems and cultural identities are intimately connected to the mountains in which they live. Indigenous relationships with mountains are currently being degraded by the impacts of climate change. The methodology used consists of literature review, interviews, GIS layers, and a Story Map to address the relationship between indigenous peoples and mountain climate change. This presentation seeks to consider the impact of climate change on mountainous tribal land in Colorado, discuss Indigenous practices for dealing with climate variability, and share resources on mountain focused climate initiatives.

1:45 PM

Session 1A Sustainable Agriculture in a Market-Based System: The Problem with Organic Certification

Anna Chen, Peking University
Lauren Ho, Peking University
Marie Peng, Peking University
Yiran He, Peking University

1:45 PM - 1:54 PM

The organic agriculture movement began as a way to maintain the divine relationship between the Earth and its processes while preserving the soil’s nutrients and combating climate change through agriculture. These spiritual origins are a far-cry from the political and economic behemoth that is now the multi-billion-dollar organic produce and certification industry. This talk will discuss the merits and drawbacks of market-based systems created to promote sustainability under the lens of organic certification.