Event Title
Session 2E SIDS & Changing Lands
Start Date
9-12-2020 3:17 PM
End Date
9-12-2020 3:28 PM
This research proposal will explore small islands developing states and the impacts of climate change on their economy, agriculture, sociopolitical environment, and overall health. Specifically, it will analyze the nations of The Bahamas and The Maldives and how they have handled their situations.
Publication Title
Conference Proceedings for The 2nd Global Virtual Conference of the Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Zhou, Amy, "Session 2E SIDS & Changing Lands" (2020). The Youth Environmental Alliance in Higher Education. 45.
Session 2E SIDS & Changing Lands
This research proposal will explore small islands developing states and the impacts of climate change on their economy, agriculture, sociopolitical environment, and overall health. Specifically, it will analyze the nations of The Bahamas and The Maldives and how they have handled their situations.
Presented at the 2nd International Conference of the YEAH
SDG 15 - Life on Land