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Wednesday, December 9th
3:05 PM

Session 2A Early Career Scientists Sailing with SDGs to Antarctica

Clément Astruc-Delor
Margot Legal
Baptiste Arnaud
Niels Dutrievoz
Lana Lenourry
Olivier Smith

3:05 PM - 3:16 PM

We're presenting a sailing adventure: an 8-month scientific research expedition, leaving from France towards Antarctic peninsula with 6 graduate students - from different fields - on board that will investigate the effects of climate change and human activities on the studied ecosystems. Classes will be involved and empowerment of the wide audience is scheduled. Jump on-board!

3:17 PM

Session 2A The Kankyo Café method of environmental dialogue and SDGs

Jin Tanaka
Mituru Tada

3:17 PM - 3:28 PM

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development states the need for regional-level dialogue. Scientists and the public have been engaging in dialogues, known as “Kankyo [environment] Cafés.” The café is an event at which an environmental dialogue takes place with the aim of deepening understanding and promoting empathy.

3:29 PM

Session 2A Cerro Azul Meambar

Joe Burke
Gabby Hagewiesche
Kylie Rude

3:29 PM - 3:40 PM

We will be discussing the National Park Cerro Azul Meambar. We will be focusing on general information on the park and how the park helps contribute to conservation efforts and human/animal rights.

3:41 PM

Session 2A Talanoa Dialogues on the SDGs

Jake Arculli
Sean Dunbar
Lucia Daranyi
Emily Faulks
Zach Ginn
Casmali Lopez
Victoria Rosa
Adel Salih
Carmen Villalba

3:41 PM - 3:52 PM

Talanoa Dialogues borrow from a Fijian conflict resolution process, and were instituted as part of the COP24 climate negotiations in 2017. Our YEAH teams convened small interpersonal dialogues related to SDGs and specific targets; here, we'll feature SDGs/targets #12 (Responsible Consumption & Production), #14/15 (Life on Land/Below Water; healthy coastlines; and #17 (violence reduction and police brutality).

3:53 PM

Session 2A The Effects of Palm Oil on the Habitats, Biodiversity, and Environment of Populations in Indonesia and Southeast Asia

Eric Salzeider

3:53 PM - 4:04 PM

The Palm Oil Industry has devastated the biodiversity, habitats, and environments of Indonesia and neighboring countries. Deforestation, plantation emissions, and unsustainable agricultural practices drive climate change in the region. I aim to describe the habitat loss, biodiversity loss, species and indigenous populations affected, and adverse effects on climate change to educate those on the consequences of palm oil.