Most Recent Additions*


Real-Time Modeling of WEC Array Control System on OPAL-RT Platform
Ronald Matthews, Madelyn Veurink, Wayne Weaver, David Wilson, and Rush Robinett


Low Shear in Short-Term Impacts Endothelial Cell Traction and Alignment in Long-Term
Mohanish K. Chandurkar, Nikhil Mittal, Shaina P. Royer-Weeden, Steven D. Lehmann, Yeonwoo Rho, and Sangyoon J. Han


Polymerizing actin regulates myosin-independent mechanosensing by modulating actin elasticity and flow fluctuation
Nikhil Mittal, Etienne Michels, Kathleen Pakenas, Shaina P. Royer-Weeden, and Sangyoon J. Han


Testing Protocol, Data Storage, and Recalibration for Pavement-ME Design
Syed Waqar Haider, M. Emin Kutay, Bora Cetin, Rahul Raj Singh, Hamad Bin Muslim, Celso Santos, Zhanping You, Dongzhao Jin, Kai Xin, and et al.


WEC Array Optimization with Multi-Resonance and Phase Control of Electrical Power Take-Off
Madelyn G. Veurink, Wayne Weaver, Rush Robinett, David G. Wilson, and Ronald C. Matthews


Using Public Records to Scaffold Joint Sense Making
Keith R. Leatham, Blake E. Peterson, Ben Freeburn, Sini W. Graff, Laura R. Van Zoest, Shari L. Stockero, and Nitchada Kamlue


Energy Storage Requirements for a Lunar DC Micro-Grid System
Wayne Weaver, David Wilson, Marvin Cook, and Joseph Young

*Updated as of 04/26/24.