Start Date

1-12-2021 3:26 PM

End Date

1-12-2021 3:39 PM


Due to the healthcare challenges that women may face, as well as their unique roles in society, climate change poses a risk to the ability of women to gain access to healthcare across the globe. Furthermore, climate change certainly exacerbates other factors that marginalize women. Access to healthcare and climate change are inextricably linked, especially when considering the mental and physical health of women. Drought, for example, hinders the ability of women to collect water, placing a burden on their families. In the face of ever-increasing healthcare challenges, solutions must address mitigation and adaptation efforts. These solutions must include research, policy, education, and economic efforts. SDG Theme: SDG 5 – Gender Equality Type: Short talk (e.g. PowerPoint, Google Slides)


Dec 1st, 3:26 PM Dec 1st, 3:39 PM

Session 2.2 Gender Inequality: How Healthcare and Climate Change are Impacting Women in the Global South

Due to the healthcare challenges that women may face, as well as their unique roles in society, climate change poses a risk to the ability of women to gain access to healthcare across the globe. Furthermore, climate change certainly exacerbates other factors that marginalize women. Access to healthcare and climate change are inextricably linked, especially when considering the mental and physical health of women. Drought, for example, hinders the ability of women to collect water, placing a burden on their families. In the face of ever-increasing healthcare challenges, solutions must address mitigation and adaptation efforts. These solutions must include research, policy, education, and economic efforts. SDG Theme: SDG 5 – Gender Equality Type: Short talk (e.g. PowerPoint, Google Slides)