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A device for measuring torque applied through a rotating member. A first torsion reference member is fixedly coupled to the rotating member at a first axial position and a second torsion reference member is fixedly coupled to the rotating member at a second axial position. A first detector detects the passage of the first torsion reference member past the first detector upon each full rotation of the rotating member and to generate a first signal upon each passage of the first torsion reference member. A second detector detects the passage of the second torsion reference member past the second detector upon each full rotation of the rotating member and to generate a second signal upon each passage of the second torsion reference member. A controller calculates a phase difference between the first signal and the second signal relative during rotation of the rotating member under a torsional load.

Patent Number

US 8,666,682 B2


Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI (US)

Application Number


Date Filed


Certificate of Correction


Issue Date



Automotive Engineering | Engineering


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Rotational torque measurement device



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