Hyperfine-structure studies of Zr ii: Experimental and relativistic configuration-interaction results

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We report an experimental and theoretical study of the hyperfine structure (hfs) in various metastable levels in Zr91 ii. Hyperfine structures in 11 levels arising from the 4d3 and 4d25s configurations were measured using the laser-rf double-resonance method in a collinear laser-ion-beam geometry. The hfs A and B constants were measured to a precision of 4 and 11 kHz, respectively. Less precise values for hfs constants for nine upper levels in the 4d25p configuration were derived from optical spectra. Theoretically, the A and B constants for the metastable levels having J=0.5 and 1.5 were calculated using a relativistic configuration-interaction (RCI) approach. The final many-body wave function produced energy gaps between the five J=0.5 levels which differ from experiment by an average of 0.050 eV, whereas the corresponding value for the ten J=1.5 levels is 0.087 eV. For the two J=0.5 levels measured and calculated, the average error in A is 31.8%. For the three J=1.5 levels, the situation is better, with the average error in A being 9.2%. For comparison, the average errors in A using independent-particle Dirac-Fock (DF) wave functions were 88% and 136% for J=0.5 and 1.5, respectively. In all cases, the many-body (RCI) result represents a vast improvement from the DF result for the A values. The value for the electric-quadrupole moment of Zr91 obtained from a comparison of the experimental B values and theoretical matrix elements is 0.257(0.013) b. In addition, the calculations confirm a previous report that the level at 17 614.00 cm-1 reported in Moore's Atomic Energy Levels, Vol. II (U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1971) is spurious. © 1993 The American Physical Society.

Publication Title

Physical Review A
