Temporal dynamics of ectomycorrhizal populations and seedling characteristics on red pine (Pinus resinosa)

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To assess temporal dynamics of ectomycorrhizae (ECM) on red pine seedlings, numbers of ECM per gram of dry root were compared with temporal changes in seedling height, basalt diameter, above- and below-ground (coarse root) biomass, shoot:root ratio, and leaf water potentials. Three morphological types of ECM were observed. Temporal changes in numbers of total and brown-type ECM were significantly correlated with all seedling characteristics. The highest correlation (negative) occurred between field age of red pine seedlings and numbers of both total and brown-type ECM per gram dry root; high negative correlations also existed between basal diameter, total height of red pine seedlings, and numbers of total and brown-type ECM per gram dry root. Decreased average leaf water potential was observed to relate to increases in numbers of total and brown-type ECM. -from Authors

Publication Title

Canadian Journal of Forest Research
