Steady and unsteady simulations for annular internal condensing flows, part II: Instability and flow regime transitions

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© 2016, Taylor & Francis. The algorithm for the accurate and relevant numerical solution technique given in part I of this article is used to obtain the results for shear-driven annular condensing flows in horizontal channels—with or without transverse gravity. The unsteady wave simulation capability is used to implement a unique non-linear stability analysis. The steady and unsteady simulations’ results for millimeter scale (hydraulic diameter 4–8�mm), modest mass-flux (5–120�kg/m2/s), and refrigerant vapors (FC-72, R113, etc.) are used to mark the approximate location beyond which the annular regime typically transitions to a non-annular regime. These are used to develop correlations for local heat transfer coefficients and the approximate length that marks the transition from annular to non-annular regimes.

Publication Title

Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
