Predicting Mechanical Properties Using Continuum Mechanics-Based Approach: Micro-mechanics and Finite Element Analysis

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics


The mechanical properties of nano-structured materials are important field of exploration in the fields of materials science and other engineering disciplines. Thorough understanding of underlying material structure and resulting properties require a variety of tools depending on the length scales of interest. This chapter reviews continuum mechanics-based techniques, with an emphasis on micro-scale modeling techniques: analytical and computational. In addition to micro-mechanics, different approaches to multiscale modeling are presented. With the appropriate choice of techniques, models can be bridged across multiple length scales leading to mechanistic understanding of the mechanics of materials. Some illustrative examples are also discussed that utilize the techniques presented here.

Publisher's Statement

© 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Publisher’s version of record:

Publication Title

Springer Series in Materials Science
