Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Medical Informatics (MS)

Administrative Home Department

School of Technology

Advisor 1

Guy Hembroff

Committee Member 1

Guy Hembroff

Committee Member 2

Yu Cai

Committee Member 3

Donald Peck


Technology use in healthcare is an integral part of diagnosis and treatment. The use of technology in medical devices and sensors is growing. These devices include implantable medical devices, and consumer health and fitness tracking devices and applications. Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is the most commonly used communication method in medical devices and sensors. Security and privacy are important, especially in healthcare technologies that can impact morbidity. There is an increasing need to evaluate the security and privacy of healthcare technology, especially with devices and sensors that use Bluetooth Low Energy due to the increasing prevalence and use of medical devices and sensors. Therefore, more robust security analysis is needed to evaluate security and privacy aspects of medical devices and sensors that use Bluetooth Low Energy.
