Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Applied Science Education (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences

Advisor 1

Shari Stockero

Committee Member 1

Kari Henquinet

Committee Member 2

Emily Dare


This study investigated a group of English teachers’ interactions watching video of their classrooms, in what is called a video club, for the purpose of professional development. Changes in both what and how teachers discussed, along with how the club developed as a learning community were investigated using recordings of their conversations in two early and two late video club meetings. The focus of what teachers discussed changed from the early to the late meetings and a pattern of discussion emerged in the later meetings. Significant changes in the number of ideas teachers put forth for discussion and the number of clarifying comments teachers provided were noted. The video club developed some aspects of a learning community, particularly in participants’ ability to focus their discussion on the specific issues of teaching and learning in the video, but either failed to develop or showed cyclical development in other ways.
