Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Sciences (PhD)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Advisor 1

Jiguang Sun

Committee Member 1

Mark S. Gockenbach

Committee Member 2

Xiaodong Liu

Committee Member 3

Yang Yang


Recently, direct sampling methods became popular for solving inverse scattering problems to estimate the shape of the scattering object. They provide a simple tool to directly reconstruct the shape of the unknown scatterer. These methods are based on choosing an appropriate indicator function f on Rd, d=2 or 3, such that f(z) decides whether z lies inside or outside the scatterer. Consequently, we can determine the location and the shape of the unknown scatterer.

In this thesis, we first present some sampling methods for shape reconstruction in inverse scattering problems. These methods, which are described in Chapter 1, include Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) by Devaney, the Linear Sampling Method (LSM) by Colton and Kirsch, the Factorization Method by Kirsch, and the Direct Sampling Method by Ito et al. In Chapter 2, we introduce some direct sampling methods, including Orthogonality Sampling by Potthast and a direct sampling method using far field measurements for shape reconstruction by Liu.

In Chapter 3, we generalize Liu's method for shape reconstruction in inverse electromagnetic scattering problems. The method applies in an inhomogeneous isotropic medium in R3 and uses the far field measurements. We study the behavior of the new indicator for the sampling points both outside and inside the scatterer.

In Chapter 4, we propose a new sampling method for multifrequency inverse source problem for time-harmonic acoustics using a finite set of far field data. We study the theoretical foundation of the proposed sampling method, and present some numerical experiments to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.

Final conclusions of this thesis are summarized in Chapter 5. Recommendations for possible future works are also given in this chapter.
