Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biological Sciences (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Biological Sciences

Advisor 1

Nancy A. Auer

Committee Member 1

Robert E. Froese

Committee Member 2

Ebenezer Tumban

Committee Member 3

J. Marty Holtgren

Committee Member 4

Stephanie A. Ogren

Committee Member 5

Dan Mays


Remote Site Incubators (RSIs) were developed for the incubation of salmonid eggs directly at a field site to enhance success and imprinting of young. These have been employed in the re-establishment of Arctic Grayling in Montana and are being laboratory tested for possible reintroduction of this species in the Big Manistee River, MI. Arctic Grayling, Rainbow and Brook Trout eggs, obtained from state hatcheries, were reared in a laboratory using flow through lake water to assess egg and fry survival using RSIs. Dead eggs and fry were removed daily and observations of developmental stages recorded. Rainbow Trout eggs were evaluated at high, medium, and low egg densities with an average percent survival at hatch of 86% and swim up of 72%. Brook Trout eggs were evaluated at medium and low densities has an average percent survival at hatch of 74% and swim up 42%. In Montana, RSIs achieved success with 67% survival of Arctic Grayling eyed eggs to swim up, and in this study hatch and swim up for both medium and high density eyed-eggs was 54% and 77% respectively. This suggests that RSIs will be valuable tools future reintroductions to suitable Michigan streams.
