Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Medical Informatics (MS)

Administrative Home Department

School of Technology

Advisor 1

Jinshan Tang

Committee Member 1

Yu Cai

Committee Member 2

Yushin Ahn

Committee Member 3

Min Wang


Data management and data facilitation is the foundation and a critical part for scientific investigations, especially with large cohort studies on health care, which may have multiple components collected from different institutes or different areas due to efficiency, cost, enrollment considerations. In this thesis, I consider how to design and to implement data management with multi-center health care research data. The research project that I joined focuses mainly on environmental health science, and the primary goal is to investigate the impact of nutritional and toxicant exposures in environment during fetal and early postnatal life on individual’s health outcomes over the life course. More specifically, I will present my work in a newly established research project, ECHO (Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes), on designing the data management plan and program codes for the data management and modeling core, facilitating and accomplishing data communication, cleaning and unifying data labels and formats, preparing datasets to achieve desirable data structures for further statistical analysis, and controlling data quality to ensure the overall research quality.
