Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics

Advisor 1

Andrew Barnard

Committee Member 1

Charles Van Karsen

Committee Member 2

Jason Blough


Transmission Loss prediction accuracy is highly dependent on a good understanding of the angular distribution of incident field on the panel. Traditionally, the incident field has been assumed to be either completely random (equal probability of incidence at all angles from 0° - 90°) or field incidence (where the field is assumed to be completely diffuse between 0° - 78°). Studies1-3 have shown that these models are not completely representative of the incident field. This incident field is studied in the Michigan Tech Transmission Loss suite using two different methods in this study; beamforming and acoustic intensity. The beamforming method uses a linear array and the acoustic intensity method uses an intensity probe mounted on a rotating platform that measures the incoming sound energy at different angles as it is swept over a range of angles. The results from these two methods show that the incident field approximately follows a 0.8 cos ( ) distribution.
