Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Medical Informatics (MS)

Administrative Home Department

School of Technology

Advisor 1

Guy Hembroff

Committee Member 1

Jinshan Tang

Committee Member 2

Yushin Ahn


Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in HIV positive women in the world [1]. According to epidemiologists, HPV infection alone will not initiate cervical cancer [2]. In addition to high risk HPV types, smoking, long term hormonal contraceptive use, high parity, HIV/AIDS infection, sexual activity before 20 years of age, multiple sexual partners, exposure to sexually transmitted disease, and family history of cervical cancer are other reasons to turn an HPV infection to the cervical cancer [3]. With the increasing global population, cervical cancer cases are expected to increase 46% until 2030 [4]. Effective prevention and control efforts will be needed. In order to prevent cervical cancer in HIV infected women, it is important to notice risk factors of cervical cancer, calculate the risk percentages to be caught by cervical cancer in order to identify and lower these risks. The aim of the study is to create a mobile application which enables to reduce cervical cancer cases by showing possible cervical cancer risk percent and the ways of decreasing the risk. By using this application, women will be directed to obtain healthy habits and will help to avoid risk. First, main algorithms of cervical cancer were decided by considering WHO’s procedures and three groups of risk intervals were created by accepted lab results. Second, the application was created by using Android Studio with PHP and MYSQL. Results showed that 80% of the physicians were satisfied about the application, and 60% of the physicians thought that the calculated risk percent of cervical cancer was accurate in the assessment. Also, 80% of the physicians believed the sample education section of the application helpful of very helpful to change patients habits to increase the prevention of cervical cancer. More importantly, 80% of the physicians found the application quite useful to educate patients to understand the correlation between HIV + and cervical cancer.
