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Date of Award


Document Type

Campus Access Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science in Geophysics (MS)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences

Advisor 1

Wayne D. Pennington

Committee Member 1

Gregory P. Waite

Committee Member 2

Mir Sadri


The objective of this study is the detection and analysis of a potential unconventional hydrocarbon reservoir using post-stack seismic data through inversion and petrophysical parameters constrained by data from three wells. The data come from the Thrace basin in northern-western Turkey, one of the most important gas and oil regions in the country.

Lithology and possible hydrocarbon reservoirs are identified from well logs available from three wells in the study area. The petrophysical analysis also provided input for fluid substitution models used in the analysis of seismic data away from the wells. A small potential hydrocarbon reservoir is identified in at lease one well in shale beds within the depth range of 1535-1560 meters.

Three different types of the post-stack acoustic impedance inversion are used in this study: band-limited; sparse-spike; and model-based inversion. A potential reservoir is readily identified based on low impedance values. The model-based inversion appeared to provide the best images and correlation with logs. 3D lowest impedance model and reservoir model are created from model-based inversion results. The reservoir areal extent is approximately 1.6 km2 the net reservoir is 20 meters thick, the net pay is 6.4 meters and net porosity thickness is 2.1 meters.
