Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering (PhD)

Administrative Home Department

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Advisor 1

Bruce A. Mork

Committee Member 1

Leonard J.Bohmann

Committee Member 2

Jeffrey B.Burl

Committee Member 3

R. Andrew Swartz


High penetration of inverter-based resources (IBR) may cause the misoperation of protective relays due to the dynamic nature of fault currents fed by the IBR during short-circuit faults. Misoperation may cause damage to power system equipment and affect the reliability of the power system. This dissertation presents an in-depth investigation into the modeling of IBR in the context of transmission line fault scenarios to understand and analyze the characteristics of fault currents fed by the IBR. The research objectives encompass the development of reliable IBR models capable of accurately replicating fault current behaviors, designing IBR operation control schemes, and implementing modern grid codes for seamless IBR integration during fault ride-through (FRT) events. Additionally, the study examines the performance of transmission line distance protective relays when interfacing with IBRs and explores IBR fault ride-through functionalities during transmission line circuit breaker auto-reclosing (AR). The research explores modern and adaptive protection and control schemes by leveraging digital substation technologies.

Methodologically, the research focuses on developing IBR models within Electromagnetic Transient (EMT) simulation tools, incorporating voltage source converters, auxiliary equipment, and comprehensive control schemes. Further, a detailed transmission line distance protective relay analysis was conducted in a real-time hardware-in-the-loop (RT-HIL) environment, where the protective relay was connected as hardware in the loop. The transmission line protective relay was connected in a typical digital substation topology, where the current and voltage signals were sent to the merging unit from the HIL simulator. The relays received digital signals from the merging unit on the IEC-61850 Sampled value protocol. This setup enabled a thorough relay event analysis for different fault and IBR operation scenarios, providing valuable insights into relay behavior under varying conditions. Case studies demonstrate alignment with modern grid code requirements and include a detailed transmission line protective relay behavior analysis. Through extensive testing, the research evaluates IBR performance during various fault and operation scenarios, including single-phase openings and auto-reclosing events.

Key findings from each chapter highlight the efficacy of the developed IBR models in meeting grid code requirements, particularly during short-circuit events. Results demonstrate the models' ability to accurately simulate fault conditions and align with existing literature and industry standards. Additionally, the investigation into dual-sequence current controllers reveals insights into fault detection and relay operation under different fault conditions, shedding light on the complexities of fault response and grid integration. Furthermore, the analysis of fault ride-through functionalities during transmission line circuit breaker auto-reclosing (AR) provides critical insights into the behavior of IBRs under dynamic operating conditions. The findings underscore the importance of stability in current controllers and phase-locked loop (PLL) loops for mitigating waveform distortions and high voltage scenarios, thus ensuring reliable operation during single-pole open conditions.

In conclusion, this work contributes to advancing the understanding of IBR modeling, protection, and control in transmission line applications. Furthermore, the knowledge derived shall help prevent damage to the power system equipment and unnecessary outages during short circuit faults. By bridging theoretical developments with practical testing, this research provides valuable insights for enhancing grid resilience and reliability in the face of evolving energy landscapes.

Available for download on Thursday, April 24, 2025
